The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 170 170: I Don't Want To Be Weak Anymore

Meanwhile in Thunder Clouds City, two hours later...

On their way back, the captain carried Dylan while Mary, who was carrying Rian, was carried by the female warrior because she could not keep up with their speed. On the other hand, the muscular man monitored the sect leaders while their three other members carried those whose limbs were amputated during the ambush of the Spider Queen.

It took them two hours to return as they only travelled by foot. Due to their injuries and the prescence of the sect leader captives, they could not force themselves to go at their peak speed.

While they were travelling, they met their comrade who they sent to report to Azelmek. He was dumbfounded by their state when he met them but after hearing their story, he could not help but become even more stunned. He even felt bad in his heart because if he was not absent, they would have been able to use their Battle Formation like the sect leaders did.

So, to make up to his wounded comrades, he spearheaded the way to the city and took the brunt of the wind resistance so that his team could relax and recover as they move. It was a small gesture but it helped the entire team conserve their enegy and use it efficeintly.

The Ford Protection Squad was finally able to return to Thunder Clouds City. Fortunately, they did not encounter any sort of accident on their way home. They were the remaining survivors of the arduous battle in the Dreamy Forest. Reaching their homeland, they could not help but feel a sense of security.

"We have finally returned." said one tired member of the Ford Protection Squad. He thought how fulfilling it was to live after suffering such ordeals. They took of on day unscathe and never would they have thought that they would return tonight with such serious injuries.

"If you think you can escape, now that we are on the city. Think again." As soon as they arrived, the muscular man quickly used special chains to lock the Energy Handcuffs to him. He knew that these sect leaders were cunning and sly so he had to take initiative to pin them down.

"Shit!" The remaining sect leaders cursed in anger. But with their Origin Energies obstructed, they were helpless to do anything and could only watch the chains lock itself to their handcuffs.

"Miss, you can let me down now." When they reached the city gates, Mary decided to walk on her own as she did not suffer any sort of injury. She did not want to stay a burden to the Ford Protection Squad any longer.

"Are you sure?" The only female in the group inquired.

"Yes. I did not suffer any sort of injury. I can walk perfectly fine on my own. On the other hand, although all of you might have recovered your Origin Energy, I know that you are all physically and mentally tired. I think you can all go home now. I can take care of sir Dylan and Rian. In behalf of Sir Dylan and my comrades, we, thank you for helping us." Mary softly said while she thanked all of them with a smile and even bowed to them.

"Although we are flattered by this, we don't deserve your gratitude. We were the one who was supposed to protect sir Dylan but during the battle with the Spider Queen and the Black Arachnids, we were the ones being protected by our client. Thus, we have to decline your offer. We can still wait a little longer before taking a rest. We need to make sure our benefactor is alive and well or else we would not be able to sleep soundly at night." The captain resolutely declined Mary's offer.

"But you have already done more than enough. We have involved you too much in our problems." Mary frowned.

"Miss Mary does not have too worry about it. We are simply doing our duty. Besides, how can we live a girl alone." A tall and ordinary looking man smiled and said.

"If you insist." Mary could only agree after the insistence of the group. However, a bitter feeling arose in her heart. They still saw her as a frail young maiden who is in risk of being kidnapped every time she goes out. She really did not want to feel this feeling again.

"Thank you for your reconsideration, Miss Mary. Ganku, take the sect leaders back to the Priemer Hall and imprison them. Also, tell Master Azelmek what has happened on Dreamy Forest. Qure, Ion and Pete, take the injured to Sir Allen for treatment." The Captain told the muscular man who was the one in charge of watching the sect leaders.

"Yes, sir." Ganku and the six others quickly answered. Ganku pulled the chains and lead the way, "Come on and follow me, sect leaders."

"Gargh, don't pull so hard!" One of the sect leaders complained as they were being forcefully dragged to the Premier Hall.

After Ganku and the others left, the captain escorted Mary and the unconcious duo to their residence. When they arrived, they were welcomed by worried faces of Barry and the others.

"Mary, you're back!! Are Sir Dylan and Rian okay?!" That was the only two sentences that everyone said in common. In fact, that was the only two sentences that was heard when Mary and the FPS arrived.

"They're not doing well." Mary gritted her teeth and answered sadly.

After which, their voices all started to voice out their worries ceaselessly:

"Oh no! Sir Dylan is so pale!"

"Ahhh! He has such a huge wound on his chest!"

"Rian is not doing so well too!"

"He has six holes on his body!"

"Mary, what happened?"

"Captain, who did this to them?"

"Whoa! Even you guys are injured!"


"Uhh..." It continued for a while that it left Mary and the members of the Ford Protection Squad present to be overwhelmed greatly. They did not whose or what question to answer first as they were being mobbed by eighty people.

"STOP TALKING!" A loud voice was heard from the back which caused everyone to become really silent.

"How is Dylan and Rian?" Barry made his way to the crowd. He quickly checked his brother's pulse and Rian after. After checking his face turned unsightly, he quickly called out, "Bill, Tom, and Larry bring Dylan and Rian to their rooms!"

"Yes, boss!" The three which were called out, quickly obeyed Barry's instructions and carefully carried Dylan and Rian to their room.

"Everyone, stop squirming! Go back to your rooms! Now!" Barry ordered them once more which the employees unwillingly followed. "Yes, boss."

"Thank you so much for escorting them back safely. In behalf of my brother, I shall remember this favor!" Barry turned to the captain of the FPS and thanked them.

"No problem. We shall come again tomorrow and see Sir Dylan's condition." The leader bid his farewell along with his companions.


Inside Dylan's room...

Dylan and Rian were bathing on medicinal liquids made from Earth Grade herbs that Barry created for them. Each bath was specifically designed to target the individuals injuries. At this moment, Barry really has demonstrated his skill as a Herbal Specialist.

Barry was done checking their vitals. His scope of expertise as a Herbal Specialits, is not merely limited by memorizing the effects of tens of thousands of herbs, it also covered medical fields because the Vernon Clan believed that only through understanding the essence of the human body and any injury can one concoct effective herbal solutions which directly solves the root of the problems.

He deduced that both had life-threatening wounds yet they were somehow surviving because of an unknown foce supporting their recovery.

"His injuries were really life-threatening. There are multiple lacerations all over his body. There are also signs of multiple compound fractures all around his body and several internal wounds. Even his spine and tailbone are cracked! The most worrying thing about him is his cross shaped wound on his chest. It severed his ribcage into four irregular parts."

"But, everything seems to be recovering really fast! I don't know what is happening but the fractures are healing visibly that they should completely heal in five hours. His ribcage which was been severed is recconecting itself! The process might take eight hours but it would probably heal like there was no wound at all! For full recovery, it would take ten hours with this rate."

"The same thing is also happening to Rian. He even has more flesh wounds and fractures than Dylan. He even has six wholes in his body and bones disconnected by things which penetrated his body. But all of this seemed to be healing even more faster than Dylan's. I estimate him healing in eight hours only."

"According Rea, three hours ago, they were already just a hair away from death. But they showed, heaven defying recovery speed, in the next hour, jealing nearly 40-50% of their entire injuries. However, as they travelled, the recovery speed seemed to have decreased by at least half. Now, although their injuries are still very alarming, they have more or less stabilised."

"This two guys really gave me a headache. Oh yea, for those who are listening at the other side of the door. You can just know and come inside. But, only enter in groups of five!" Barry shook his head.

"Err, so Boss Barry knew we were here, all along?" A voice was suddenly heard from the other side of the door. The door knob twisted and the speaker was revealed which was Ron. Behind him, there was Mary, Marie, Allana, and Tessa.

"Of course. You guys were so anxious. That you did not even bother to hide your auras." Barry chuckled.

"How are Sir Dylan and Rian? Are they okay now?" All five of them strangely blurted out at the same time.

"Yeah. More or less. They're fine now. They just need some rest. I think tomorrow we can see them regain conciousness already." Barry replied reassuringly. He laughed in his heart, 'These kids really car about you, bro. This is one great family you have here. I really want to thank you for taking me in.'

"Oh." The group of five exhaled a sigh of relief. Hearing that, helped them relieve a heavy weight on their chests.

"Hahaha, I told you that Sir Dylan is fine. I knew that he has the strength and speed of a true dragon! Our Sir Dylan is definitely a genius among genius! There is no way he would be defeated by some small time sects!" Ron nonchallantly said as he even gestured the 'you don't have to worry' look.

"Okay, your visting time has now expired. Next, visitors, please." Barry looked as if he was a doctor seeing the relatives of the patients as he said jokingly. Seeing how Barry acted, the group of five chortled with a laugh and exited.

As expected, the next group of five's first question was the same as the first. Though their slight differences, the next batches also followed the same manner of entrance. Thus, Barry had to repeat the same reply over and over again for at least sixteen times.


After everyone visited Dylan they all gathered on the long tables in their dining area. They all seemed to be very dejected by the fact that they could not do anything to help Dylan at all when Mary was kidnapped by the sect leaders. An eerie silence filled the air along with the frustrated expressions of everyone within.

Suddenly, Mary stood up. She turned around and seemed to be heading to their back yard. Although it was done in a very casual manner, her actions broke the silence and caught the attention of everyone on the table.

Seeing her actions, Marie called her out and asked, "Sis, where are you going?"

"I am going out to train." Mary answered plainly.

"But you just arrived. You need to rest first." Marie stated in concern.

"Marie is right. Mary, rest first. You went through a lot today. So why don't you sleep first? Besides, the schedule for training is already done for today and it is already late. Don't push yourself." Jack tried to comfort Mary.

Hearing Jack's words, Mary could not take it anymore and had a breakdown, "I went through a lot?! No, I didn't! Compared to what Sir Dylan, Rian and the entire FPS went through, I went through nothing. All I could do was run away and watch them protect me while they fought the entire alliance and the spider tribe of Dreamy Forest. They might not admit it but I was a burden! I could do nothing! I was useless! I watched Sir Dylan and Rian get wounded because of me!" After getting those feelings out of her chest, she cried helplessly.

"I'm sorry. I..." Jack apologized and wanted to comfort her. But, he, too realized how weak and useless he was. Though Dylan might not say it, e knew that Sir Dylan went off on his own this morning because if he took anybody with him, they would only be deadweight.

But what could they do? They were just that weak.

Mary continued while tears flowed down from her eyes, "You know, too. Everyone in this room knows how weak we all are in this city. It is only because of Sir Dylan's talents that we were able to have a stable footing in this city. I know that we have already improved more than an average person could thanks to the guidance of seniors from the FPS. But, I know that we are still lacking compared to geniuses in this city!"

"I don't want to hide behind Sir Dylan. I want to stand on his side and keep our promise of protecting him and accompanying no matter what happens! That's why even if my body gives up on me, I will train! If my talent is lacking, I will use hardwork to make up for it! I want to be stronger than just an average genius! I know I am sounding greedy but... but, I dont want want to be weak anymore!" Mary wiped off her tears and said with incomparable determination.


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