The Ruler of Darkness

Book 3: Chapter 12

Book 3: Chapter 12

“Damn it all!”

The inkstone thrown in anger shattered to pieces.

The expressions of the close aides gathered in the office were grim.

“It seems you’ve suffered from the 2nd Young Master’s temper during the meeting?”

It was already a tricky time, with 2nd Young Master’s mood being peculiarly irritable due to those damn rumors.

The one who had thrown the inkstone burst out in anger.

“You should address him as ‘our lord’! Our lord! Do you still think you’re just some stray hunting dog wandering around the city?”

The scolded retainer flinched and stepped back with his head bowed.

One of the aides, who had been eyeing the situation, sighed and stepped forward.

“In the end, the issue is the retrieval of the lost Sword House Bronze Plaque with the disappearance of Geumju.”

The one losing his temper was none other than the strategist who had pushed for the awarding of the Sword House Bronze Plaque to Geumju.

“Damn it! That so-called Sovereign of Dark Heavens or whatever, if he was going to kill her, why take the plaque too? This is infuriating!”

His situation had become extremely difficult because of this.

In Luoyang, which was under the control of the Luoyang Sword House, it was unthinkable that someone would dare harm the owner of the Sword House Bronze Plaque, let alone that the plaque would go missing.

It was an utterly nonsensical situation.

After a while, he tired himself out with his tantrum, breaking expensive items, and finally slumped back down in his place.

“…In the name of Han Myeong-hwi, I swear, I will tear that man into ten thousand pieces.”

The aides gradually crept back to Han Myeong-hwi’s side.

“The best trackers have been set on this, we should have news soon.”

“Yes, we will be able to handle this before the main family’s Inspection Bureau steps in.”

Currently, they were using the 2nd Young Master’s influence to block the Inspection Bureau’s actions.

If this matter became public, the 2nd Young Master’s name would be dragged through the mud everywhere.

“…Mobilize the maximum amount of manpower possible.”

Han Myeong-hwi rested his arms on the desk and cradled his face in his hands.

“Yes, I will deploy all available trackers at my disposal.”

He strove to maintain his composure as he spoke.

“Are we investigating the source of the rumors about that swordsman?”

A close aide responsible for the matter stepped forward and answered cautiously.

“Yes, but it is difficult to trace. Because everyone is stirring up trouble trying to confirm that rumor…”

Their informants were intimidated.

“This is definitely the work of a professional…”

Han Myeong-hwi stroked his beard thoughtfully.

“Have you checked the outside of the main house?”

The aide shook his head.

“The rumors circulating outside eventually originate from our main house, don’t they?”

Another aide responded with crossed arms.

“How many people come and go from the main house every day? The rumors must have spread through them to the outside.”

Han Myeong-hwi shook his head.

“No. If that were the case, the rumors on the streets of Luoyang would surely be exaggerated or distorted with fabricated details.”

The aide rifled through the documents he held.

“…Come to think of it, the rumors outside are quite consistent with what’s circulating within the main house.”

Han Myeong-hwi’s eyes narrowed.

“That definitely means there are those on the outside working against us as well. Find that person.”

“Uh, but we are currently short-staffed even for the internal investigation…”

Han Myeong-hwi clicked his tongue.

“Haven’t you said it’s hard to get proper results from inside?”

The aide quickly grasped Han Myeong-hwi’s intention.

“Ah! Then I will redirect the internal investigation staff to focus on the external investigation.”

“That’s right.”

Another person interjected.

“I have a few capable friends outside, I’ll get them to help.”


“If the rumor circulates consistently throughout the vast land of Luoyang, it means the source of the rumor must have a significant degree of credibility.”

“Hmm, then we must surely check the merchant organizations, the stakeholders of the main house, or the informants.”


Han Myeong-hwi’s mood seemed to lighten a bit.

It was his own division, carefully selected and assembled for their competence.

It was natural for him to feel pleased whenever they demonstrated their agile and experienced demeanor.

Leaning back, he asked.

“…I heard in the meeting, the spies we had planted in the 4th Young Master have all been eradicated, is the verification over?”

One aide stepped forward.

“Yes, we have also confirmed it. They all disappeared at the same time. And it seems no bodies have been found yet.”

Han Myeong-hwi chuckled through his nose.

“No matter how difficult it is, that’s the offspring of the Tang family’s bloodline. It wouldn’t leave something like a corpse behind, would it?”

“Now that you mention it…”

One of the close associates smirked slyly.

“The Chief Advisor Choi must have been crushed at the meeting.”

“Wasn’t the Chief Advisor Choi’s private group responsible for this?”

At that, Han Myeong-hwi cackled.

“He almost blew his top.”

They all exchanged laughs warmly.

The failure of another private group might not directly lead to their success, but at the very least, it could bring them joy.

“Pay attention.”

Han Myeong-hwi tapped on the desk.

All his close associates curbed their laughter and directed their attention to him.

“Let this be a reminder to you all.”

Han Myeong-hwi stood up.

“We always act swiftly on information gathering and accurate situation assessment to take proactive measures before problems escalate.”

It was not only Han Myeong-hwi’s personal creed but also the creed of his private group, and indeed, of all the advisors associated with the 2nd Young Master.

It was an approach that required a great deal of resources.

However, like the third prince, it was possible for the 2nd Young Master who received tremendous support from the maternal family outside the main house.

“No more mistakes will be tolerated. Do you understand?”

They all responded resoundingly.

“Good. Then…”

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

The one who appeared was a literary scholar from the 2nd Young Master’s side.

He carefully opened the door and handed Han Myeong-hwi a note.

Han Myeong-hwi’s eyebrows furrowed as he unfolded the note.

“Another rumor about the Swordless One…”

He asked the scholar.

“The source of the rumor hasn’t been identified this time either, has it?”

The scholar replied in panic.

“I am of low rank and don’t know much, but I heard that this rumor has a reliable source.”


* * *

The woman clad in the apprentice maid’s uniform displayed a flabbergasted expression.

“Is that really true?” she asked.

The youth in silk sighed deeply.

“Unfortunately, it is,” he confirmed.

The woman began to fuss over this news with the other apprentice maids around her.

“Oh my, what shall we do then?”

“How shall we manage the book payments for His Highness, the Grand Young Master?”

“I wonder what the inner court members are thinking?”

The news was that the inner court had refused to pay the book merchant of Lianxiaohyen.

The youth in silk sighed even deeper before continuing.

“Normally, we shouldn’t discuss such matters, but I feel a connection with you all and thus am confiding in you.”

“Of course,” they agreed.

“Aren’t we all connected through the Luoyang Sword House from our previous social interactions in Luoyang?”

These women were the same wealthy young ladies who had recently been scolded by Jung-ah in front of the steward’s office.

They had been demoted back to apprentice maids and were currently undergoing retraining.

“Heavens. Despite my repeated warnings, such an incident has still occurred,” he lamented, his eyes filled with sorrow as he gazed toward the distant mountains.

“What should we do about this problem?”

The apprentice maids did their best to console him, then excused themselves, citing their training schedule.

Once they were a safe distance away, the queen bee of the group smirked contemptuously.

“Hmph. Acting so superior in front of us, claiming to be the maid chief of Wongak Pavilion.”

The other apprentice maids also sneered openly.

“To be ignored in the inner court, where one should be serving the direct lineage?”

“Now we truly understand the standing of the Grand Young Master in this Sword House.”

“All that posturing, and now look how ridiculous he appears.”

When a group passed by, they quickly stepped aside and bowed their heads.

Now, they knew well enough to discern between what could be discussed openly and what could not.

“Still, he seems to grow more handsome with each passing day,” one whispered, referring to the recently departed youth in silk.

“Ever since he began attending the social gatherings in Luoyang, he’s been incredibly popular.”

“He’s also a direct descendant of the GaeBong Yeon family,” another added.

“The advisor in charge of ceremonial affairs at the External Court is also here.”

“Ah, if I could be betrothed to such a person…”

Just then, another group hurried past the women.

They stepped aside again, bowing their heads.


“Yeon Ha-eung, huh. Perhaps we should invite him over to the camp for a discussion?”

“If he’s just a distant relative holding an honorary position, he would probably wet his pants at the mere sight of your residence… no, my Lord’s pavilion.”

“Without even being pressed, he’ll spill everything.”

Han Myeong-hwi’s subordinates giggled and laughed.

“There’s no need for that.”

Han Myeong-hwi shook his head.

“The fellow has always been one of those who frequented Wongak Pavilion. It wouldn’t be strange if he knew the insides.”

They were already aware of the identities of the regular visitors to Wongak Pavilion.

“Besides, his nickname is…”

Han Myeong-hwi faltered, and his aide quickly took over.

“‘The Rumors on Legs,’ right?”

Han Myeong-hwi nodded.

“Yes. It’s a bit unusual, but at his core, he’s just a pleasure-seeker. Make sure not to offend the sensibilities of the External Court.”

This rumor seemed unrelated to their work.

“Then, we will simply perform a brief verification procedure.”

“Yes, do that. But be polite. No matter that he’s been chased out of his own family, he’s still the older brother of the current minor house head of the Gaebong Yeon family.”


At that moment, at the main gate of Wongak Pavilion.

As always, Yeon So-Hyeon appeared, dressed in his plain white ceremonial robe.

“Greetings Your Highness.”

Following behind him were Jung-ah, dressed in a fancy outing attire, and the triplet maids.

The expression on their faces could hardly be described as pleasant.

“Are you going out?”

In the waiting room by the main gate, the man known as Life-Stealing Devil Sword hurriedly made his exit.

If he was going out, as his escort, I couldn’t possibly be absent.

“No need. You don’t have to follow,” he left behind only those words and briskly stepped out through the main gate.

Jung-ah, with her stern expression, and the maids followed him.

Among the triplets, Sam-ryeong glanced at the guardkeeper’s mood and stayed behind to relay the situation to him.

“The Inner Court refused to settle the payment for His Highness’s books?”

Life-Stealing Devil Sword’s mouth fell open.

The colleagues around overheard the story and burst into overt laughter.

Sam-ryeong shot them a fierce look, quelling their laughter, and shook her head.

“Fortunately, we were able to resolve the issue with the book intermediary before the rumors spread outside the family.”

Life-Stealing Devil Sword sighed deeply.

“That is a relief.”

Inside, Yeon So-Hyeon’s reputation couldn’t fall any further.

But it was not pleasing to think his name could sink even lower from outside perspectives.

“Then, where is he headed now?”

Sam-ryeong nodded.

“He is going to the Inner Court.”

Life-Stealing Devil Sword’s complexion turned ashen.

“What is he planning to do…?”

“I’m not sure either.”

Sam-ryeong shrugged.

“The master simply said he was ‘going to step on a line’.”


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