The Ruler of Darkness

Book 3: Chapter 11

Book 3: Chapter 11

A rumor had begun to circulate among the members of the Luoyang Sword House.

“Have you heard that the eldest son has ended his seclusion?” one servant whispered to another, who cocked an ear.

“What nonsense are you spouting? That swordless one…”

“Hey, watch your words. We’re on the main road,” the first cautioned.

They were servants waiting on the side of the road, discussing amongst themselves as the elders were in a meeting.

“Ahem. Regardless, if he’s not in seclusion, what’s he planning to do? Engage in the martial world?” another servant, bored, joined in.

“Originally, he had no talent for martial arts, nor the will to wield a sword, so I heard the family head ordered his seclusion.”

The servants nodded in agreement.

“That’s why when his father collapsed, he was stuck in his room, wasn’t he?”

“Indeed. It’s regrettable, but as the eldest son of the family, he should have been more proactive in such times.”

“The Patriarch must have seen through him long ago.”

“That must be why he was put into seclusion at such a young age, right?”

An older servant clicked his tongue.

“He used to be known for his brilliance and intelligence. What ever happened to him…”

A younger servant scoffed.

“Perhaps it was all just baseless rumors?”

Another servant chimed in.

“If he was that exceptional, would the Patriarch have put him in seclusion? There must be a reason.”

They all nodded in agreement.

“More importantly, has the Patriarch given permission for this?”

“Well, without his consent, the seclusion could not be ended so freely, could it?”

Just then, the main gate opened and a group of people dressed in silk robes poured out.

The conversation ended as if it had never happened.

The waiting servants quickly followed their respective elders.

The scholarly elders hurried along, discussing among themselves.

“Have you heard the rumor?”

“Yes, I heard it secretly from someone. It seems more credible than just a rumor.”

“I heard his first move involves the fourth son and the new business venture.”


They cautiously continued their conversation, mindful of their surroundings.

“Has ‘he’ given his approval?”

“He” referred to the supreme head of the family.

“If the rumor is true, then it’s because the decision was made by him and the main house’s executive council.”

“Otherwise, the eldest son could not have ended his seclusion on his own.”

“That’s why even when he collapsed, the eldest son couldn’t end his seclusion, could he?”

“Huh. Things will get noisy for a while.”

“Even if he steps up now, it’s too late for him to become the head of the household, isn’t it? It’s beyond my understanding.”

As they halted their conversation, the elders and their following servants bowed deeply.

They were paying respects to the procession of high-ranking individuals passing by.

“Did you hear?”

“Yes, I heard.”

They stroked their beards, exchanging conversations in a grave tone.

“A gale-like turmoil is certain to strike without fail,” one of them said.

“The Grand Young Master emerging from seclusion at this time? I can’t even begin to predict what will unfold,” remarked another.

Their complexions were somber.

“What’s the mood like in your faction?”

“What’s the use in speaking? The mere rumors have everyone in a state of panic, their souls scattering in terror.”

“It’s the same with our faction. Those who remember the Grand Young Master’s past are at a loss for what to do.”

They coughed awkwardly, shaking their heads.

“If the rumor is true, what could be the Patriarch’s reasoning in releasing the Grand Young Master from seclusion now…”

“Surely, the Supreme Council isn’t trying to handle matters on their own, right?”

“Come now, would they dare? The Patriarch may be out of sight, but his eyes are as sharp as ever.”

“Indeed. Since the Patriarch fell ill, the Supreme Council has supported him admirably.”

“In the past decade, our house has seen unprecedented growth. No one can deny their contribution.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Besides, nothing is certain yet, is it?”

“Correct. We mustn’t be swayed by mere rumors at a time like this.”

He clicked his tongue in disapproval.

“It just shows how deeply the shadow of the former Grand Young Master still lies over our clan.”

“After nearly a decade in seclusion, he still commands such presence…”

“Those in the know understand, even with all this talk of the ‘swordless one’ and whatnot.”

A heavy silence fell in agreement.

Then, the servants leading them stopped.

“The clan’s elders have arrived! Clear the way!”

“The elders are coming!”

The servants announced, bowing their heads deeply.

The high-ranking officials halted and bowed respectfully.

A group of elders, escorted by armed guards and attendants, made their way on foot.

In any other family, they would have been traveling in palanquins or carriages at their leisure.

But this was the Luoyang Sword House, where the spirit of martial valor lived on.

According to the strict family law, unless there was a special reason, everyone had to walk.

‘Damn it, what’s with the Grand Young Master causing trouble out of the blue now?’

‘Ha, if I knew what was going through that devil’s head, would I be an elder in the Sword House? I’d be a chancellor in the imperial court.’

They were currently exchanging dialogue using the technique of ‘Secret Sound Transmission’.

The elders without internal energy relied on the help of warriors closest to them.

‘Finally, we have succeeded in making the derogatory term “swordless” familiar to the public, but now we have encountered a problem,’ they said.

‘Rather than that, shouldn’t we try to catch even the ankle of that person?’

‘Who? Will you do it? It’s that devilish Yeon So-Hyeon! We’re talking about that demon, Yeon So-Hyeon!’

‘Everyone, please calm down. Isn’t it just a rumor without any substance yet?’

‘It has not been proven anywhere that the rumor is true, and it has only been confirmed that he is merely participating as an advisor in 4th Young Master’s business,’ they mentioned.

‘The Patriarch, who is unconscious, is not likely to pass away.’

‘There’s no reason for the Supreme Council, which is currently acting in place of the Patriarch, to make such a decision.’

The elders at the very top knew well that the Supreme Council was running the Luoyang Sword House in place of the unconscious Supreme Patriarch.


An old elder raised his voice in anger.

‘If such a mere rumor spreads so quickly without being distorted, it’s undoubtedly that demon’s machination! Why doesn’t everyone see that?! Or are they pretending not to know?!’

‘It certainly seems suspicious, but it’s too early to conclude that it’s the Grand Young Master’s machination,’ they added.

‘How could that guy, cooped up in a corner, carry out such a large-scale scheme?’

‘I am currently suspecting the 4th Young Master’s side.’

‘It is more persuasive than the Grand Young Master, who is in seclusion,’ they asserted.


An old elder interrupted in between the transmission of voices.

‘Seclusion?! Well said. Does anyone know why the family head originally forced that devilish fellow into seclusion?’

As his emotions grew turbulent, so did the transmission of his voice.

‘It’s because that devilish genius was behind the terrible history of blood!’

‘Isn’t that just a rumor?’

The old elder pounded his chest in frustration.

‘So many people died back then! Too many died!’

A clear sense of fear was felt in his voice.

‘Was there any other reason for the family head to order him into seclusion at that time?! Was there?!’

Someone clicked their tongue in response

‘The reason for the seclusion order has not been officially revealed. Do not jump to conclusions.’

‘Wasn’t there a rumor of discord between the clan leader and the Grand Young Master at that time? I’m aware there are other quite credible theories as well.’

‘What?! Are you suggesting that I am someone who believes in mere rumors?!’

‘Then, do you have any evidence?’

‘Evidence?! I am the evidence!’

He told everyone to calm down.

‘You were outside the main house at the time, or you were not in the upper echelons, so you could afford to talk about calming down or not.’

The old elder’s face trembled with rage.

‘You know nothing about him!’

As expletives were uttered, everyone frowned.

‘I will withdraw my hand from this meeting! Do not contact me about this meeting ever again!’

Along with the old elder, a group that supported him broke away from the gathering.

The remaining elders watched their departure.

‘Cowards, no matter how outstanding, are just frightened children. He’s only seventeen after all.’

‘Isn’t he the old man who barely survived that bloodbath? He’s still not over that shock.’

‘Anyway, it’s time we come up with a plan, as was said.’

‘The first thing we need to do is find out who started this rumor.’

* * *

“It doesn’t matter who spread it.”

Elder Yeom leaned back in his chair, addressing his staff who had been engaged in a heated discussion.

“It’s all just unfolding according to the Grand Young Master’s plans anyway.”

The room, previously noisy with debate, quieted down at his words.

They didn’t look convinced, but they accepted it since it was their elder speaking.

An advisor cautiously started to speak.

“Then, what should our response be?”

It was a roundabout way of asking how the treatment for the lady would be handled.

The rumors of the Grand Young Master ending his seclusion had made it more difficult for Elder Yeom, who belonged to the neutral faction, to get treatment for his daughter.

“For now, everyone leave. I will soon make a judgment.”

As the room emptied, Elder Yeom stroked his own neck.

“Damn it, Grand Young Master. My neck still feels cold, and now you start to tighten the noose?”

He seemed to see the young Yeon So-Hyeon, who he had seen in the slums that day, smiling at him.

“This is driving me mad.”

Starting as a mere warrior, his stage, having risen to the rank of elder, was almost always external.

Because of that, he was not well acquainted with Yeon So-Hyeon of the past, nor the sequestered Yeon So-Hyeon.

However, it was precisely for that reason he was able to accept the Yeon So-Hyeon he had personally met without any prejudice.

“What exactly are you aiming for?”

* * *

“Are you saying that such rumors are circulating within the Luoyang Sword House?!”

The mistress of the Crescent Moon Pavilion, Se-Ah, detached her smoking pipe and exhaled a puff of smoke.

“That’s right. It’s information I’ve confirmed several times through sources within the Sword House.”

The client, who had come to buy information, wiped the cold sweat off his face.

“I came to verify the project that the Sword House’s 4th Young Master is undertaking, but I’ve stumbled upon unexpectedly significant intelligence.”

He clicked his tongue in appreciation.

“As expected of Crescent Moon Pavilion. The satisfaction is always worth the money.”

“Heh, you flatter me. But…”

Se-Ah crossed her legs the other way and sat down.

“…there’s also very important information related to the project that the 4th Young Master is pushing forward…”

“Is that so?!”

The client’s eyes widened like lanterns as he half-rose from his chair.

“But this is not a rumor, but all verified facts.”

A thick smile formed on her lips.

“It’s a bit expensive, but would you like to proceed with the payment?”


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