The Moon Thief

Chapter 64: Emergency!

Chapter 64: Emergency!

When Heinald saw the situation of Erald,he smiled satisfied in the shadows and leapt out of the shadows. He walked over to Erald and started looking at him, he couldn't move his eyes, but when he saw Heinald, his pupils constricted. All color had drained from his face and he was starting to look like a fisherman who had drowned three days ago.

Wasting no time, he created a Spirit Imprisonment Formation and imprisoned Erald's spirit in the Sin Stone.

"W-What have you done!" Erald's voice, filled with anger, surprise, and fear, came from within the Sin Stone. It was easy to guess that he was quite confused. Unlike others whose souls were imprisoned in the Sin Stone, he didn't know why he was imprisoned, he might not even have realized that he was imprisoned yet.

"I'll ask you for some information." Heinald said quite naturally.

"H-Heinald stop joking! Get me out of here right now!" It was clear that Erald was trying to stay calm.

"Jokes?" Heinald sighed.

"Tell me what's going on now and get me out of here!" Erald's voice sounded calmer than before.

"I imprisoned your spirit in a stone..." Heinald shrugged and looked at the Sin Stone. "Of course, I could not learn the secrets of the organization from you by speaking in a friendly manner, so I followed a different path.

"W-What are you saying..." Erald hissed.

"First, let's start with the question I am most curious about, what is the source of the Dark Energy radiating from below the building and felt throughout the area?" Heinald's voice grew slightly louder.

"Heinald, get me out now, damn it!" Erald roared in frenzied anger, completely ignoring the question.

"Here we go again." Heinald sighed and began to torture Erald's spirit by sending pure fire energy to the Sin Stone.

Erald's cries, indicating terrible suffering, overflowed the Sin Stone.

Heinald didn't want to waste much time, so he had to get the answers he wanted quickly.

"Chest! The source of Dark Energy is the chest below, please stop!" Erald began to reveal what he knew to stop the unbearable torture.

"Chest?" Heinald frowned.

"Yes! The chest is protected by a formation. When we discovered this chest, we realized that it would take a long time to overcome this formation, and we built this building to be close to it. My task is to develop a formation that will destroy the formation protecting the chest." Erald's voice stopped for a moment, then continued. "The formation protecting the chest is a kind of barrier, we tried to destroy it with dozens of powerful spells but failed. So my father gave me the task to create a formation that could destroy the barrier surrounding the chest."

"So the formation I see next door is the formation you were working on to destroy the barrier?" Heinald took a sneaking glance to the side.


"What a headache..." Heinald exhaled loudly.

"You made a Blood Agreement, how can you be a traitor?" Erald asked in a depressing voice.

"You're also going to tell me all the important information you've gained in your training on formations!" A cold gleam passed in Heinald's eyes and he ignored his question. Erald's knowledge of formations would undoubtedly be useful to him as well.

Heinald tortured the reluctant Erald for hours and extorted all important information from him. He then stored all the valuable books, scrolls, and notes in the room in the dimensional pocket of his robe. Finally, with Erald's half-hearted help and curse words, he turned the formation on the side of the room into a bomb.

This formation was originally designed to create a force field that would destroy the barrier. With the slightest change to this formation, the energy would become unbalanced and a terrible explosion would occur. That's why it broke the structure of a few seals forming the formation and made the formation somewhat 'distorted'.

After activating the formation, he quickly jumped to the hole in the ceiling and reached his room. He immediately left his room and went to the Old Rolls, which was on the south side of the building. He had left behind a bomb that was about to explode at any moment, and he had entered the potions lab as if he didn't know anything.

"Old Rolls, I have something to consult with you." Heinald approached the old man as usual.

"For me?" Old Rolls' eyebrows rose. "I'd love to hear it!"


Just as Heinald had opened his mouth, an explosion sounded that made heaven and earth groan.

"What's going on!?" Heinald quickly threw himself to the ground, shielding his head.

The explosion was so violent that the entire building shook violently for seconds. The sound of collapsing stones and earth could be heard throughout the building. All the alchemy tools and books in the potions lab had been knocked over by the shaking.

Heinald looked around in horror, as if he didn't know anything.

"There was a big explosion!" Old Rolls' expression darkened and he quickly stepped out. Even though they were far from the northern part where the rooms were located, the entire corridor was covered with a cloud of dust. Numerous cracks had formed in the walls of the corridor, dust pouring out of them.

Heinald was following Rolls, who was rushing to the north side.

"Lord Kroll! What's going on?" When Rolls saw the leader of the organization, who was looking around with a stern look, he quickened his steps.

"I'm wondering that too, Rolls. What's going on!?" Veins appeared on various parts of Kroll's face. It was obvious that he was quite angry and confused. He stared hard at the completely destroyed northern section, the explosion destroyed not only Erald's room but the entire northern section.

"All the rooms..." Heinald paused before completing his sentence.

"What could have caused this?" ' Rolls asked.

"Erald..." Kroll murmured vaguely.

"He...Is he dead?" Rolls' expression was pretty ugly.

With the force of the explosion, the entire section was destroyed. It was clear that no one would survive this explosion. Later that day, a state of emergency was declared and other members of the organization were summoned to the underground building. Various creatures created by the organization as a result of various experiments and one Cruxal were taken into the underground building to keep watch. Because of this, the inside of the building was stinking and the Dark Energy density had increased. But the real chilling thing was the gloomy ambiance and cursed aura that pervaded the place.

Heinald was sitting in silence with Old Man Rolls in the Potions Department's lab. He was acting like he had no idea what was going on, his facial expressions were in that direction, but he was actually lost in a dense cloud of thoughts.

He had the information he wanted, but he wasn't sure how the plan should go. Erald's death would unsettle the entire organization. Although his death might seem like an accident, Kroll would definitely start to search for the truth. He didn't think he would find the truth any time soon, but he still had to be cautious.

After hours of thought, the idea of raiding began to seem more and more dangerous to him. He had learned important information, but had also alarmed the organization. With the security measures so stepped up and Kroll, a Level 2 Ainsar, looking for a criminal, a raid would only be a route for those who wanted to die. That's why he decided not to tell anyone what happened, as time went on, he would try to seize the chest alone if an opportunity came his way, but for now this idea was a madness.

Heinald left the underground building for a few days, and after making sure he wasn't being followed, went to Penrith Town to talk to the others. When he got there, he immediately began to feel the gloomy ambiance of the town in the depths of his soul. Still, it could be said that it was a much more heartwarming place than the underground building of the organization.

When Heinald entered the house, he saw that everyone was there, including Baunt. Everyone was eagerly waiting to hear the latest developments from him. Traces of impatience could be seen in their eyes and in their speech, it was clear that they did not want to sit still any longer. unfortunately, they did not receive the kind of news they wanted; they were simply told that the situation was stable by Heinald.

"So what are we gonna do?" This was the only question on everyone's mind in the house.

Heinald had not told them any of the events that had happened. He told them he was trying to get enough information, but the restrictions and secrecy were too much. He had joined the Awakened Nightmare organization to seek insider information and leak, but no one there anticipated that he would face such strict restrictions.

Baunt slowly stood up and exhaled. "I had hope at first, but I guess I have to ask my clan for help. I thought I could succeed on my own, but I guess this is beyond me."

"From your clan?" Heinald's brows furrowed slightly.

"My grandmother is the leader of the Avveleon Clan. She is a Level 2 Ainsar, if we can raid with her help..." Baunt paused for a while. "We can find out what the source of Dark Energy is."

"If your clan joins, how will the harvest be distributed?" ' Dane asked.

"I'm going to go talk to my grandma first, then we'll talk about the terms again." Baunt's gaze and tone of voice showed that he was quite thoughtful.

Baunt soon said goodbye and left.

"I did not expect this at all... If a Level 2 Ainsar is with us, our job will be much easier, but it will come at a cost." Heinald's expression darkened. Events had unfolded in a way he had never imagined.


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