The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 204 - Two Hundred And Four : Two Mates

Chapter 204 - Two Hundred And Four : Two Mates

"F*ck" Trevor cried out when the punch met his face, to be precise, his nose.

"Where's your mind, you're preoccupied today?" Williams asked, his body still in battle stance.

They were having their usual training and so far, his luck has not been well - he's been getting his ass whipped.

Well, he couldn't be blamed. Even when he had his head back into gear, he still couldn't defeat Williams unless he used tricks; the boy was a fighting machine.

Probably due to the fact he was a legacy and had his father to train him since his childhood, he was perfect at everything.

"Just thinking about a few things " He responded, getting his body in a fighting stance.

It was just him, Rex, and their mom since his sister left for Kinney and so far, the house has been pretty boring.

Though he hated to admit it, Trevor realized that his daily squabble with his sister was what made his day exciting.

Sure, Rex was there to keep him company but he didn't have Lia's feel coupled with the fact that Little Town had been kinda quiet lately.

The curfew has been lifted but there were still precautionary measures put in place like where to go and where not to go at such a perilous period.

At home, his mom had been quiet too. There had not been any argument nor fight which was almost a daily occurrence with Lia around. If they were not arguing about her magenta lenses- which he came to realize was her real eye color- or her boyfriend or her dressing - girls were so hard to train!

But it was surprising to him too, at the amount of freedom their mom gave him lately when in reality this was a time their mom was supposed to keep her eyes on them like a hawk? - seems he earned her trust at last.

The school wasn't left out either, bruh, everything uninteresting. It was as if all the troublemakers in Little Town decided to go to sleep or maybe they all left for vocations in Kinney village.

"Your sister, isn't it?" Williams asked, his breath labored after doing a flip kick that Trevor avoided by dropping a bridge pose.

"Yeah," He replied, his breath in the same state as Williams.

"She's a grown-up, certainly can take care of herself " he assured the protective brother.

"Let's hope so" Trevor dodged a sharp jap his way which forced him to retreat backward but he quickly threw a hook that was avoided as expected but with quick reflexes swept William's feet, his legs taken out from beneath him.

His back landed on the ground and he straddled Williams, urging him to surrender but the boy cocked an arrogant brow before rolling him over.

He quickly pressed Trevor to the ground and grappled his arm as he initiated an arms lock.

Trevor groaned as Williams hyper flexed his arm which prevented him from escaping the lock.

The pain was so intense that he tapped his hand on the ground numerous times to signal submission.

Williams let go of him at once, he had won and knew his limit.

He had manipulated Trevor's shoulder joint in such a way that it reached its maximal degree of motion and generated enough pain in his joints to make him give up.

Any further, especially forcefully and he would have caused him injury - tendon, muscle, and ligament damage; dislocations and bone fractures weren't left out.

"You need help?" He stretched his hand towards him.

Trevor took his hand but instead of lifting himself, pulled Williams down instead, and rammed his knee into his stomach.

"Ouch," The boy cried out in pain yet fell beside Trevor with a pleased smile.

"That's a tie," Trevor said, flexing his throbbing shoulder in a check for injuries.

They both lay on the ground, staring at the roof and regulating their shallow breathing.

"Rex won't be a hunter" Trevor dropped.

"Okay- wait, what?!" Williams turned his head towards him surprised, "Why? What happened?"

"My sister found out about us"


"Apparently, my dad recorded all of his adventures in his diaries with some language which my sister deciphered and discovered the truth"

Williams propped his head on his arms," Did she cause any trouble? Is she giving you a hard time? Don't worry, the witches can remove her memory if you want"? he informed.

Trevor frowned, erasing his sister's memory? "Is that possible?" He inquired curiously.

"Of course, memory extraction spell is baby magic to them- they don't even break a sweat doing it "

Trevor contemplated it, if he could somehow remove her sister's memory of that vampire and werewolf, would things go back to normal? To the way, they were before all this?

No, he finally decided after thinking that through. If what Asher told him was true, then she would need those memories more than ever.

Besides, all these supernatural creatures he hardly trusted any of them. What if they did something wrong in the process? He refused to believe magic was free - there had to be consequences.

Moreover, what if those people found something wrong with their sister and did something to her - kill her as Asher claimed.

Trevor knew he wouldn't be able to take the guilt and rather die. So it was better things were this way, they'd figure out a way slowly.

"No, she didn't hassle me as much as you think. We just had a big fight and haven't reconciled till now"

" Oh " was all he muttered

"I was mad at her at first but I've thought over her words lately and discovered there was some sense in it. Rex is young and this job is too dangerous. My mom can't lose two sons in case of an incident which is why he'd be opting out "

"Have you told the boy, what did he say?"

"I haven't told him yet but whether he agrees or not, Rex would not be a hunter at least until he's of age"

Williams sighed, "Well that's your decision, but you'd have to inform the organization and go through lots of procedures to get him out. Phew! You're going to have a long day "

" No problem" he answered, it was easier than he thought "But I'm curious about something tough"

"What is it? You're always curious" he complained.

" What is a mate?"

For a while, Williams gave him a hard stare before bursting into laughter.

"What is funny about what I asked?" Trevor was perplexed.

"Did one of those creatures imprint on you?" He asked seriously, but the mock in his tone was obvious.

There was an irritated look on Trevor's face, "I'm serious here, Willy"

"Fine," the boy stopped the laughter that rocked his body after a few calming tries.

"I can't really say about mates because I don't have one, neither do I pray for one imprinting on me but it seems that word is often used amongst the night creatures.

According to what I've read and seen so far, Mates to them are their other half- their soulmate. It's almost like finding your wife or husband but the difference is that the connection between them is so tight that only death or rejection can sever it.

Sometimes when they have this deep connection, it would be hard for them to live stably if one of them ends up dead.

Even the council is quite careful with these matters since it has the highest liability of triggering a war between two species. "

Trevor was stunned, so what Asher said was true? If he had done something stupid, would he have caused so much irreversible damage to his sister?

"Where do you get all this knowledge?"

Williams snorted, "Unlike you, the lazy hunter, this brain of mine needs enough information to help me be the best out there. Also, my father has tons of books like that in his library, just pick out one and knock yourself out "

No wonder, he was so skilled.

"Then is it possible to have two mates ?"

It was risky for him to ask that but who knows, Willy might know something or clues to help his sister's condition.

He watched William's face which was scrunched up in confusion, "I don't understand?"

"Like, is it possible to have two soulmates and not one?" He paraphrased

" Hmmm, " The boy took a deep breath and stroked his jaw thoughtfully, "I'm not proficient in this area but I've never heard of those supernatural possessing two mates "

Trevor's face fell, he truly hoped there was something he could find.

"Having two mates? That would be an abnormality and the council would have no option than to correct that" He commented but couldn't help but frown when he studied Trevor.

"Why are you suddenly interested in these kinds of stuff?"

The question took Trevor by surprise, he forgot that the boy beside him was smart.

He shrugged, "It just crossed my mind while researching about mates, making me wonder if such a thing was possible " he lied through his teeth, his sister's safety was the most important at the moment.

He'd tell willy the truth later -when all this mess was cleared.


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