The Royal Contract

Chapter 1151 - 1151 A little unorthodox

1151 A little unorthodox

She was not expecting to see him as she entered the bar. When he did not call or drop by after she took him home, she thought he might have forgotten all about her.

Still, there was a chance that he was not here because of her. Finally, his words confirmed that it was not her that brought him into this neck of the woods but a client.

“So, is the client still alive?” Roseann playfully asked, wondering if she knew who he was visiting in the hospital. She could not help but think if they might bump into each other again in the hospital.

But was it a coincidence that she also found him in the same spot, only this time, drinking beer? Or was he here so he could accidentally bump into her? Well, a girl could dream, especially about a guy like him.

“He is. Alive and hardly injured. And he intended to sue.” He chuckled with that gorgeous sound coming out of his lips. “That is why I am here. I had to listen to his case.”

Based on him, it was a funny story. But, of course, he could not go on to the details. He had to protect his client’s privacy. Still, she could not stop listening to his voice. It was hypnotic.

She suddenly imagined him in the middle of the courtroom, shouting. “I object, Your Honor.” But more than that, she also fantasized that he was groaning her name at the height of his passion. Again, there was nothing wrong with dreaming.

“I guessed just like a priest, you and I are bound to protect our patient’s secrets. In your case, your client.” She knew she sounded lame.

But she could not think of any good topic they could discuss since all she dated were nurses and doctors, never lawyers. Not that they were dating, but still, she believed she wanted to get to know him more.


“I never saw it that way, but yeah. I guess.” Adam acknowledged her deduction. “I said this is my last bottle. So, I think I better go home before you start dragging my ass inside a taxi again.”

He emptied the bottle and placed it on the counter before turning to her to bid her good night. It was still early. And she guessed she did not want the night to end just yet.

“I guess there is nothing I can say that can stop you from leaving.” She shrugged her shoulder as if she had accepted his decision. Then, she also turned to face him.

But instead of words, she decided to use her lips to make him stay. She leaned over with her hands supporting her weight on his knees and gently touched his lips.

“What are you doing, Roseann?” He asked as his eyes searched her face while his hands held her arms as if he was putting some distance between them.

He looked surprised, slightly taken aback by her candid act. But she was not letting this night go to waste without even trying. She moved an inch forward, letting him taste her lips before backing out again as she stared into his eyes.

“I am giving you a goodnight kiss.” She whispered seductively, hoping that would be enough to entice this man.

When she saw his eyes darken, she knew she had woken something deep inside him. She grazed her lips again on his lower lips, capturing them until she felt his reaction.

Then, he finally captured hers, pushing harder until their lips entangled in a battle of dominance. She wanted him, and from his intense reaction, he also wanted her.

Finally, his lips left hers, traveling down her jaw and creating a path on the length of her neck. On the other hand, their hands tried to support each other from tumbling down the stool they were sitting on.

“Do you want to walk me back to my place? It is not far from here.” She murmured near his ears.

She was not opposed to one night stand with a stranger. But she had never done it with one. Most of her relationships had been meaningful at some point. But her priorities always stood in the way, making it hard for her to commit to a long-term romance.

Still, she would not consider him a total stranger since she slightly had learned a few things about him. She had to thank the internet for that and their short conversations.

“Ok.” He finally pulled himself away from her. “Lead the way.” She heard him say.

Quickly, she took his hand and dragged him out of the small establishment. Soon, they were walking on a slightly busy pavement on their way to her apartment.

She rented a small space near the hospital so it would not be difficult going to her workplace, especially when she was on call. Besides, it was time for her to become independent from her family.

“This is the place.” She stopped in front of a small apartment. Finally, ending the awkward silence. She guessed it was not only her who was nervous about what was on her mind.

She could sense that he liked kissing her, but he did not seem the type who bedded all the women who showed interest in him. Now, she was curious about his story.

“It seems like a nice place.” He finally spoke again as he stood beside her and looked at her building.

“Do you want to come in?” She asked as she opened the door and held it open for him.

Truthfully, she was attracted to him from the first time she saw him. But that was a physical thing. On the other hand, she was starting to get emotionally attached to someone else.

She had to stop it before she ended up hurting herself and the people she loved. She could not condone her developing feelings for a man that was not free to love her back.

“I have coffee.” She hastily offered when she saw his reluctance. But she knew that was not all she was willing to give him.

She would like to suggest something to him if he would hear her out. She knew there was a likelihood that he would disagree, but she had to try. Even if what she had to propose to him was a little unorthodox.


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