The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 148 148 - Alone And Talented

The crowd seemed to have realized that maybe the Reaper wasn't that bad of a person as they didn't seem to agree with what Thorin had just proposed.

They realized that maybe they were all on his case and that maybe they should let him go a little.

So, when Thorin said proposed that he should do his second fight right away, some people in the crowd opposed it quite fervently.

"Shouldn't he continue on his streak and do his second fight right away?" repeated Thorin, thinking that maybe some people were going to change their minds, however, they seemed to be determined with disagreeing with him.

Inside the founding families' heads room, Melinda was currently laughing her ass off at Thorin's attempt to make the Reaper fight once again.

The others, the Nightshade Patriarch and the elf didn't seem to care about any of what was happening as both of their crystal balls were currently on their members.

The Nightshade Patriarch was still watching his son, Lucius, who was still looking at the ground for no known reason.

However, his father didn't seem to mind his behaviour even a little as if used to it. 

Why would he care about the reason that he would do such a thing? 

As long as his son was the best then he wouldn't care about what sort of habits his son would have

Then, Thorin who was currently hearing the crowd disagreeing with him decided that maybe what he was doing was too much and that maybe he should leave the Reaper alone just a little.

"So, you don't want him to continue fighting," asked Thorin, a little hurt that his idea had been refused.

"Then, who do you want to see fighting?"

He would let the crowd decide who would fight in this second round as he didn't like when the majority would be against him.

He wanted to be with the crowd not against them, that was why he had asked for their opinions on multiple occasions throughout the tournament.

Then, the crowd seemed to chant something over and over again.

"The Nightshades, the Nightshades, the Nightshades!"

Thorin, hearing this, glanced to his right seeing that the Nightshade Patriarch didn't seem to mind it at all.

Because the Nightshade Family Head knew that whatever they would be throwing at Lucius wouldn't work in the least.

He was sure that Lucius would win this tournament as the Nightshade Patriarch had honestly never seen a youngster as talented as Lucius before.

And he wasn't biased when thinking that, it was just a simple fact.

In his years of poaching around and getting stronger, he had not once seen someone as talented as Lucius.

No matter what would be thrown at Lucius, he would adapt and make the best decisions without even asking the opinion of anyone around as if thinking that he had more experience than all of his tutors.

However, the only thing that the Nightshade Patriarch didn't like much was his attitude outside of fighting.

He had to admit that Lucius was quite the strange person, not talking to anyone, stuck in his own bubble.

Whenever finishing a task, he would be acting exactly as he was doing right now, sitting on the ground not paying attention to anything.

But apart from that, the Nightshade Patriarch was proud of what his son had been able to accomplish and he was sure that there would be a lot more to come.

So, when he had heard that Lucius would have to fight he wasn't worried in the least.

Thorin's grin was quite big and we could even see it through his ridiculous beard.

He liked the idea that the crowd was giving to him, well... he liked his own interpretation of it.

'Should I make them fight against each other?' thought Thorin as his grin became even bigger with this thought of his in his mind.

"You want someone from the Nightshades to fight?" shouted Thorin as he could already hear the crowd cheering, basically approving what he had just said.

"Then, what about two people from the Nightshade family fighting?" said Thorin, as he glanced toward the Nightshade Family Head who didn't seem that happy anymore.

However, before he could say anything, Thorin acted.

He had already teleported Lucius and the beautiful red-hair girl which Aiden had met not long ago.

They were now on the stage facing one another.

Aiden who was watching this couldn't begin to understand how this was possible. 

Shouldn't there be a rule that people from the same family couldn't fight, like except when there was no other way?


5 minutes later, Aiden had a shocked look on his face.

There was no way that this fight had been won so easily, there was literally no way that such a one-sided fight could exist.

Even Aiden's first duel where his opponent had been running away from him had been less of a one-sided beating than this.

Lilia hadn't even been able to move ten meters that she had already lost. 

And the reason for her quick loss?

Well, it wasn't even the Flash Step which was supposed to be Lucius's strongest technique, from what Aiden had seen.

It was just a difference in pure skills, Lucius hadn't even used any sort of skills. 

He had just completely defeated Lilia from start to finish.

Maybe it was because they knew each other well, but every move that Lilia would try to come up with would immediately be countered right away.

It was an impressive feat, Aiden couldn't deny that.

It was now the time for others to fight as many from the founding families rolled onto their opponents.

The fights were now chosen randomly because it would have taken much too long if Thorin were to ask the crowd every time.

This tournament needed to end at one point, or else everyone would get bored from the crowd to the founding families' heads.

As fights passed one after another, Aiden had to say that he was beginning to feel quite lonely as no one was coming to see him or ask him anything.

He was all alone, the last one standing. 

The last one who would be able to win this tournament.

He had to admit that he would like to have Emma or even Olivia by his side at the moment.

Sure, he would sometimes dislike their constant bickering, but he had to admit that it was weird not having it.

Even in this past month when he had tried to get away from Emma at all costs, she would still continue to try and talk to him.

She would try to make conversation even if all he answered was "Yes." and "No.".

He hadn't realized until now, but he really did like having some attention toward him. He liked when people would try to learn more about him.

Well, it depended on the person, but he had to admit that he liked the attention of those around him.

But he couldn't help but ask himself why he liked such a thing.

Was it because of his past life?

Was it because he had never received any attention or love in his past life?

Whatever it was, Aiden knew that it was once again related to one thing and one thing only, his fucking past life.

Not knowing what to do or think, he decided that he needed to change his mind as this was simply unhealthy for him.

Aiden needed to change his mind about his past life and what had come from it.

All the thoughts which he had just had were useless and he needed to disregard them or else he would probably be affected by his emotions once again and that wasn't something that he wanted.

To change his mind from those depressive thoughts, he looked in front of him.

He looked at the people who were currently fighting. 

To change his mind, he had decided that he needed to focus on something else and right now, it was winning this damn tournament.

He knew that it wasn't going to be simple and that he was still far from it. However, he couldn't even imagine someone beating him.

Well, in Aiden's mind, there was only one person who would be capable of such a thing.

The person that he was currently thinking of was the only person who was once again not paying any attention to anything around him, Lucius Nightshade.

Even if Aiden felt hatred consume whenever looking at him, he had to admit that he was on a different class from everyone else.

He was even much superior to Lilia who had probably received similar training.

However, there was one thing that differentiated them, talent.

Talent would be the only thing which would be deciding who would win this Inter Family Tournament.

The most talented would win, but the question was... would it be Aiden Nightshade or Lucius Nightshade?

Then, another person disappeared from the arena, defeated just like all the others.


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