The Moon Thief

Chapter 63: Unfortunate Erald

Chapter 63: Unfortunate Erald

"I'll let them use me for a while. Remember, I infiltrated there to gather information anyway. If I can gather enough information, we will make a raid on them. If I can't gather enough information, I'll leave the organization. After all, there is no formal agreement that binds me to them."

Heinald's last words were true. At worst, he would ignore what was happening here and leave. The reason why he accepted this dangerous job was his curiosity and interest in the source of Dark Energy. Moreover, there is a possibility that he had a chance to access the resources of this organization.

"Did you sense the power level of the leader of the organization?" Morena asked.

"The energy waves emanating from him showed that he was an early rank Level 2 Ainsar." replied Heinald.

After talking to them a few more things, Heinald left Penrith Town without further ado and rode to Jusen City. Dane and the others would still remain in this town, observing events and awaiting news from him.

When he reached the city, he immediately went to the market area and bought various materials he needed. He would try to complete the missing formulas of the Distilled Thunder Essance, Shield of Fire Heart, and Rhimpous potions by experimenting.

These potions were all elemental immunity potions. Therefore, the active materials in them had to contain elemental metal particles. For example, he was considering using the Winged Sea Serpent's pericardium for Distilled Thunder Essance because this Magical Beast's natural elemental predisposition is lightning. If he failed, he would experiment on the organs of a different Lightning-prone Magical Beast.

The same procedure was valid for all potions based on elemental immunity!

He thought that these potions would have enough time to make up for his shortcomings. After all, brewing two potions a day wouldn't be too much of a problem for him, he could spend the rest of his time productively.

The days passed quickly and a few months passed.

Heinald was not allowed to enter most places in the building. Therefore, he could not collect enough information about the experiments and studies. However, one thing he was sure of was that the Dark Energy source was under the building. Each day he brewed the two potions requested of him, and in the time that was left to him, he did various experiments to complete the missing potion formulas.

Of course, he didn't just spend the rest of his time doing experiments. He tried to come up with a plan to find out what the Dark Energy source was, but couldn't figure out how to do it due to his limited freedom. However, over time he was able to establish some conversational bonds with Erald.

Through this conversation, he had learned that he was interested in formations, but could not get any more details. In this organization, there was at least one branch that everyone worked on. Erald was clearly working in the 'formation' branch, but he hadn't told him which and what kind of formation he was working on.

Still, Heinald had managed to learn some information during his time in the organization. A small part of this he had gathered from brief conversations with Erald and other members of the organization he occasionally encountered. Most of it was obtained thanks to an old powder mix formula that he found while tampering with the library in Old Rolls' laboratory in this building.

The formula he found was called "Shadow Powder" and was actually pretty useless to most Ainsars. The person using this powder would be invisible in the shadows, but if that person could n't hide their energy, it wouldn't make any sense because he would be noticed immediately.

But Heinald knew how to hide his energy, so this powder was very useful to him. Although the preparation of this powder required a long process, it was not difficult. It could be said to be much, much simpler, especially when compared to brew potions.

When Heinald concealed his energy and sprinkled this powder on himself, he was completely invisible in the shadows, allowing him to overhear the conversations of many members of the organization talking to each other and make various observations.

Heinald had previously been unable to create a plan due to his limited range of motion and knowledge. However, he managed to create a plan in his mind with the information he had easily gathered with the invisible observations he made thanks to Shadow Powder. His first target would be Erald, because he alone had the authority to go down to the Dark Energy source, except the organization leader.

Erald knew what was down there, so the first part of the plan was to infiltrate his room and neutralize him and imprison his spirit, then question him and find out everything.

Through his observations, he had learned his daily routine. He would leave his room in the morning and come back in the evening to lock himself in his room, occasionally leaving his room, but that was rare.

Heinald and his room were located in the northern part of the building, just like the other members. According to his calculations, Erald's room was located in the lower cross of his room. He would dig a tunnel from his own room to reach Erald's room. It was the only way to sneak into his room.

Of course, he had no intention of digging a tunnel into Erald's room with a pickaxe in his hand. He would carve the hard rock floor with the Death Ray. Using his Spiritual Magic for 30 seconds every day, he would slowly carve the ground by melting it. The unbelievable heat that emerged and the fire energy waves that emerged would make a protective formation in his room so that no one could feel it.

The point here was to make sure Erald was out.

After making sure that Erald was outside, Heinald used his Spiritual Magic to carve in the ground beneath him for thirty seconds each day. Although Death Ray only touched the ground for thirty seconds, the incredible, single-point heat melted even the stone floor pretty quickly.

He managed to reach his goal in about 15 days.

There was a hole in the ceiling of Erald's room. Heinald came out of the hole and jumped down, once he reached the floor, he immediately scanned his surroundings for possible traps. When he saw no danger, he relaxed and began to carefully examine the surroundings. The room was quite large compared to his own room.

On the right side of the room were five gold sticks one meter long, there were white crystal balls above them. They were emitting a pale blue light. Five gold sticks were lined up to form a circle, a kind of energy field had formed inside the circle they had formed.

"This looks like a formation..." Heinald muttered to himself, turning around the formation to examine it. However, he did not understand why this formation was made or how it was made. He continued to examine it for a while, and then began to search the rest of the room. Huge bookcases filled most of the room, with thousands of books, scrolls, and miscellaneous items in them. Next to it was a large desk and bedroom section.

Heinald's plan was to make an unpleasant surprise attack on Erald and neutralize him, but the liquor bottle he saw on his desk gave him a more assured idea. He took a vial from the dimensional pocket of his robe,there were a black liquid inside the vial. He gently uncapped the vial and poured two drops into the liquor bottle.

Inside this vial was a powerful paralyzing poison.

"That's another problem I have to deal with." Heinald shifted his gaze to the ceiling and peered into the hole. The ceiling was quite high so it wasn't easy to see, but it would still be a big risk just standing there. So he closed the hole in the ceiling with big white papers he found. It was obvious if you looked closely, but it camouflaged the hole quite adequately unless you looked carefully.

Finally, Heinald found a good shadow to hide in. After concealing his energy and using Shadow Powder, he was completely unnoticeable. After hours of waiting, the stone door split open and then closed again. As with the locations of the building, these doors could only be opened by the Magic Energies of those with access rights. Of course, the door could be knocked down with a powerful spell, but this would immediately draw everyone's attention to that area.

When Erald came in, he went straight to the formation and, after examining it for a bit, snorted something incomprehensible and walked over to his desk. Sitting at his desk, he took out a notebook from one of the side drawers and began to write to it. After writing for a while, he stopped and poured himself a glass of drink, then continued writing.

A dozen seconds later, Erald's writing hand suddenly stopped. There was no expression on his face, his eyes were only looking at one point. He soon fell over in his seat, drooling from his mouth.


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