The Royal Contract

Chapter 1152 - 1152 Start over again

1152 Start over again

He had no idea why he kissed her back. Maybe in some way, he found her attractive. She was indeed beautiful, charming, and intelligent. So, what was not to like about her? Admittedly, he enjoyed the kiss.

When she invited him to walk her to her apartment, he agreed. What was wrong with that? He would have done that to any woman who asked him. It was not like he planned to sleep with her.

Do you want to come in? Now, that was a different story. I have coffee. He heard her offer.

He knew that there was always an underlying meaning to that statement. It did not mean actual drinking of coffee but something else. Was he ready for it?

He guessed he would never know if he would not try. However, he was not a one-night-stand guy. He never liked sleeping around with random girls. It was either he was in a relationship or not.

However, his work had prevented him from looking and finding the woman he would love. Well, until he found Serena. But fate was not on his side as she left him with a broken heart.

“I love to have coffee.” Adam finally accepted, agreeing to whatever the night held for them. He concluded that maybe Serena was not the one.

Maybe this girl was. Then, he would let her slip through his fingers again because he could not let go of another. No. He wanted to be happy just like his friends and find the other half that would make him whole.

He followed her to her small apartment. He could tell that she was not from an affluent family, judging from the size and condition of the tiny room. But he never cared about that. At least her apartment looked decent, orderly, and clean.


“Make yourself feel at home.” She guided him to the modest sofa while grabbing a used mug on the coffee table.

He assumed she probably left that this morning in a hurry to work. He also did that often in his apartment. Still, the room was a reflection of her. Simple but appealing.

“Thanks.” He took a seat in the middle of the couch and continued to look around, finding the air a bit awkward. As he said before, he was not a ladies’ man.

“I know I offered coffee, but I also had a wine if you prefer.” She walked toward a mini counter, producing two glasses and a bottle of red.

Did he feel like getting sober or drunker? He had no idea, but he ended up saying wine. Maybe if he was going to get through this night, he had to calm his nerves. Now, this scenario reminded him of the time he went on his first date.

She walked over to him, placing the drink and glasses on the table. But he could not stop the slight chuckle that escaped his lips. There was nothing funny about the situation, but he found himself hilarious.

“Is there something wrong?” She furrowed her brows at him, probably wondering why he was laughing. “Is there something on my face?” She asked when his eyes landed on her lips.

He quickly stifled his laughter, straightening on the couch. “No. It is not you. I am sorry.” He hastily apologized for his behavior. Then he took the bottle and opened it with a pop.

“Then, what is it? Do you mind sharing the joke?” She questioned him as she joined him on the couch, still staring at him with those scrutinizing eyes.

He suddenly found himself in a situation that would land him on a date with her or out on the street. He never liked lying, so he had no option but to tell her the truth, even if it was embarrassing.

“Would you believe that I have never done this?” He took the wine and drank half of the glass he poured. “I mean to say, it has been a while since I was out with a girl.” And he guessed it had been a while since he last slept with one.

“Oh!” She looked surprised, probably thinking he was full of crap. Upon analyzing what he said, he sounded like he was making a pickup line. Now, he wondered if she even believed him.

“So, you have not slept with anyone.” It was more of a question than a statement, but he did not realize that he had spoken that part aloud. Now, he could feel his body heating up from mortification.

“I just remembered the first time I went out on a date.” He further explained, hoping that would explain his internal joke. “I think I am talking too much.” But he knew he just made it worse.

He had no idea what he was blabbering about, but he had already said too much. He put down his glass, already feeling awkward for ruining the night with his confession.

“I will not take it against you if you want me to leave.” He offered, feeling that she deserved someone better. After all, he could not offer her more than a hookup. He finally admitted that he still was in love with Serena.

“For how long?” She nosily asked, disregarding the other things he said. “I mean, I don’t want to pry if you don’t want to share.” She also took the wine from the table and drank it while she waited for him to answer.

“I guess you don’t want me to leave yet.” He concluded, but he wished to hear her answer. Words were always best in his profession.

“Of course, but we can just talk and get to know each other if that is more comfortable for you.” Roseann offered as she pulled her legs on the couch, making herself more comfortable as she sipped her wine.

Still, he felt like he was out of her league. He did not want to judge her and think she had done this on more than one occasion. But he appreciated that she was not laughing at him.

He was not unattractive. He knew that. On the contrary, he was a catch. But his job took most of his time, making it impossible for him to commit to anyone. But now that he was ready, the girl he liked was not.

What a mess! Right?

It was like fate enjoyed messing with his love life. Now, was he ready to start over again?


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