The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 37: The Dragons Advice

Chapter 37: The Dragons Advice

Mom stayed behind to look after the twins while Dad and I meet with the Guardian.

I've made some progress over the last few years, but I have only gotten one more breakthrough in [Sense Mana]. A sign that I've learned most that I can or just don't know what else about mana I can study.

Sense Mana: You have opened your mind to one of the energies that fuels this world. You can now sense mana in its raw form.

13th Breakthrough: You've observed and learned the mana interactions of magic items. This will help you better understand the process of magic item empowerment and creation.

15th Breakthrough: You've seen and learned how mana interacts with monsters and monster parts. This will help you better understand the process of monster creation and death.

19th Breakthrough: You've observed and learned how Mana interacts with mundane materials. This will help you better understand the interactions in materials

13th Breakthrough: 7/10 (Action: 3/5 Knowledge 4/5)

15th Breakthrough: 7/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 3/5)

19th Breakthrough: 9/10 (Action: 4/5 Knowledge 5/5)

With thirteen I had studied my Kyhosa extensively yet there are still some things I am not understanding and I think it's related to the highest tier magic items, but I could be wrong. I also have two action levels I am missing, one is for sure the extraordinary achievement, the other is probably sensing a lot at once. Both of which I was able to gain for enchanted items. There just aren't enough magic items in one place to get the level, and I don't know of a powerful enough magic item to get the extraordinary one.

Fifteenth I know what I am lacking in. Monster creation. I have yet to observe a monster come into existence. Many think that they are formed from mana though I don't know how nor why. Why is it that only Domrs are spawned here? In such a mana-dense area why not more powerful monsters? I just don't understand.

Nineteenth I gained from watching dad work with mana metals. There's a process that goes beyond mana infusion and fuses mana and mundane material into one. This I mostly understood with the reemergence of my memories, mostly atomic theory. The Elements of, say iron, and fire mana fuses. As if the fire mana particle or whatever gets trapped in the nuclei of the atom. I still don't know how that happens but I know enough to satisfy five levels in knowledge.

If I do know how it happens I might be able to make beauty essence metals. Heck, I could make Myrou gold! Even Nexus gems wouldn't be impossible but that'll likely kill me from the [Mana Manipulation] backlash.

I want to get my [Sense Mana] to two hundred before my race evolution but there's only one more breakthrough I can think of getting and I've been working on it so much already. I am getting close, very close, but not quite there yet. I'd also need to level it up to at least eight to get to my mark. I suppose I could sense mana in a mana starved area but even with my manipulation I can't create that, there's just too much mana at the nexus.

As we pass over the geothermal vent I saw a Fydomr growing to worrying size. Still manageable but we wouldn't want it to get any larger. I sent several [Fairy Strikes] until it's dead. By having three fairies distract it I prevent it from retaliating against the boat.

Ting! You've killed a Fydomr (Minor), Flame claw Level 68 (Minor), extra experience has been rewarded for under level and being solo.

We Land at Temple island and start walking down the long stone path.

"Last time you are going to meet the Guardian before age ten, that we've planned at least," Dad says. "Anything you want to ask?"

"More things about classes, I guess. She will definitely know a ton. Also about what's better, a non-caster or bond class. Chyzu already explained the pros and cons but hearing from someone with tens of thousands of years of experience is more reliable."

Dad nodded expectantly. We chat until we neared the Guardian. Unlike all the previous times The guardian wasn't resting but instead waiting for our arrival.

"Approach little one, We have much to talk about," The dragon says in her most teacher-like tone I've heard before. Again the image of a dragon with a pair of glasses and a chalkboard came to mind.

"Next year you are going to unlock your class, there are several things you should know, especially so since you desire for improvement and your Heirloom race will drive you ever forward. I assume you've been told of the caster classes and bond classes?" The Guardian asked.

"Yes, Guardian," I say with a nod. Trying my best to push back against the dragon's overwhelming mana. I had gotten another breakthrough in [Mana Toxicity Tolerance] and its levels shot up fast due to my meetings with the Guardian.

4th Breakthrough: You've learned to push against higher mana density to prevent or lessen mana toxicity, this will help you further resist the pressure

"Good, that saves us time, and potentially another visit. Then I will start by informing you on the limits of classes. Classes are soft-capped, much like your skills are. Your class can only reach the level as the sum of the ten class skill levels" The dragon pauses to let that sink in.

So if every skill is level one hundred the max class level is one thousand? That would mean I want the absolute best class skills to maximize the level I can obtain.

"Caster classes and non-casters can only get so powerful before they stall, their power is finite. Bonds, however, don't have skill levels, and thus aren't subject to any limit, their potential is infinite" again the dragon pauses

"So what you are telling me is if I want the highest potential class I should choose a bond class? Because it's dependent on a source with no limits it, in turn, has the same potential?"

"Yes, Little one. Although you will be less versatile the amount of strength you have will allow you to power through most trials. You have it even better with your [Mana Manipulation] skill, that can cover your weaknesses to some degree. It is one of the most powerful class skills too, one with great potential. I once met a mage with it, that mage had gotten it to level five hundred"

Five hundred?!

"What's the average potential for class skills?" I ask.

"Depends. Some are very strong but with low potential, some are weak with very high potential. The best class skills are both strong and have high potential, though those are few and rare. You must also know that your bond class skills are tailored to your bond skills and are thus typically low potential, although that is outweighed by your bond's unlimited level potential."

I reexamined the Guardian's classes, Four water classes, the same as her bond and one essence based class, but the essence is still weird, almost like a unique essence.

"You have four bond classes, don't you? What essence is your fifth? It seems more like your own mana signature, but slightly different" I am not sure if I am overstepping my position, but the worst the Guardian will do is just dismiss me, I hope.

To my relief the dragon smiles. "Your observation is impressive, that is good it will help you survive. I have one bond class for my general bond, my other three focus on bond skills. My fifth class I will keep secret. I will warn you, however, if you ever see a creature with a similar class, never provoke it, if it is hostile or potentially hostile, run"

That is actually scary, I will take heed of that advice.

"Now onto the main reason why I want to talk with you." The Guardian looks at Dad. "Give us some privacy, Little one," The Guardian says, more of a command.

Dad bows and walks out of earshot.

"Do you know what a legacy soul is?" The Guardian asks

I slowly nod.

"So the great spirits did inform you. There were others I've even met some, it's always a rare occasion"

I wonder how long ago that was and if they are still alive.

"Do you know of legendary actions?" The Guardian asks.

I thought for a while but nothing seemed to ring any bells. I shook my head.

"When an entity does a legendary action it is broadcasted throughout the realm. Everyone will know about it."

Hang on, that does sound familiar, all those messages about slaying great beings.

"The entity obtains a legendary point that they can then spend to upgrade a class or race by one tier, up to legendary tier. It is the only way to obtain such a tier outside of being born with it like elementals and us dragons." There was a hint of pride within the Guardian's voice.

I silently listen and save my questions.

"Likewise, when a legendary entity dies it is also broadcasted throughout the realm, this you know well enough by now. This is my first warning, those you call gods found a way to inhabit the space between realms, they will receive notification from all realms, you can't hide great feats from them"

I see, so they can keep tabs on powerful beings.

"But this also means that the great spirits cannot hide their legendary action from us. You should know what this means"

Myrou said they thought I was impossible. "Does that mean everyone knows about me?" I blurt out

The Guardian chuckles. "Yes and no. You were first found by the Great Spirit Myrou a thousand years ago"

So they did extensively study me

"Then about nine years ago your soul was seeded into this world, this like all reincarnated legacies, was considered a great feat. Not because reincarnation is particularly rare or hard to do but because of some other requirement, Likely it was vastly more likely that your soul would have fallen into another realm long before being found but it was mentioned that you survived the Great Calamity, something far beyond a legendary action. Not only that your soul is one of a kind, a Primordial Soul, a Primordial Legacy."

I think I know where this is going.

"You are an impossibility made real, defied all odds. It was thought that legendary is the peak tier but now it is known that there is one above that, mythical tier. You have a mythical tier point, little one."

I am getting "you are the chosen one" vibes from this.

"First, do not spend your mythical tier point. While it can increase the tier of your race or class it can only make you mythical tier if you upgrade from legendary or perhaps if there is a tier between legendary and mythical then you'd need to upgrade from that, so you should save it for that. This is a one time deal you will likely never be able to get another one, do not waste it"

I nod. There's just one problem when I look at my stats no such point is there.

"Is there a problem?" The Guardian asks, noticing my frown.

"I don't have a mythical tier point"

The dragon just chuckles again.

"It unlocks at the same time your class does at the age of ten"

That makes sense.

"How many legendary points will I need to become legendary?" I ask.

"You can get to exalted tier through normal actions, although it's hard for creatures like yourself to do so. A major tier is reasonable for average individuals, over the course of their life, that is. Talented individuals could get as high as grand or even heroic. It would take a particular individual of note to reach exalted if my observations are correct. Assuming a major tier it would take four legendary points, but anyone who is capable of such a thing would be at least heroic in their class and race"

So as little as one point and as much as three.

"What's better to upgrade, race or class?" If there is a knowledgeable ancient being willing to be my tutorial guide I'll take it.

"Usually class is better, it is stronger but if you are looking for immortality then know that all legendary races do not age, giving you more time to get stronger and more opportunities to gain more legendary points for your class."

"Won't being stronger make it easier for you to gain more legendary points?"

"Sometimes, Sometimes not. If you don't have a class for crafting it'll still be hard to achieve a crafting based legendary action. Slaying a legendary being always grants one point, but it's almost never worth spending it"

"Why's that?"

"Spending the points applies that achievement to your class or race. You already know that better achievements factor in your race evolution, say you survive a volcanic eruption and apply that to your race, you would become immune to fire and lava, or at least highly resistant. Killing an earth elemental when you are already legendary does little to upgrade your current path, or it could alter your desired path in a direction you don't want it to, sometimes it's wisest to not spend legendary points"

I see, actions you achieve are more likely to line up with how you want to build your race and class. A physical achievement for a mage doesn't work out in the mage's favor.

"But that also applies to my mythical point too, right? I may not want to spend it?"

The Guardian fell silent for a moment as if she hadn't considered that. "Yes, it is most likely a survival based achievement so it may force your class or race to be more focused on survival and defense. Defense is always a good thing, however, so the risk is low"

But not zero, it's something to consider, and who knows, maybe I'll get better mythical points.

"Can you apply legendary points to skills and bonds?" It was worth asking.

"Technically yes," the Guardian says to my surprise. "It may force a breakthrough in skills, but that is very unpredictable and may make you unable to max out your skill level, or it could corrupt the skill, turning it into a cursed skill. If you want to empower your skill, however, it must be because you achieved a legendary action by using that skill. For example, if you noticed an ailment thought to be incurable with your [Sense Mana] and found a cure you could gain a legendary action, that would be safe to use. Properly empower skills don't force a breakthrough, instead, the skill becomes vastly more powerful; double the level cap, and increase its per-level power increases."

I see, the skill would probably become super strong in that case but that's probably extraordinarily rare to do.

"As for bonds, It could end up changing your bond element and reset its level. If that's what you are looking for then sure but if it's not I recommend only applying a legendary point that corresponds with your element or essence. Slaying an earth elemental and using that to boost your earth bond would empower it"

So legendary points used on Bonds can give great rewards but if used carelessly it can really damage you.

By now it was getting hard to breath and my hands were shaking from the stress of mana toxicity.

"You must rest now. You have a year to prepare for your classes make use of the time you have"

I bow to the Guardian and retreat, taking Dad's hand as we walk back to the boat.


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