The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 64: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (4)

Chapter 64: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (4)

✦  Chapter 64 – Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (4)  ✦

「Translator – Creator」

​Inside the sacred temple of the imperial palace, a solemn place of worship.

The third princess, Solana, was deeply immersed in prayer. Beside her was the priest Tom, who essentially acted as her secretary.

“…She will undoubtedly become the hope of the empire.”

“Absolutely. O Sun God, hearken to our voices!”

Where Solana offered fervent prayers, Tom responded with loud affirmations.

“Is there another woman like the first princess who possesses both overwhelming status and martial prowess? Her title will become even more renowned whenever the continent faces a crisis.”

“Absolutely. O Sun God, hearken to our voices!”

“That title is probably the continent’s greatest fox….”

“That’s right… Huh? What?”

Tom, initially with eyes closed, suddenly opened them and discreetly observed Solana’s side profile. She seemed to struggle with her intense supplications, beads of sweat dotting her brow.

“Ahem! Ahem, ahem!”

Solana coughed awkwardly.

Perhaps my ears deceived me?

It must have been a mishearing.

Surely, calling the first princess the continent’s greatest fox….

“Ahem, ahem….”

Solana asked the priest in her usual tone.

“Tom, what were we praying for?”

“You were praying for the other princesses, and now it’s the first princess’s turn.”

“That’s right. Indeed.”

Solana refocused on her prayer.

“The Goddess of War, the Queen of all Cures… Such unimaginable worth. Her very existence is a threat to our enemies and a justification for enforcing peace. There’s a reason the emperor poured so much Sun Elixir into her upbringing.”

“Yes! O Sun God, hearken to our voices!”

“But why invest in such a fox….”

“Yes…Huh? What?”

“Ah, the devil must be whispering in my ear.”

While Solana composed herself, Tom doubted his own hearing. The words that the third princess had muttered intermittently were incredibly hard to believe.

Solana finally opened her eyes.

“Brother Tom, making the world peaceful is the will and aspiration of the Sun God, isn’t it?”

“Yes, indeed.”

“Then, what constitutes blasphemy? Any act that imperils world peace is unequivocally sacrilegious, would you agree?”

“Yes, indeed.”

“Good. We will not overlook unholy deeds. Since the first princess is attempting to disrupt world peace, we must be prepared to counter her actions.”

Priest Tom quietly nodded his assent; though questions lingered in his mind.

“Third Princess, if I may.”

Tom’s voice carried a hint of curiosity.

“The first princess is truly one who seems capable of anything. The Sun God’s doctrine encourages childbirth, and wouldn’t marriage be a good thing?”

“Blasphemous words!” Solana exclaimed very firmly, ​“There’s no doubt about the power of the first princess. But marriage can become a vulnerability. What do you think will happen when the first princess, who only had to protect herself, suddenly has a family?”


“The first princess should have the least number of weaknesses. Until all the evil threatening the continent is eradicated.”

“I understand.”

“So, it’s acceptable to keep Ezekiel in the temple until we can truly say complete peace has arrived. While ensuring his safety, of course.”

Tom nodded his head.

“Imagine if Ezekiel stayed here for his entire life?”

“Oh, princess….”

Tom clasped his hands together politely.

To promise absolute safety and take care of a specific person for an indefinite period is a formidable task indeed. Would there not be those who would target Ezekiel simply because he had gained the first princess’s interest? And this temple would take on such a significant risk.

To eliminate all unholy things in the world, for a beautiful world, the third princess was faithfully….

“…How wonderful it would be if just that could happen!”


Solana no longer made excuses like misspeaking or the devil whispering to her.

“Complete peace? Is there really such a thing? Rather than let the first princess have him, it would be better to confine him in the temple and have him spend her life only with me….”

Denying complete peace?

That, she shouldn’t be doing….

The doctrine of the Sun God calls for complete peace….

“Yes, if complete peace is imminent, then the Sun God might as well become a calamity. For the sake of all my fervent prayers, at least that much….”

Solana’s body was trembling.

Because of this, Tom’s body also began to shake.


At some point, Solana sharply turned her head.

“Yes, yes!”

The Angel of the Empire, Third Princess Solana.

Yes, the Angel of the Empire….

Although currently, her eyes had a fierce gleam….

“If there’s one fortunate thing, it’s that Ezekiel isn’t interested in marrying the first princess.”

Tom’s eyes widened.

“Is that so? It’s a life-changing opportunity.”

“Think about it.”


“Imagine the weight one would have to bear as the first princess’s husband. Just thinking about it is daunting.”


Tom nodded his head.

If Ezekiel, who had nothing, were to marry the first princess, Ether, even if the couples themselves were fine with it, those around them would never leave them in peace.

“Ezekiel is so righteous that he even considers the peace of the continent. He will reject it because he can see the bigger picture.”

“I didn’t know. He truly is an amazing person.”

“Of course. His steadfast heart, steadily writing love letters to the woman he liked since his youth… Ah, it’s so romantic!”

“The woman must be delighted.”

“Indeed! And above all, he has a good eye. He wouldn’t fall for a large, bear-like fox….”


Tom swallowed nervously.

The thought that the malicious spirits, usually exorcised by Inquisitors, might currently be haunting the Third Princess was a suspicion Tom couldn’t entirely shake off.

A while later, the true Solana finally spoke up.

“Tom, you’re about to be promoted to a high priest, aren’t you?”


“It won’t be easy, given that pious individuals are competing. You’ll need a lot of accomplishments.”

“I intend to do my best.”

“That’s the right attitude. To a brother with such a good attitude, I propose an opportunity for a significant merit.”

Solana looked at Tom.

“Though the princesses cannot approach Ezekiel for three days after she awakens, there’s no clause that prevents others from doing so. Do you understand?”


“Brother Tom, you will stay by Ezekiel’s side to inform him. Let him know that the temple is always open to him and that it can be his sanctuary anytime.”

Tom hesitated for a moment.

After considerable deliberation, he made his decision.

“This seems to be too important a task for me to handle….”


Solana’s eyes narrowed with intense focus.

“I will succeed, no matter what!”

Tom responded confidently.

• • • ₪ • • •

At the Imperial Palace, in Hedera’s office.

Rustle─ Rustle─

As usual, the sound of pages turning filled the room. Hedera was meticulously reviewing the stack of reports piled high before her as always.


Her secretary, Tether, quietly observed.

To be able to witness this sight was a great honor in itself.

To behold the second princess handling her work with such focused efficiency would serve as an exemplary model for anyone.

Indeed, that’s correct.

Under normal circumstances, it would certainly be an inspirational sight….


Rustle─ Rustle─

However, Tether’s rabbit-like eyes blinked.

‘She keeps looking at the same page.’

Repeatedly stuck on the same section, her behavior was uncharacteristically awkward, something never observed in Hedera before.

At some point, Hedera added a sugar cube to her tea.

Even this act was a display of elegance, worthy of being a model of grace. Who in the Empire could exhibit manners with such poise and dignity?


But again, Tether tilted his head.

‘How many has she added already?’

It seemed like at least ten cubes by now….


Tether cautiously spoke up.

“Princess, are you perhaps troubled by something?”


Hedera, with a mask elegantly draped over her chin, took a sip of her tea. Completely disregarding the overwhelming sweetness of at least ten sugar cubes confirmed Tether’s suspicion.

She must really be deeply troubled by something.

“Could I possibly have anything to worry about? Handling any task quickly and with ease is my forte.”

“Yes, indeed.”

“It’s more like there’s just something on my mind.”

Tether immediately showed her respect.

“May I humbly hear it?”

“It’s nothing much. This continent is vast and teeming with people, yet there exists someone of insect-like intelligence who believes I am overworking the Inspector.” Hedera sighed deeply, “Tether, I have a mission for you.”

“A mission, you say?”

“Yes, the inspector will soon wake up in the infirmary. You need to make sure he is genuinely fond of and committed to the Imperial Magic Tower. Persuade him in any way necessary.”

From the beginning, Hedera and Solana had intended to create a three-day grace period to execute this very plan — to prevent Ether’s approach and proceed with persuasion through other means.

“Um… by persuasion, do you mean….”

“Other princesses will also send people, but it’s okay, right?”


Actually, it wasn’t okay. Tether wasn’t confident in her speaking skills.

She tried to avoid the topic slightly.

“I don’t have much authority in the Imperial Magic Tower . All I can do is sweet-talk him……”

“I’ll give you temporary authority. Explain all the advantages of the Magic Tower, as well as everything we can offer.”

“I’ll try my best….”

“Don’t worry. The inspector is already deeply infatuated with me.”

How could she be so sure?

However, Hedera’s expression was full of confidence.

“There’s one major advantage you need to emphasize.”

“And what advantage would that be?”

“That the Tower Master is beautiful. That she’s pretty. That her beauty doesn’t lose out to any princess.”


Tether gulped.

The beauty among the princesses was hard to distinguish. It was really a matter of preference.

Meanwhile, Hedera furrowed her brows.

“I’m the most beautiful among the princesses, right?”

Her elegant brows continued to furrow tighter.

“…Aren’t I?”

“Of course, you are the most beautiful!”

Tether turned her gaze toward the curtain.

“Even the sun hides its face in shyness before your beauty, Princess! Yet, the moon is shameless! Rising so boldly with ulterior motives!”

“…You’re right. Indeed.”

Hedera finally nodded.

On the other hand, Tether, sweating profusely, thought inwardly.

This mission.

It would be the hardest task she had ever taken.

• • • ₪ • • •

Deep within the temple in the Imperial Palace, the infirmary.


A man finally awoke.

‘Ah, so refreshing.’

Ezekiel opened his eyes feeling refreshed.

…Something’s wrong. Why do I feel so refreshed?


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