The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 63: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (3)

Chapter 63: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (3)

✦  Chapter 63 – Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (3)  ✦

「Translator – Creator」


A contract that formally establishes a relationship between a man and a woman as a married couple; through marriage, the smallest unit of society, the family, is formed , and through childbirth, the workforce that will lead the future is born.


These aspects alone are not the sole reasons why marriage is held in such high regard. Is it because it’s considered the most significant event in a person’s life? Not quite.


The ability to have exclusive rights to the one you love is what’s truly important.

The exchange of human emotions is akin to tending to a potted plant. It is a two-way communication, where it’s impossible to distribute love equally, and the approach to each person is different.

Marriage simplifies all of this.

By sweeping away a considerable portion of human relationships, it binds a person to share love only with one individual for a lifetime.


And that is why Solana and Hedera couldn’t help but react sensitively. After all, marriage had been mentioned.

Both princesses thought at the same time.

‘She’s out of her mind.’

However, they couldn’t bring themselves to voice it aloud.

Though they had somewhat expected it, they hadn’t imagined she would come out with such a reckless and straightforward attitude. It was an unexpected development.

They needed to prevent this first and foremost.

While there were many stubborn people in the world, Ether was a woman who could actually follow through, which made the situation troublesome. She wouldn’t just stop at conceiving outrageous ideas; she’d bring them to fruition.

‘…Is she going to kidnap him and take him to the North?’

Because they couldn’t predict what kind of antics she might pull, receiving a letter was not enough to put them at ease. Naturally, Hedera and Solana’s minds were spinning rapidly.

“May the grace of the Sun God be with us….” In the end, it was Solana who broke the silence again, “How beautiful it is when two people with aligned hearts come together to form a family. But an unwanted marriage can turn into the seed of disaster instead. That’s why we can’t simply congratulate you.”

Ether furrowed her brows slightly at this.

“Of course, I will do my utmost. The seed of disaster you mentioned…. You need not worry. I am confident in being exceedingly devoted to my family.”

“No? That in itself is also problematic,” Solana replied, looking directly at Ether. “For the First Princess, who is virtually the Empire’s greatest military asset, to declare that she will devote herself solely to family affairs—isn’t that tantamount to saying you’ll stand idly by even if a crisis befalls the continent?”

“You, you seem to have impeccable grammar when it comes to situations like this. There were quite a few difficult words in there, I believe.”

“…Don’t change the subject. In any case, isn’t that what being devoted to family means? Are you not using marriage as an excuse to neglect your duties as the First Princess?”

After saying this much, Solana clasped her hands together and offered a short prayer; then, she resumed her benevolent smile.​

“The reason the imperial princesses can strive so diligently is that we believe each will remain faithful to her role. It seems the First Princess has made an unwise decision, so I feel compelled to intervene.”


“Isn’t that what sisterly love is about? We have to stop each other if we are on the wrong path.”

At this, Ether grinned broadly.

“You two are acting awfully cute today.”

“That’s not the only problem,” Hedera said, joining in agreement. “Order, once disrupted, can shatter in an instant. As the First Princess, who commands numerous soldiers in the North, you should understand this well.”


“Initially, the other princesses wouldn’t think much of it. But gradually, they might come to consider marriage too. By then, the losses would already be substantial.”


Ether quietly rubbed her chin.

“There are five imperial princesses in total, you know.”

“Technically, there are six… No, you’re right. For now, there are five. Yes, let’s go with five.”

“As the leading princess, you should set an example.”

A moment of silence descended in the reception room.

Hedera and Solana silently stared at Ether, waiting for her response.

However, unexpectedly, Ether smiled once again.

“Firstly, there’s no need for you two to worry so much.”


A confident expression spread across Ether’s face.

“From what I’ve gathered, your concern is that if I become a man’s wife, I won’t be able to fulfill my duties as the First Princess.”

The First Princess slightly raised her chin arrogantly, “It seems you underestimate me due to your limited abilities, but I am a woman capable of managing both a family and my responsibilities as the First Princess. You underestimate me.”

“What does that mean…?”

Solana and Hedera’s eyebrows twitched.

“First Princess, you’re speaking out of line.”

“Speaking out of line? Me?”

Ether scoffed.

“You ambush and conceal your intentions while attacking me, and that’s not excessive? But when I point out your flaws, it’s excessive?”

Ether exuded a menacing aura while still smiling.

“Care to answer that? Either of you.”


Solana bit her lip.

“And, weakening the continent’s strength?”

A mocking smile formed at Ether’s lips.

“No, no. The continent’s strength will actually grow. I’ll give birth to about twenty children and raise them into a battalion.”


Hedera and Solana thought simultaneously.

​’She’s serious. She really plans to have that many children.’

‘…Does she think giving birth is like going on a hunt?’

It was then that Ether shrugged her shoulders.

“From the start, when were we ever on such good terms that we’d worry about each other? What difference does it make who marries whom? We have no interest in each other’s lives at all.”

A twisted smile appeared at the corner of Ether’s lips.

“If you are displeased with me getting married, the rest of you princesses can simply find your own partners and get married as well. The fact that you hesitate and beat around the bush despite knowing this…”

She lightly slapped the table with her palm.

“Ah, I see. You all have other motives, don’t you?”


In power struggles like this, logic often takes a back seat. What mattered here was that Ether was the only one directly discussing marriage and pushing it forward.

Hedera cited the operations of the Magic Tower as her reason,

And Solana pointed to the peace of the continent as hers.

Since their reasons were false to begin with, it was challenging to outright deny Ether’s statements.

— It’s not because of Ezekiel.

They couldn’t confidently assert that. It was a lie from the start, and claiming otherwise could backfire later.

“I’m not a woman who cares much for duty or decorum. What I learned in the North is one thing — if you want something, you hunt for it and claim it.”

It was essentially a declaration that she intended to claim Ezekiel.

“Do not forget that I have never once failed in a hunt. Even if the target is Master, if there’s competition, I will win.”

However, no one dared to easily refute her words.

Hedera and Solana exchanged quiet glances.

‘You slipped up.’

‘It’s because you were being so frustratingly vague.’

Starting with lies, there was no way to fault Ether, who was so confidently asserting herself. Solana and Hedera furrowed their brows simultaneously.

At this point, there was only one solution—

…End today’s meeting and revisit the discussion later.

Hmm… yes, that seemed to be the only way.

“May the grace of the Sun God be with us.”

Solana took a deep breath and recited the chant.

“It seems the First Princess is somewhat agitated. Since the infirmary is nearby, let us all calm down.”

“Oh, you’re quick to call it quits when things get unfavorable~?”

Ether shrugged her shoulders.

“Acting like a hunting dog baring its teeth to intimidate, now you want to roll over like a pet dog and show your belly~?”

“I’ve never bitten you, but if the First Princess feels offended, I’ll simply apologize. Please be magnanimous like the snowy plains of the North and forgive my rudeness.”

I will never admit to having bitten you, but out of my immense kindness, I will take the first step to acknowledge and apologize. You should be grateful.

…Was it a misunderstanding? It sounded that way to Ether.

“For now, let’s lower our voices. Master is trying to rest. It’s bad for the patient.”

Hedera quickly intervened.

“I agree. The patient’s safety is paramount.”

“I can see right through your ploy. Now that things are unfavourable, you use the patient’s health as a leverage? How adorable.”

“…I don’t know what you’re saying, but anyway.”

Hedera, with her mask perched on her chin, elegantly sipped her tea.

“Until the inspector awakens and regains his senses, let’s not have any direct contact. It’s a matter we can discuss once he regains consciousness.”

“Of course. The will of the person involved is important. Meeting immediately after he wakes up is risky. We should wait at least three days.”

Solana nodded fervently.

Then, Ether burst into hearty laughter.

“Such desperation. Fine, I’ll do as you wish. But know this — Master will end up marrying me. We’ll meet again three days after he wakes up.”

Ether rose from her seat, and the conversation in the reception room concluded.

The differences in their opinions remained unbridged.

Completely different thoughts.

Lives lived in profoundly different ways.


At this moment, for once, their thoughts converged.

‘I received the marriage proposal, these uncivilized brats.’

‘I’m the one who got proposed to. If this turns into a long-term battle, I’ll win.’

‘I already have the marriage proposal letter, anyway~’

All three women smiled confidently.

• • • ₪ • • •

The sleeping Ezekiel was completely unaware.

He had no inkling that an unforeseen storm, something no one could have predicted, was heading straight for him.

— End of Chapter

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