The Moon Thief

Chapter 13: Marks of Dark Magic

Chapter 13: Marks of Dark Magic

There were so many stairs that it took them over ten minutes to get down.When they got downstairs, they found themselves in a huge hall.In the middle of the hall was an obelisk with a red aura around it.

"Hm? Symbols?" When Heinald came near the obelisk, he began to examine it. He did not understand any of the symbols on the obelisk.

"No! Don't touch it!" Realizing that Rigaz was touching the obelisk, Leina yelled, but it was too late.

Rigaz had touched the obelisk.

"Aaaaaagggghhhhh !!" Rigaz began to scream, the symbols on the obelisk glowing red.

"What's going on with him?" Tanya asked in panic.

Rigaz's hand, which had touched the obelisk, was completely darkened, and the blackness slowly spread over his whole body.

"This is a Trap Formation! This is a damn Trap Formation!" Leina shouted.

Trap Formations were one of several types of Formations.Their strength varied according to the strength of the person making the formation or the material that used. Leina had done a lot of research on Trap Formations. She suspected it might be a formation because of the aura around the obelisk,but now she was sure.

Within seconds,Rigaz's entire body darkened.His body was changing.His hands and feet were getting bigger and bigger,his fingernails were growing extremely quickly. His skull began to bend at a strange angle,his eyes pitted.

He was definitely not a human anymore!

Rigaz spun around in a sudden and swung his paw at Tanya, the closest person.


Before Tanya could even react, the claw had detached her head from her body. Tanya's trembling body fell to the ground, forming a pool of blood.

"Damn it!" Heinald's pupils shrank.

"Be careful!" Leina shouted.

Rigaz ran over Heinald and swung his right paw toward him, but Heinald parried the attack with his sword.

"Argh!" Although Heinald had stopped the attack, his arms were sore by the violence of the attack. After the transformation, Rigaz's strength had increased exponentially.

Hanfran saw the opportunity and stabbed his sword in Rigaz's waist.

"Ryaaak!" Rigaz made a scratching sound, immediately kicking Hanfran, but he managed to retreat quickly.

Heinald took the opportunity to swing his sword at Rigaz's head, but Rigaz caught the sword in the air and kicked Heinald hard in the stomach.

Heinald fell to the ground after flying a few meters.

"Damn it!" Heinald immediately stood up, fortunately, his robe was quite sturdy and absorbed most of the damage.

Hanfran took a step forward and thrust his sword to Rigaz's chest. However, Rigaz grabbed the sword and quickly cut off his neck with the sword.

"Dizzle!" Leina had been casting a spell for about a minute.When she completed a spell, she immediately sent a spell to Rigaz. A tiny lightning bolt rushed into Rigaz's head. The opponent struck by this lightning bolt would be stunned for two seconds.

"Raaghhkk!" Rigaz's body stiffened.

"Here is the opportunity!" Heinald immediately run towards Rigaz and cut his head. Tigaz's head fell to the ground after flying through the air. Black blood flowed from Rigaz's dead body.

Heinald exhaled loudly.

"This is ..." Leina collapsed and started to cry. The sudden events affected her badly.

"Leina,listen to me.I know, it's really hard, but we have to go on.We can't lose hope." Heinald walked up to Leina and helped her get up.

"I ... You're right, we have to go on." Leina wiped her tears and barely stood up. Leina was a really strong woman, but she had limits too. She had seen three of her friends die in a very short time.

"There are five different tunnel entrances around this place." Heinald looked around.

"Do you think we can get out of here?" Leina asked in a low voice.

"I believe we will find a way." Heinald nodded.

Heinald and Leina started walking towards the tunnel on the right.This tunnel was much narrower and shorter than the tunnels they had seen before.After about two minutes of walking, a stone door came in front of them.

"Wait. Let me examine the door first." Leina narrowed her eyes and moved towards the door. There was only a pitch-black globe and a sun symbol on the door.

"Is this gate also a Trap Formation?" Heinald asked.

"No." Leina shook her head after a little silence. "The sun symbolizes fire, right?"

"Yes." Heinald nodded.

Leina formed a small flame and brought it closer to the door.However, there was not the slightest change.

"Send the flame to that black sphere." Heinald pointed at the sphere.Leina immediately sent the flame to the sphere, but again there was no change.

"The sun may also represent light." Leina murmured.

"Perhaps a stronger fire is needed." Heinald guessed.He signaled Leina to withdraw and began casting Basic Fireball.After he created a fireball the size of his hand, he sent it to the black sphere.However, there was no change.

"I have an idea!" Heinald directed his hand at the black sphere.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Leina took Heinald's hand in panic.

"Calm down. You said that this gate is not a Trap Formation, right?" Heinald shrugged.

"Still there is no trust." Leina was nervous.

"Let me try, nothing will happen." Heinald put his hand on the sphere.Nothing happened as expected.After glancing at Leina,he created a small fire with his hand on the sphere.

"HA! Something is happening." The black sphere began to glow red, and then the stone door swung open with a loud noise. As the door opened, fog began to come out of the room,blue and pink light came from inside.

"Be careful!" Leina was holding her daggers moving through the fog.

"Leina ... look at this." Heinald was pointing the floor.There was a skull under his feet.

"Skull? Wait, there's something on it!" Leina frowned.

There were various symbols on the skull and Heinald was starting to understand what was happening. "Leina, we should never have come here."

"What's going on?" Leina asked.

"According to my guess, people who lived here made Dark Magic experiments." Heinald shook his head.

"What ?!" Leina's eyes widened.

"Have you noticed that the energy surrounding us has changed since we went down the stairs?" Heinald frowned.

"Yes! How I missed this ... The energy around, turned into cold and desolate energy." Leina struck each forehead.


"This ...!" Heinald immediately began looking around, seeing hundreds of snake bodies rising from the fog.

"Leina! Run!" Heinald immediately turned to Leina but could not see her next to him.

"Damn it!" Heinald quickly turned and started running, and when he looked back he saw the snakes following him.

"Where the damn door?" Heinald shouted.He couldn't find the door that should have been right behind him.It was as if running over an endless fog cloud.He had been running for minutes but could not get anywhere, the snakes behind him were still following him.

"There!" After Heinald ran for minutes, he saw a black tunnel entrance.He immediately headed for the entrance of the tunnel, looking back and noticing that the number of snakes in pursuit was increasing.Once he got into the tunnel, he continued running.It was pitch black all around, feeling as if on a dark road with no end.

Heinald continued to run.He ran so hard that he could no longer breathe.The tunnel didn't seem to be really coming to an end, he could still hear the sounds of the snakes behind him.Gradually, he was beginning to lose all hope, but with a red light the size of a bead he saw,his hope returned a little.He clenched his teeth and started running toward the red light.

The red light grew bigger as he ran.

"No way! This looks so much like that obelisk!" As Heinald got closer to the red light, he saw that it was a claret red stone on top of a thin obelisk.There were various symbols on the obelisk and they glowed in red.

"Wh..o ... Who?" Heinald shuddered because of the faint sound he heard and began to look around, and when he looked to his right, what he saw made his eyes wide open.On the right,there was a spiritual body that lying curled up on the ground.He was radiating a dark aura around him.

"..." Heinald wanted to speak, but could not find anything to say.

"" The spiritual body was trying to say something.

"What ..." Heinald did not know what to say.

"!" The spiritual body shouted.

"Snakes!" Heinald remembered that he was chased by the snakes and began to search around for a place to escape.

"No ... Snake!" The spiritual body pointed to the obelisk, and Heinald noticed that the spiritual body was connected with the obelisk in a red bond.

"There are snakes after me!" Heinald shouted.When he looked behind he did not see anything,or he did not hear any sound.

"Was it a hallucination?" Heinald thought.

Heinald began to look around.This place looked like a big room.There were shelves and desks around, and Heinald felt the energy around him was extremely cold and desolate.Especially intense amounts of Black Energy were radiating from the red stone.

"Destroy.... me!" The spiritual body repeated once more.

"Who are you?" Heinald asked.

"!" The spiritual body ignored the question.

"How can I get out of here?" Heinald ignored it and asked in panic.


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