The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 147 147 - [Mind Of An Assassin]

Then, some strange red energy seemed to come out of Aiden's body. 

The reason for that was that he had just activated his skill [Mind of an Assassin]. Those who were in the crowd were shocked that Aiden had another aura and that the last one he had shown wasn't the only one he possessed.

However, the crowd was a little wrong as the black aura that Aiden had shown in the last fight, was the only one that he owned. The red one which was coming off his body was "artificial" as it came from a skill.

Nonetheless, the crowd couldn't know that, as they were all shocked as having two auras was quite rare.

Then, as everyone was shocked by such a thing, the voice of Thorin resounded inside the arena as he was about to announce the start of this fight.

"This fight will determine who will be continuing in the tournament. Will it be Paul or the Reaper? Who would be able to stay in the tournament?" asked Thorin, wanting to hear what the crowd had to say.

Some of them were half-heartedly shouting in support of Paul as they didn't want to see Aiden, but they knew that there was a clear winner in this fight.

Their opinions were based on the last fights which they had seen and they had to admit that Paul might have gotten this far by pure luck.

But, who knows? 

Maybe that would change with this fight.

"Um, the opinions are pretty mixed, then I guess we don't have any other choice but to let them show us who will be the winner," shouted Thorin, who was still in the same room as the other founding families' heads.

Then, cheers and roars could be heard from the crowd because of how excited they were feeling.

The moment Thorin gave the signal that they could go ahead and fight, Aiden didn't lose any time as he dashed as fast as he could toward Paul with a single thing in his mind.

Defeat him.

Aiden wasn't dashing without any idea in his mind as he was currently following his body's afterimage making sure that he copied exactly what it did.

He knew that his skill [Mind of an Assassin] had been his greatest skill since it was seriously overpowered.

The skill was basically able to tell him the best way to approach a fight or a situation. The only time in which he had failed to use it and win with it was in the duel where Aiden fought against Emma for the very first time.

He remembered being hit by an arrow which had rendered his skill completely useless, but apart from that one moment, there was not a single time where it had put him in a bad situation.

In the Parkour Challenge, the first trial, there were so many occasions where this skill had been able to support him that he had no choice but to acknowledge it as his best skill.

Aiden didn't own a skill which could have such an impact on a fight, and he was about to prove it as he continued to run in his opponent's direction.

His afterimage which had been going straight toward Paul, then shifted a little to the right.

The reason why he had done that was unknown to Aiden, but he still followed right behind it, trusting his skill.

He had no reason to not trust it, after all.

Then, Aiden realized why this afterimage of his had gone a little to the right.

The reason was simple, there had been an arrow which had been aimed directly at Aiden's head which made a similar piercing to the arrows which Emma would release.

'So, he's an archer,' thought Aiden, finally learning of his opponent's class as he still ignored it.

Nonetheless, that information wouldn't change how he would act as all he needed to do was follow his afterimage and win this fight.

Then, after he saw the afterimage of his body shift a little to the right, he realized that it was now going the opposite way.

His afterimage was going toward the left now as another piercing noise of an arrow passed right beside Aiden's head.

His skill calculated the best way to react to unknown situations which is why he would show moves that would take as less movement as possible.

Everything was calculated which was why Aiden couldn't make a single mistake using this skill.

Because if he did, then he would surely have some problems.

If he made a bad step or he moved his body the wrong way, then who knows? He might be hit by an arrow?

However, he had made sure that there would be no such problem as he was now really close to Paul who was still trying to shoot arrows toward Aiden.

Nonetheless, the chances of them hitting their target were really slim because of his agility and talent in movement.

Maybe he wasn't able to perform a Flash Step like Lucius, but he was to move without making a single noise, and the most important point of all, he knew how to move efficiently.

Sure, Flash Step could be a stronger move and technique than Shadow Steps, however, Aiden didn't care as he would use what he knew.

Then, as Aiden was getting closer and closer to Paul, he saw his afterimage jump in the air and he did exactly the same as he jumped in the air, looking down.

When he looked down, he saw Paul who was currently drawing an arrow right under him.

Then, Aiden's afterimage moved its dagger toward his Aiden's own heart, as if protecting it from the incoming arrow.

Aiden didn't doubt his afterimage for a moment as he moved his dagger toward his heart and as soon as he did so, a metallic noise was heard throughout the whole arena.

It was the sound of the arrow hitting Aiden's dagger.

The crowd who had just seen such an insane move were shocked as doing such a thing was simply impossible.

But it seemed that they had been proven wrong right in front of their very eyes.

Seeing that he had just blocked an arrow from close range with such a small weapon, they had no choice but to respect Aiden.

Not many would be able to pull off such a move and they had to admit that it was quite impressive for someone who they had one thought of as a fraud.

They now realized that maybe the Reaper was really strong and that MAYBE they didn't know the whole story about the second fight.

Then, after Aiden blocked the arrow that was aimed at his heart with his dagger, he started to fall down toward Paul at quite a high speed.

Aiden still looked at his afterimage's doings as he couldn't help but smile when seeing what the afterimage had just done.

Aiden couldn't help but think that his afterimage knew him well, as he had just seen his special move being made by it.

However, it wasn't made in its usual way, it seemed that his special move was being combined with the skill of his dagger.

It was combined with the skill [Shadow Strike] which had as an effect that one strike of Aiden wouldn't be seen by the enemy as long as Aiden had a higher amount of Charm.

Obviously, Aiden had a superior amount of Charm since he had put a lot of stats point in it. Also, it was often a statistic which was ignored as it had no real effect on someone's strength except for those with the Enchantress class and the like who depended on it.

Paul who wasn't able to see Aiden's strike was immobile thinking that he was safe from any attack as he could see that neither of Aiden's arms had moved, staying close to his body.

Then, another metallic noise was heard as the referee had intervened, blocking Aiden's strike, which declared that the winner of this fight and without much surprise the winner was the Reaper, who had dominated the fight from start to finish.

Whenever the referee would interfere to protect someone, then the winner would already be quite clear as he had just saved someone.

Thorin's voice now once again resounded inside the arena, however, Aiden could already something about that tone.

Aiden didn't know why but he felt that Thorin was about to say something which he hadn't announced yet.

He didn't know why, but he felt that Thorin was currently smiling from ear to ear and he knew that his instinct was pretty much always right.

"Congratulations to the Reaper for this specular win!" started off Thorin, congratulating Aiden for his fight and the block he had made with his dagger.

However, the founding families' heads weren't dumb, they had noticed that the Reaper was acting weird with how he moved.

They knew that Aiden had been using a skill, it was just really obvious for those who had enough experience in fighting. Those moves of his jsut hadn't been natural as if he had been controlled by something.

Then, Thorin continued talking as it seemed that he wasn't finished.

'I knew it,' thought Aiden, hearing that Thorin was about to say something else.

"But with such a one-sided win, shouldn't he continue and do his second fight right away?" asked Thorin to the ground, with only his voice as he was still in his room with the other founding families' heads.

However, this time the crowd seemed divided, as people started to argue.


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