The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 38: Analyzing

Chapter 38: Analyzing

I beat the drum, sending earth mana into the sound, the deep reverberating like a heartbeat. Chofel used her sound magic to make her flute sound like a whispering wind flowing over hills. The other players start their instruments to build up tension as I start beating the drum harder and faster as if announcing the arrival of a dark lord.

More instruments started, as if to announce the arrival of the opposition forces of good. A chorus started as the tensions built and soon a crescendo spilled forth as if an announcement of the war. A battle of dark and light, of despair and hope on the ever bloodier battlefield. A little beating of drums like the pitter patter of rain started.

A sad lonely melody brought news of the death of someone important before the angry rage filled tune brought the final confrontation to the dark lord. The climax brought forth the death of the dark lord and the triumph of good. The epilogue of the song was that of the hero returning to her home and going back to her family.

Ting! Musician has met requirements for a breakthrough. Musician will now continue leveling past level 110!

Ting! Musician has obtained level 109!

Ting! Musician has obtained level 110!

Musician: You have a base knowledge of music and several types of instruments

1st Breakthrough: You've played a wind based instrument to a beginner level. This will help you master this instrument.

2nd Breakthrough: You've imbued mana into sound. Effects may vary and adapt to the type of song.

3rd Breakthrough: You've instilled an emotion in your audience. This will help you do so again with more ease.

4th Breakthrough: You've trained your voice to sing at a beginner level. This will help you master singing.

5th Breakthrough: You've managed to imbue your feelings into your music, this will help you touch the hearts of others.

6th Breakthrough: You've played a key based instrument to a beginner level. This will help you master this instrument.

7th Breakthrough: You've played a string based instrument to a beginner level. This will help you master this instrument.

8th Breakthrough: You've played a percussion based instrument to a beginner level. This will help you master this instrument.

9th Breakthrough: You've played a wheel based instrument to a beginner level. This will help you master this instrument.

10th Breakthrough: You've managed to infuse mana into your music, Able to cast magic attacks and effects through sound.

11th Breakthrough: You've told a story through music, this will help you bring images to the minds of others through non-verbal communication.

Musician: 10/10

1st Breakthrough: 10/10

9th Breakthrough: 10/10

10th Breakthrough: 8/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 5/5)

11th Breakthrough: 2/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 1/5)

"Did you get your breakthrough, Aly?" Chofel asked.

"Yup! Thank you for helping me!"

"That one is always hard to get by yourself, If you need any more help with any more feel free to ask!"

I had been working on this one for a long time, finally, I asked for help from one of the best [Musicians] I know. Having the same skill and she being more experienced, I was confident that she'd know how to get this one.

The next day I sit down in front of the large Aydomr pearl I had. I peer into it, trying to figure out what it does. I had learned that several properties can be retained if you use the materials correctly, but it's really hard to do. I've been working with dad but we still haven't found a way to not destroy the unique mana in the materials.

According to Dad only the best of the best can do it.

I looked at the pearl, noting how the mana moved. Ice mana is drawn into the pearl by the MM force and flows through the crystalline structure. The mana is shaped and transformed into unique mana. Eventually, so much of this unique mana would be built up a buffer that is constantly worn away by ambient mana.

I've learned that magic items and magic materials, even people, can be tracked by leaked unique mana, flowing on mana currents.

It's all in the mana signature. There's an empowering effect in the pearl, not a skill. It doesn't increase ice magic. The mana signature for the magical effect specifically is different from my Kyhosa, there aren't any similarities. Nor does it increase defense. There are no similarities to my sisters Kyhosa. What could it be?

I had compared it to everything I could think of. Other monster materials, other magic items, enchanted items. I even compared it to other people and their skills, everyone I met.

I sigh and stretch. Same deal as always. Sit in front of this puzzle and learn nothing. I walk out of my room, expanding my sphere. Mom is trying on a dress I had made. To help me with one of my breakthroughs I made Mom some clothes to try and level up my eye for fashion, it has helped a lot. Mom looks in the mirror and smiles.

"You're improving," Mom says, noticing me walking toward her room. With the help of spells, one can make a mirror just as reflective as modern mirrors, if not even better. Too bad I can't see reflections, not that I really need to, to see myself. Although Mom has [Sense Mana] she still needs the mirror to see mundane colors.

Hang on. Mirror. Self. I've yet to compare myself to the pearl. I do have some crazy skills, [Twin Minds], and [Graceful Movements], not to mention my cursed skills. Obviously, the magical effect won't be the same but any similarities helps.

"Anything that can help?" I ask Mom. What are the chances I had the answer all along?

"Hmmm, It's mostly choosing the right dye. Your colors match, but the specific shade of color is off."

By choosing a dye based on its saturation of mana I can tell the difference of color but only to an extent

"Which colors do you think would fit best here?" I ask, moving to a selection of samples.

"This one," Mom said, picking one up. Its mana saturation looks nearly identical to the ones next to it.

I just shook my head. "I can't tell the difference" Perhaps I just need to level up my [Sense Mana] more.

"You'll get it eventually, just take your time," Mom said.

I nod and went back to my pearl.

Let's see just how much I won't be able to learn.

I examine my skills and Bond, looking for any semblance of similarities. To my surprise, I found one. The pearl's mana signature has a tiny fraction but it's something. It's like looking at a small piece of a puzzle but now having seen the larger picture. There's something off, it's altered slightly.

It's not a skill, the item isn't Heirloom tier, so it has to be an enhancement of some type. And the signature suggests it is related to [Mana Manipulation] definitely not the same but the Aydomr use a form of [Ice Manipulation].

That's it! The pearl enhances the ability to manipulate ice mana!

Joy wells up in me and I felt like jumping up and down, but there's more to figure out. How much does it Increase it by? That one is easy. The monster was minor tier so it should be around 50%, however, it was a high level one so I am guessing on the higher end.

Now that I know what to look for can I see the similarities of the amount it enhances by? I have several sources for that. My Kyhosa and race. I examine the mana signatures, breaking them down in my mind and cross referencing them. It was like trying to find two identical looking straws from a hay bale. I don't know how long I sat there trying to see the differences.

It gives a 65% bonus to ice manipulation. It was a sudden realization. The amount is so small compared to my other references but by having three points of reference, even if I didn't know one, I was able to do the math.

Suddenly a new color filled in the mana signatures around me as several 'Tings' notified my success!

Ting! Sense Mana has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Sense Mana will now continue leveling past level 200!

Ting! Sense Mana has met the requirements for a breakthrough. Sense Mana will now continue leveling past level 210!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 194!

Ting! Sense Mana has obtained level 200!

20th Breakthrough: You've learned to differentiate the properties of mana signatures, This will help you see the difference of skills and other similar magical signatures.

21st Breakthrough: You've learned to Analyze through Sensing Mana, This will help you learn more about people and objects.

13th Breakthrough: 8/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 4/5)

14th Breakthrough: 10/10

15th Breakthrough: 6/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 3/5)

19th Breakthrough: 9/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 5/5)

20th Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 3/5)

21st Breakthrough: 3/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 2/5)

I hit two hundred in my skill! Finally, after stagnating for so long! I had only expected to get one breakthrough not two but I'd take it!

Now show me what you've got!

Aydomr Pearl of Ice Manipulation: Enhances Ice manipulation by 65%. 23 enchantment allowance.

Twenty three huh,? That is just over two slots, so each slot is ten allowance?

This was so cool! I can finally use [Analyze]! And I didn't even need to use a skill slot for it!

"Well? Are you going to keep jumping up and down or are you going to tell us?"

With a jolt, I snap my sphere to its maximum range only to see Mom and Dad smiling at me in the doorway.

With the biggest grin I have, I bragged about my latest success.

"You're going to have to teach us that breakthrough once we get there," Dad says proudly.

"Level two hundred before your class unlocks, now all you need is your bond at two hundred, think you can make it in time?" Mom said.


I [Analized] Mom

Water Runalymo Mother (Adept), Class (Minor), Water Bond.

Hmm lots of information hidden, or just not yet managed that breakthrough yet. Yet another to add to my potential list of breakthroughs, figure out the level of people. I can see her race but not her class, probably because we are of the same race and share a number of race skills. I wonder if I can see other races as well as I can with Mom.

I further examined Mom, bringing up her race skills.

Most of her skills were the same with some slightly altered to account for her specific race evolution

I also examine her general skills but found several I could not identify, likely because I lack a proper reference.

I notice Tana approaching the house, looking very nervous. He stopped at our door and fidgeted, muttering something. Over the last few years, Tana has grown a little more boyish. Puberty is not going to treat him well, and I doubt many others will if it's the case I think it's going to be.

I excuse myself and walk down to the storefront. I open the door to a surprised Tana.

"Ah! Alysara! Uh, Uhm, a-are y-you busy right now?" I could see fear essence and anxiety essence coming from him. What had happened?

"Calm down, take a deep breath and explain what happened," I tell him, pulling him in and closing the door.

"I, um, well, I was just training, trying out new things, y'know..."

He didn't need to explain further. Seeing his mana signature I can see something off about it, a new addition, something not a general skill nor bond skill. I can see the difference clear as day now. A color added to his mana signature that can only be described as burnt. Tana has a cursed skill.

I took Tana up, explaining the situation to Mom and Dad. We sit in the lounge as we listen to him talk. He had learned [Slash Wave] a skill that launches out a wave of mana like a spell. Very powerful if he can use it with specific mana types, his bond, and other skill spells.

Naturally, I told Tana not to use the skill and to "Never, Never take an evolution or class that has been influenced by a cursed skill" I parroted the Guardian on this lesson.

"You will die, have your body turn into a monster and kill everyone you know and love" I don't know if it was exaggeration or not but the point needs to be driven home.

I taught Tana everything I knew about cursed skills. By the end of the day, he was calmer and thanked me for helping him.

"Remember, If you use that skill you will limit your class possibilities, perhaps even removing any possibility of taking a martial class"

With that Tana went home. I secretly wished him luck, as a fellow curse bearer.


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