The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 180 Reviving The Dead

The blood-soaked soil was too impure to taint Selene's feet, and Bi Huang couldn't help but stare in wonder at the stranger's otherworldly beauty.

Bi Huang sucked in a sharp breath, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden rush of information.

Her first instinct was to contact Xia Tian for guidance, but before she could do so, she received an message that caused her to calm down slightly.

"Wait, she is Lady Irene's sister?" Bi Huang's eyes widened, struggling to come to terms with this new revelation.

The difference between the two was like night and day - one was friendly and approachable, while the other appeared to be an unapproachable goddess.

Bi Huang couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration mixed with a hint of intimidation for Selene.

As Bi Huang's eyes darted back and forth, trying to take everything in, she noticed two women standing close by, quietly observing Selene.

Both women looked familiar, and upon closer scrutiny, it could be realized that they were both disciples who had accompanied Selene during the incident at the Valley of Mist before Evelynn arrived and destroyed it.

"Is... is my husband nearby?" one of the women suddenly gasped, her eyes darting around frantically as she sensed something familiar in her soul.

The other woman turned to her in surprise. "Qingyu, are you having a divination?" she spoke softly, a calm and peaceful aura emanating from her.

Qingyu shook her head quickly, "No, I just sense something... familiar here." Her face masked any emotions she might have been feeling, and she turned back to their master, who was busy performing an impossible feat.

For a brief moment, Qingyu's mind wandered away from the scene, and a mental image of Xia Chen, practicing back at the Holy Water Palace, flashed before her eyes.

Both women were clearly diviners, and the way they spoke and moved seemed to exude an otherworldly air.

Bi Huang's piercing eyes scanned the two figures before her, looking for any sign of worth or distinction.

However, it was clear to her that these creatures - though immortal - did not seem like anything special to a divine beast like her.

She regarded them with a detached, almost disdainful air and deferred her attentions to Selene, for something about her had caught the beast's eye.

All three women watched silently as Selene began to weave a spellbinding display before Su Wei lifeless corpse.

Her fingers cut through the air with a lithe grace - threads emerging from beneath her skin - while her delicate motions entranced the onlookers.

It was all quite awe-inspiring to witness.

She deftly collected a swarm of particles from around them, each one imbued with its own vibrant energy that seemed to shimmer under the ambient light.

As she worked, the particles seemed to dance about her in a kaleidoscope of color and light.

The gathered spectators watched in rapt amazement as Selene reassembled Su Wei's soul structure, one particle at a time.

She was an expert, masterfully hand-crafting each piece with the attention to detail that few others could match.

Meanwhile, the Bi Hunag and the other two diviner women were left wondering how Selene had mastered the art and science of such a delicate process.

When she was finished, Su Wei rose like undead coming back to life, his body and soul restored to their former state in an instant.

It was a remarkable display of power, breath-taking in every way.

Those in the place, who had previously been held spellbound by her craft, now watched in stunned silence as Su Wei appeared no worse for wear, standing now at the peak of his abilities.

"Where... am.... I?" he whispered. Though he appeared dazed and somewhat disoriented, Su Wei managed to steady himself.

Once he had taken his bearings and registered his surroundings, he saw it: a thick pool of blood, slowly seeping out of his body.

"What?" he breathed in shock and confusion, his eyes wide and uncomprehending.

Then the memories of the past flooded his consciousness, every second, every thought, every motion. His regrets, his anger, his fury, his hopes - all of them came at once, like a flood that threatened to drown him.

"This was all because of Xia Tian..." he murmured, his eyes blazing with fury.

He was consumed with a desire for revenge, one that burned within him with a fierce intensity. "I won't rest until the day I vanquish him," he vowed with a grim determination.

"Run, son! Escape from here!" The voice of Wang Yaqi, Su Wei's mother, was filled with eleventh-hour desperation as Xia Tian's parallel body relentlessly pounded on her, sending her body flying back and forth like a rag doll.

Sweat poured down her face, intermingling with matted locks of hair, as she fought to hold on to the last vestiges of consciousness.

Su Wei's eyes widened in horror at the sight, as he surveyed the rest of the room which was consumed by absolute mayhem.

His extended family members lay strewn across the expansive space, their bruised and bleeding bodies piled on top of each other, others sprawled in twisted shapes and still others lifeless, their disheveled bodies vying for space on the crumbly floor.

The stench of death hung heavy in the air, choking and overpowering.

Anger welled up inside Su Wei, causing him to tremble and clench his fists.

These were his loved ones, totally destroyed, their bodies violated in unthinkable ways - and all because of one man...

As he watched on, helplessness threatening to consume him, Su Wei saw Xia Tian attacking his mother reach to her chest and begin to suckle on her breasts while removing her clothing with his free hand.

His body shook with fury at the sight, his teeth grinding so hard, he feared they would shatter.

But it wasn't only his mother whose life was in danger; Su Wei continued to scan the area, hoping to find a glimmer of hope, but everywhere he looked, he was met with more of the same violence and destruction.

Tears formed in his eyes, but he knew that he could not give into his emotions. He had to act.

With a fierce resolve, he took a deep breath and forced his way forward, despite his aching body and the overwhelming feeling of heartbreak and loss that lay thick within his chest.

Moving cautiously, Su Wei made his way over the bodies of his loved ones and towards the exit of the energy field shield cloaking the palace.

Although he was confused at first why none of Xia Tian's body was stopping him, but soon he realised...

They all were smirking at him...

His existence was so small in his eyes that he didn't even care about his escape...

More like he felt, he was being purposefully released, so later Xia Tian cane play with him more...

But none of it matter to Su Wei currently, all he wanted was an chance...

Chance to destroy Xia Tian...

And even it was given at the mercy of the man himself, he didn't mind...

His mind raced as he did so, determined that he had to act, that he had his revenge. His clan and family could not die in vain.

It was not an easy journey; each step was laborious and draining, and he slipped and fell on multiple occasions.

But he never gave up, hauling himself back up each time and continuing his journey, for he had a mission to accomplish.

Finally, he emerged from the energy field, having made his way to safety on the other side.

Looking back, his heart heavy with emotion, Su Wei saw his family members - those who were still alive - and promised himself that he would return to take revenge for them, and make sure Xia Tian would lay one day...

Bi Huang's heart raced as Su Wei attempted to leave the place.

She knew she had to stop him, but Selene's interference made her feel helpless.

Just as she thought all was lost, Selene's figure floated back to them, wearing an enigmatic smile that played with her features as she peered at Bi Huang.

"Don't worry about him... He will die, just not today." Her words sent chills down Bi Huang's spine. Selene's power was unnerving, especially when it came to matters of life and death.

Selene took both of her disciples away, her figure receding into the distance.

Bi Huang stood in stunned silence, their mouths agape with awe.

She had just witnessed a dead person come back to life, and it was all thanks to Selene's intervention.

Bi Huang was left stunned as Selene and both the divines vanished from her sight.

She couldn't wrap her head around what had just occurred.

However, there lingered an inexplicable aura around Selene that had left a haunting impression on Bi Huang...

It was as if a mesmeric force had been at play, throwing her senses and thoughts into flux and she struggled to shake off its grip...

The innocent phoenix was unware what an slut lies behind that mask of Selene and was easily fooled her goddess like aura...


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