The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 213 - Two Hundred And Thirteen: The Backlash

Chapter 213 - Two Hundred And Thirteen: The Backlash

"You were right, there's a prophecy" Iark aka Sabrina in acting, told Asher aka Raphael in disguise.

The scene was quite funny, Sabrina mused mentally. Raphael the master planner was getting played by her.

Sabrina realized she had the most pieces in this game of chess and she could checkmate by ratting out the enemy or side with the enemy.

There was a glint in Raphael's eyes, he readjusted in his seat, eager to hear his finding.

Though the school was the last place he desired to be, Raphael had to keep up with Asher's identity - that included his job.

It would sound odd if Dan returned and heard he missed a few days of school for God knows why.

Yes, Dan has no right to question his movements but he wouldn't want to create room for suspicion.

"What is it, tell me"

"Truthfully, I couldn't grasp much from the boy but the most important fact is that Lia plays a big role in whatever the dark witches are planning; they need her for something big," Sabrina reported to him.

She could have lied to him but Raphael wasn't stupid, he was incredibly tricky and could deceive her into spilling the truth and blowing her cover altogether. Better she came clean than suffering the aftermath out of stupidity.

Suddenly Raphael started to laugh, a loud crackle that made the hair on her arm stand on edge. Sabrina couldn't help but feel that this vampire was more dangerous than a dark witch.

"It's war. Little Town would soon see bloodshed like no other "Raphael said," But the girl's part is what I can't figure out" he mulled over.

"I can't figure that one out too,"? Sabrina said in her mind.

Raphael would get suspicious of her if she said that out loud. Iark's duty was to receive orders and do his biddings not to solve his mysteries.

"If they want the girl to lead them in the war against the council, that's impossible. My goody-two-shoes brother wouldn't allow that neither would the werewolf nor the girl even" Raphael mumbled aloud, rubbing his chin thoughtfully

"They can't force her either since the girl is strong enough to resist them with her mates protecting her family but they can threaten to kill her mates, forcing her to join them? "

Yet Raphael wasn't satisfied with his hypothesis

"That still doesn't sound right, the Burning Eaglet has failed previously, so this time they'd be thorough in their plan.

"But binding Lia to fight their battle doesn't seem like an ideal battle plan. She could always stab them in the back by aligning with the council secretly.

"To win this battle, they would need to get the girl's unquestionable devotion to their cause, but how would they achieve that ?"

Sabrina had her face lowered but her ears were wide open. If Raphael could figure this out, it'd be killing two birds with one stone.

She would save Asher, then disclose the witches' plan to him and hopefully acquire his forgiveness while getting rid of Raphael at the same time.

Or she could take this piece of news to the council and tell the whole truth about Lia, her mates, and the prophecy.

Just thinking about the rewards she could get made her salivate. Sabrina was sure they would forgive her for hiding her powers and performing forbidden magic plus get a high position in the council.

The guilt would be there but she was human and humans so far were bound to change, no one could stay righteous forever.

The thought was incredibly tempting but she couldn't do it.

Firstly, those councils were douche bags, they did completely nothing when most of her coven members and family were murdered by vampires.

Secondly, she had worked faithfully for them for years but just a mistake, they took away her powers? What's the guarantee they wouldn't dispose of her after she overstays her usefulness.

Thirdly, the council had stayed in power for a long time and their arrogance was getting into their heads. So if the Burning Eaglets could rattle them a bit, she'd love it.

Fourthly, She could not betray Dan. Yes, she'd done that with Raphael unintentionally- who knew that sly fox wouldn't keep up to his promise, it shouldn't have escalated to this level- but colliding with the council? He would never forgive her.

Fifthly, Raphael tried murdering her. She would like to see that smug smile slipped off his face as he watches the plan he has spent a lot of time orchestrating plus the risk he took, crumble right in front of him- how satisfying would that be!

Lastly, she still had a conscience: Lia was just an innocent victim dragged into this mess, so it was unfair to tell on her.

"So what do you plan to do?" She asked Raphael, "Do you need me to stick around that boy Trevor?"

"It is needless" he waved it away,

"Asher is not a fool, he wouldn't tell that boy anything more than that for the safety of his mate?"

Suddenly, Raphael's nose wrinkled as he sniffed the air before his eyes narrowed into slits, resting on Sabrina intently.

"Why is that rotten smell coming from you?" He asked suspiciously.

Sabrina rolled up her sleeve, "I think the witch did something to me" she said exposing her hand that had begun to rot starting from her ulnar nerve and continuously spreading.

"What do you think it is?" She asked Raphael who had stood from his desk to take a closer view.

Raphael frowned, taking Ozark's arm into his hand and scrutinized it.

"I'd say Sabrina placed a hex on you and since I have no clue if that is contagious, you should take the days off and find a witch to clean that up" he ordered Iark who seemed displeased by his decision.

Raphael understood the boy's firm loyalty, he must feel he was being disposed of because of his current disability.

"Unless you can grow back a limb, I'll advise you to begin as quickly as possible to get rid of that " Raphael patted and pressed his shoulder.

He knew vampires can recover from most attacks but decapitation? That was a tough one to recover from as far as the body wasn't burned, with age and type of blood - animal or human - playing a huge role in their healing factors.

"Fine" Ozark, scratch that, Sabrina was pleased by the turn of events as she left.

She had been wondering how to get this treated without arousing suspicion if she disappeared suddenly.

But now, a golden opportunity has been laid for her by the one and only Raphael she had been cautious of.

The corruption on her arm was real and that was the backlash from using her ability excessively.

That night, she had done the forbidden soul transfer spell that drained ninety-nine percent of her powers.

After that, she had fought against Iark and drove herself to the limit by simulating him; that move took a lot from her.

Now she was suffering the consequences and she had to find a fellow witch to help her out else she dies.

Her magic could not heal her, it was as if her body had become resistant to her spell and now she had to find a reliable witch to do this for her.

Walking down the road, Sabrina looked around her surroundings to ensure she was not being followed- she wasn't sure she had bought Raphael's trust completely.

Confirming she was safe, she cornered into an alley and invoked a portal that took her to her desired location at once.

"Always without an invitation" Jennifer murmured as soon as Sabrina dropped into her living room.

"I need your help" she went straight to the point "

"Must be pretty serious since you traveled halfway across the world just to see me" her friend Jennifer said grumpily, stood up from her couch, and placed her white fluffy cat on the floor.

"I'm sorry for not visiting over the years but I need your help and you're the only one I can trust at the moment"

They stared at each other for a while without saying anything before the blonde witch sighed.

"What is it?"

Sabrina who had changed back to her real form rolled up the shirt which now looked baggy on her, revealing her deteriorating arm.

Jennifer gasped, "What did you do to receive this degree of whiplash?"

"You shouldn't know and my time is limited. I need to get back to little Town as possibly as I could and correct the mess I created"

"But you know that's impossible" she took a good look at her arms," Getting your body attuned to my magic would take two days at least"

"You're a miracle worker, why do you think I came to you?"

Jennifer was speechless, this friend of hers was trying to incite her. She pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I'm making no promises here, Sabrina. You can't cause problems and expect me to clean up your mess at my own risk"

"Are you helping me or not"

"Fine" Jennifer rolled her eyes, "Follow me"


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