The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 205 - One Two Hundred And Five : Death Of His Father

Chapter 205 - One Two Hundred And Five : Death Of His Father

Williams didn't pursue the case further which made Trevor breathe a sigh of relief. He knew he wasn't a good liar, if Willy had pressed any further he would have buckled under pressure.

Suddenly, Williams got on top of his body and pressed himself closer, his other hand cutting any form of escape as he asked with a smile tugging his lips, "Are we going to remain like this on the floor?"

Initially, he was sure Williams was messing around with him but now with their face so close, he couldn't tell anymore.

In this position and proximity, he could see the pores on his face, his straight brows, and his dilated grey eyes. His breath fans his face and just staring down at his red lips made him gulp.

Williams too stared back at Trevor, his eyes roving over his face. The boy was handsome but he just didn't carry it with confidence, perhaps if he just dressed up a bit more and socialized, girls would be all over him.

But wait a minute, why did the thought of girls being all over Trevor unsettle him. Williams had never dated, not because of his sexual orientation or something but because he didn't have time for that.

And heck! He was straight but the thought of kissing Trevor made him question that or perhaps he swings both ways - male and female? There was only a way to figure that out then.

Seeing him lower his head, Trevor's eyes widened and his heart pounded against his chest. God, he was straight! He put a hand between him and Williams.

"I think we should- "

"Don't think "

Williams pulled his hand away, grappled his wrist before intertwining their fingers together.

Trevor blinked, staring at his face that got nearer progressively until his lips brushed against his. He shut his eyes close, waiting for the soft press of lips against lips when his phone rang, startling both of them.

They broke apart just as Trevor sat up, "Hey mom" he said into the phone breathlessly.

"Oh," he glanced up at Williams, "I'm at Willy's place "

"Of course, I'll be home in a jiffy" he convinced his worried mother," See you"

He ended the call and turned towards Williams who was seated beside him, the nearness affecting him much more than he thought.

"That's my mom"

"I know," Williams answered, his sight fixed on Trevor's face unwaveringly.

"She wants me to come back -"

Trevor was still saying when Williams pressed his warm, soft lips to his that made him stiffen.The kiss was gentle and inquisitive, he was testing him.

Williams was experimenting with his luck here and when Trevor didn't move away nor reject him, he deepened it. His hand went behind his neck while the other wrapped behind his waist and pressed him against him.

Trevor's pulse raced but his hands moved on its own and cradled his face, parted his lips, and accepted his kiss. He felt butterflies in his belly especially when Williams began to nibble at his lower lips. He was fluttered and had just given his warm tongue access when the door was snapped open to reveal ….

"Williams, are you still - "

They broke apart with a startle.

"Dad" Williams said, his chest heaving as he got to his feet at once alongside Trevor who was straightening his rumpled clothes.

"Oh," Shane remarked, "I'm sorry for the interruption. I didn't know the both of you were busy" he grinned.

Trevour went red in the face, he was so embarrassed. He never expected this to happen nor did he premeditate that Williams's father would walk in on them. He swats himself on the head mentally, God! Trevor, you're so stupid.

Williams scowled at his father, he was making Trevor uncomfortable with his knowing comment.

"I-I n-need to leave" Trevor jumbled with his words.

"No, don't leave yet" Shane beseeched him, "Dinner has just been served which was why I made my way here in search of you guys, don't say no, please?"

Trevor was conflicted. His mother was not a big problem, since she had an idea of where he was, she wouldn't worry much about him. But staying with the Cutter family after what just happened, it was super awkward.

"My mom, she wants me? - "

"I'll contact your mother and tell her your safety is ensured since I'll be the one driving you home myself, how's that?" Shane proposed.

Trevor's mouth twitched, the man had seen through his maneuver. He couldn't excuse his way out of here.

"Alright" He agreed, there was no escaping this one.

Shane was the first to leave the gymnasium leaving Trevor and Williams together once again.

"About earlier-" Willy raised the topic but Trevor was quick to cut in.

"Don't worry, I get it. We were just fluttered by our hormones which is? normal as hot-blooded teenagers and nothing to get all hung up about"

Williams was speechless, that was not what he intended to say, it seems this feeling was one-sided - he made a mistake.

"Sure" he covered his disappointment with a sheepish grin, "Of course, that explains it. Let's go for dinner," he said and left.

Trevor felt guilty, he has studied Williams for a while and can proudly boast of knowing his moods, and right now, he hurt his feelings.

At dinner, the mood was very lively since Shane kept him talking with his jokes.

"I heard your sister is away or something" Shane brought up the topic of a sudden which made Trevor stiffen.

Why was William's father suddenly interested in her, did they find anything about her by chance?

"Yes, she went on a school trip " He answered without going into much detail.

He was calm in answering him so as not to create suspicion. Hunters were highly trained in observing facial expressions and Shane as an older hunter was undoubtedly experienced.

Trevor questioned him curiously,

"Why do you ask by the way? Don't get me wrong, but this is your first time asking about her"

"You're right, which is why I asked. So far, I've only seen you and Rex and would love to know about her.

You see, your father and I were very good friends. If I had known he had a family, I would have reached out to you guys long ago " He explained.

"His death hit me hard" he went on "But I'm relieved that he has a family to carry on his legacy and that is why you shouldn't hesitate to come to me in case of any difficulty" he offered his help.


"If you have anything you're curious about, don't hesitate to ask me too"

"Then can I ask this?"

Shane was surprised, the boy didn't think twice about making use of this opportunity.

"Sure, ask "

"I can't find any of my father's relatives in Little Town no matter how much I search, why is that? "

Shane sighed, "I'm afraid that's one of the secrets your father took to the grave"

"He didn't tell you, this best friend?" Trevor was surprised.

"Renard was the strongest amongst us three"

" You three?"

"Me, Chris, and your father, we were a team. You've met Chris already during the meetings, remember?"

"Yes," How could he not know Chris, that one always had a stoic look. His features were unsmiling every day as if he fought with his wife though he didn't have one.

"Your father was just like you, he wasn't shy but he liked to keep to himself and hung out only with us both and he was very secretive.

"He wasn't a native of Little Town, he just lived amongst us before becoming a hunter.No matter how we pestered him to open up about his origin, he wouldn't. So with time, we just assumed he was an orphan"

"Oh, so that's it" Trevor mumbled under his breath while digging into his food uninterestedly.

"Any other question?" Shane asked.

"My father's death"

"Oh" Shane breathed, he saw that one coming-the kid was an inquisitive one.

"I find the circumstances surrounding his death suspicious, what happened?" Trevor asked firmly, he had never been this serious in his entire life.

Shane dropped his spoon but just as he was about to say, his phone rang. "I need to take this one" he stood from his seat and left.

"You're very quiet, is anything the matter?" Trevor observed.

"Don't mind me, continue with your conversation" Williams answered without glancing up at him.

Knowing this had to do with the kiss earlier, he backed off the case and ate his meal quietly.

Shane took a lot of time and when he returned, he said, "Your mother needs you back now"

Trevor couldn't blame his mother this time, it was ten in the night and he had school tomorrow.


The drive home was quick and quiet. Trevor hadn't forgotten about his question but the mood wasn't right for it anymore.

"Thank you, Mr. Cutter. " He appreciated him for driving him to his place as soon as he stepped out of his car.

"No worries, just be a good boy," Shane told him.

Trevor glanced at Williams through the window in the backseat, he was typing away on his phone and pretended not to have noticed his departure.

"Goodnight, Williams"

"Goodnight, Trevor" he reciprocated with a tone that was not warm at all.

Trevor didn't like his cold attitude one bit, it hurt him. He had been cool with the kiss when they discussed it earlier, so why was he behaving this way then?

His eyes connected with Shane who shook his head before waving at him with a promise to talk to his son and left.

Trevor didn't need to knock since the door was opened by his mom who heard the car pull up outside.

Her disapproving look told him she was displeased with his late arrival but due to Shane's notice earlier, she didn't give him an earful and he retreated to bed immediately.

Trevor had just fallen asleep when his ears picked up a strange sound-someone was in here with him.

Thanks to his training, he was now quite observant of his surroundings even with his eyes shut.

And just as he sprang from his bed, a dagger was plunged into the spot he had been lying on moments ago.

What the hell.


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