The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 179 Xia Tian Going For An Dragon Ride!

After spending two hours with Ye Suyin, Xia Tian quickly put on his clothes and stepped outside.

Ignoring the girl's pitiful sleeping form and mess of hair, he began making his way towards Bai Xue's place. 

Ye Suyin had unexpectedly dozed off on the cave floor.

When she would woke up, an surprise news would be awaiting her, but Xia Tian didn't have any pity for an women like her.

In his eyes, the world was a harsh place, and only the strong would survive, she was too innocent. 

Xia Tian wasn't surprised by her exhaustion. He had learned that when people are surrounded by others, they tend to ignore certain things that distract them from enjoying life.

However, he chose not to indulge in such distractions and instead focused on himself.

In Xia Tian's opinion, all human beings were clever foxes, not foolish sheep like people think.

They could easily see the problems around them, but they chose to pretend ignorance.

Xia Tian saw this as a weakness and knew that he had to be one step ahead of everyone.

Today, the girl had realized how lonely she had become after losing all of her ties and being stranded in this unfamiliar place.

Xia Tian sneered internally at her weakness and lack of resilience. 

Xia Tian's presence had managed to calm the storm in her mind.

However, he wasn't there to pacify her or make her happy.

He was there to satisfy his own desires and needs, while maximizing his satisfaction.

With a smirk on his face, Xia Tian made his way towards Bai Xue's place.

His intentions were clear: to rob that loli and ride on her.

However, he was in for a surprise when he stumbled across Zhou Zhixuan, the dragon princess who had been kidnapped by Evelynn.

The silver-haired loli turned around and greeted him, "Oh, hello master. If I have no purpose here, can you please send me back to my relam?" She asked, giving him a royal bow.

Xia Tian raised an eyebrow but was too occupied with Bai Xue, who was approaching them.

The latter noticed Xia Tian standing there and ran away as fast as she could.

'Are these two lolis conspiring against me?' Xia Tian suspected that these two were exchanging information to undermine him. He couldn't help but wonder what schemes they were cooking up, maybe they could make him slightly amused for an while.

With determined steps, he pulled the loli dragon princess towards a secluded location.

She followed him without much reaction on her face, her small steps keeping up with his. The rustling of their clothes was the only sound breaking the silence.

Once there, he stood in front of her, looking deep into her eyes. "Take me for a ride," he ordered firmly.

Zhou Zhixuan blinked in confusion. "Huh?" Her brain couldn't comprehend what she had just heard.

It was her first time hearing someone order a dragon to take them for a ride, let alone royalty like her.

Xia Tian's eyes never moved from hers, and the loli eventually realized that he was completely serious about it.

She hesitated, unsure of what to do. Her face flashed with a mix of emotions before she sighed helplessly. 

With a sudden flick of her wrist, Zhou Zhixuan's small figure transformed into a magnificent creature like Chinese mythical white dragon.

The transformation was astounding, as the small loli was now gone, replaced by a majestic creature with golden stripes running down her body, and aqua eyes that glistened in the might.

Meanwhile, Xia Tian glanced back and spoke, "Are you coming outside already, or not?" He was eager to start his adventure and didn't have time to waste on any distractions.

Suddenly, an unexpected character appeared from the background, gasping at the sight before her.

She had been following Xia Tian and Zhou Zhixuan sneakily, but they had sensed her presence. It didn't seem to bother the two of them, and they continued with their plans.

"Brother Tian, are you going somewhere?" came a gentle voice from a young blonde-haired girl. Her shining green eyes stared intensely at the creature in front of Xia Tian.

"Is that a dragon?" she asked, her skepticism apparent in her voice.

Xia Tian thought about what to do with this girl, but then he came across a good plan to frighten her.

"Want to come for a ride?" he proposed with a hidden smile, ignoring the snort from the dragon behind him.

Xia Ying froze in terror, unsure of what to do, still the curiousity in her better took of her, as she finally climbed on back of Zhou Zhixuan, along with Xia Tian. 

Her face glowed up with excitement, feeling the softness of the dragon's back. 

An excited sigh escaped her lips on Xia Ying, as Zhou Zhixuan took off.

The girl has no idea, what scene she is going to witness there... which might change her personality for better...


Back at Su Family's territory...

The flames that had earlier seemed harmless had finally started to slowly engulf the place, turning it into a scene straight out of hell.

The heat was stifling and the stench of smoke was thick in the air.

There was an illusionary spell cast on the whole site, shrouding the destruction in a cloak of invisibility until everything was destroyed.

Bi Huang, the phoenix woman, sighed as she overlooked the destruction.

Her heart sank at the sight of the burning buildings and the distraught people begging for their lives.

"He definitely wants a war," she thought, remembering the last smirk Xia Tian showed her after giving her instructions.

His intentions were clear now - to ignite a war against the ice phoenixes ruling this nebula by offending them.

Bi Huang couldn't properly process Xia Tian's wicked mind when she suddenly saw Su Yang's body convulsing. "What is happening to him?" she panicked, her eyes fixed on the young man.

Su Yang, who was earlier screaming loudly with anger, had suddenly gone silent.

His eyes were black as night, seemingly drained of their life force.

The qi inside his body also appeared to go cold, freezing in place as if gripped by an icy hand...

His eyes appeared completely soulless and black, like bottomless pits that sucked in all the light around them.

"Did he really die?" wondered Bi Huang, her curiosity piqued by Su Yang's sudden silence.

"But how?" she thought, racking her brain for an explanation.

No matter how she tried to reason it out, his silence was too sudden and final.

In truth, Su Yang had indeed died, his anger and the Qi within him becoming a deadly combination that slowly consumed him from the inside out.

This was the last and most dangerous stage of anger, as Xia Tian had warned Bi Huang. The final stage that could kill not just others, but yourself.

Bi Huang was still clueless about his death, feeling slightly paranoid as she wandered around in a daze.

"His anger consumed him, burning him from the inside," suddenly, a calm and serene voice echoed behind Bi Huang, cutting through the chaotic air like a bolt of lightning.

The voice was like a balm to her soul, washing away the fear and tension that gripped her.


The phoenix felt her blood drain from her face at the sound of the voice, as if she was listening to the voice of a god.

She turned around, her heart pounding in her chest, and saw a figure standing behind her that radiated an ethereal aura.

The stranger was feminine in structural form, with flowing violet hair that shimmered in the moonlight.

Her piercing violet eyes seemed to look straight through Bi Huang's soul, as if she knew everything about her.

There was a strange ethereal light emanating from her back, which created an aura of peace and tranquility that was at odds with the bloody scene before her.

"Calm down..." The peaceful voice entered her mind again as she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

It was warm and comforting, and she shuddered at the contact, feeling as if she had finally found a guiding light in her life.

Turning around, she saw the goddess-like figure in all her glory.

The woman smiled faintly, revealing perfect white teeth that glimmered like diamonds in the darkness.

Bi Huang couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence as she looked upon her, like she was standing in the presence of a deity.

With otherworldly grace, the mysterious figure walked up to the bloody corpse of Su Wei.

Her feet landed on the ground as if she was gliding, and she moved with such poise and elegance that it was hard not to believe she was a divine being.

She ignored the chaos around her, almost as if it didn't exist, and inspected the corpse with a detached curiosity.

The blood-soaked soil was too impure to taint her feet, and Bi Huang couldn't help but stare in wonder at the stranger's otherworldly beauty.


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