The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 214 - One Hundred And Fourteen: The Sire Bond

Chapter 214 - One Hundred And Fourteen: The Sire Bond

Lia had no clue what was going on, why was her mate's face looking so serious? Why was Daniel affected by what that big, scratch that, that werewolf said?

This dirty mind of hers was still replaying that scene from earlier and Lolli was enjoying every bit of it - Lia quickly said an apology to her mates in her mind.

But what the hell was a sire?

Daniel wouldn't let her inside the room but she could hear snippets of their heated discussion. Sire? Sired? Curse week?

Meanwhile, Daniel was having an intense discussion with Alpha Tristan of the Ranger park. The tension in the air was so prominent that one could cut through it with a knife.

"What do you mean you're her sire?"

Tristan's mouth was tugged to the side," Alpha Daniel, why do you speak as if you don't know what a sire is? Of course, I'm the one who turned her"

It felt like a bomb went off in his head. Daniel knew what a sire was, but he needed to confirm it from the horse's mouth and now he did, he kind of wished he didn't.

"How is that possible, the girl was turned by a rogue" Daniel argued.

"It was a rogue well semi-rogue since I was in my curse week" he explained.

Daniel was an alpha who once went through his curse week so he understood that alphas turn feral during that period and could be mistaken for rogues.

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"Why would I lie?"

Daniel shrugged, "Don't know but considering you coming after all this while to lay claim on her, I'm pretty sure you have a motive behind it"

Their eyes met and held, each orb exhibiting power but they broke apart.

"Why are you so concerned about her? Is she your mate?"

Daniel could have blunted," Yes" without hesitation but then, he remembered how risky it was announcing such news at the moment.

"She's not my mate"

Daniel felt a painful prick in his heart: yeah, he just denied his mate so it was expected.

He added briskly, "But she belongs to me and that is none of your business by the way "

There was an inquisitive look in Tristan's eyes, he was scrutinizing Daniel intensely.

While most alphas had the full right to satisfy their sexual lust with their omegas or any other woman who threw themselves on them until their mate came around, Daniel had refused such a luxury.

He had dedicated all his time to training himself and keeping his pack from the claws of his greedy relatives, having no interest in girls.

So his unhealthy obsession with this one made him doubt his words, Tristan thought.

Throughout the past weeks, he had sent spies into the pack who updated him on Daniel's moves even though the information was limited since Daniel had good security who caught most of his men.

Thankfully, Tristan still had one of his spies in his packs, who happens to be one of his relatives. Werewolves were loyal creatures but it was quite amusing what greed could turn one into.

But then, why would Daniel hide the fact he has a mate? Unless he finally gave in and got a girlfriend which means he was telling the truth or he has something to hide which must be connected to the girl.

Yet Tristan chose to believe the latter. After he found out he had bitten a human, he hadn't put much thought into it and sent out his men to investigate the case for curiosity's sake but now he's seen the girl? He wasn't going to let go of her.

He had seen her wolf form, it was beautiful and majestic - she looked so ethereal. It was quite rare to sight a pure white wolf with no spot or blemish. So seeing such for the first time took his breath away and now he must own her.

It was quite a shame she wasn't his mate else he would not hesitate to show off her exquisite beauty to other rival and neighboring packs.

Their awe-inspired gasps and praises would be a huge stroke to his ego. Their eyes would shine with jealousy and envy but they would only be able to see but not touch her since she would be his.

But the girl wasn't his yet, but he could still have her once she comes with him to his pack. He'd caught her staring at his little brother earlier and knew she liked what she saw.

Gosh, the thought of having her below him as he pumped his seed into her womb made him get an erection.

Their pups would be a great sight to behold. Thinking about it, once the girl agrees to be his, Tristan wouldn't waver in rejecting his mate for her- the curse week could go to hell.

But then, Daniel laid claim to her first and that was a problem. Tristan had just been contemplating, but it seems he has to accept that offer from his relatives - help get rid of this stubborn werewolf called Daniel.

As far as Daniel doesn't turn out to be a stumbling block in getting her, he could reject the offer but if the werewolf stubbornly clings to her then, the mission accepted.

"We can always confirm it through the sire bond" Tristan suggested and saw the ugly look on his face. As he thought, Daniel wishes to see him fail.

Daniel frowned, he felt uneasy. He didn't like where this was heading to.

One could be a werewolf by birth; that is if your parents are one, or by getting bitten by a werewolf; the injury has to be deep and the victim maimed to near-death, or by injecting werewolf DNA into your system; if you don't want the traumatic bloody mauling - not always advisable since this method carries adverse effects.

But the sire bond was more common in vampires than werewolves since the bloodsuckers had more tendency to convert a human than a werewolf due to their feeding nature.

Yet those humans infected by a near-death mauling experience what's referred to as the sire bond - an unexplainable devotion to one's creator or sire.

If Lia was indeed turned by Tristan, she would feel the link between both. Which means his mate would have to concede to direct and indirect orders of Tristan to show her devotion and loyalty.

This made Daniel extremely anxious, why? Moonlight pack would not boast of being righteous since as werewolves they had their downside but they were a good one compared to other packs out there.

But the same couldn't be said for the Ranger pack. They hardly knew the difference between right and wrong plus the fact they give in to the primal instinct of their wolves? - typical violence and sex.

Daniel couldn't allow her to be part of such a pack - If it turns out to be true. Who knew what Tristan would order her to do having known she would be unable to disobey him. Thankfully, the sire bond affects her free will aka actions and not her feelings.

"Fine then" Daniel ordered his beta who was in there with him, "Get Lia here" It was time to get this absurd claim done with.

Lia literally attached her ears to the door amid the funny looks the guards watching over the arena were giving her.

Once she heard approaching footsteps, she moved away from the door and pretended to stroll up and down the hallway aimlessly.

The door snapped open," You can come in "

She cleared her throat, "Sure" and followed Ryan's lead.

This meeting room was much smaller compared to the other one being used by the students for a dining room.

"Have a seat" Ryan directed her to sit beside Daniel on the same couch but the werewolf in question pulled her onto his lap.

Lia couldn't understand his sudden possessiveness yet didn't complain- his laps were much more comfortable than the couch and Lolli loved the feel of his warm skin.

She couldn't help but stare at the intruder werewolf from earlier and she got to admit, his looks were not bad if he stopped looking at her in a way that made her skin crawl.

His black hair was a huge contrast to Daniel's blonde one and was so long she could plait a braid that touched his shoulder with it - she missed Daniel's long locks.

His brown eyes studied her and she didn't back down, Lolli was a bold wolf and didn't hesitate to check him out.

Just like every most werewolf out there, he was quite built and looked larger than Daniel. He was dressed this time but her eyes still couldn't help but rest on his crotch causing her to blush tomato red - a gesture both alphas noticed.

"A-hem " Daniel purposely cleared his throat and she felt like banging her head against the wall - Lolli was going to turn her into a pervert one day.

"Babe, this is Alpha Tristan, Tristan this is Lia, my girlfriend " he emphasized on "girlfriend"

"Nice to meet you, Alpha Tristan" Lia used a formal tone after finding out her incessant blushing must have caused her mate to be jealous, so no more misunderstanding.

"Nice, to meet you too, Lia" he replied.

They couldn't shake hands since Daniel refused to release her from his lap.

She turned to her partner, "So why am I here?"


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