The Moon Thief

Chapter 12: Doom

Chapter 12: Doom

Heinald's team similarly killed four more spiders. They took everything they could from all the spiders they killed. Along their way,they only stumbled upon one spider's nest. They took 16 spider eggs from the spider nest they found. However, they did not continue any longer because they were very tired. They thought they had gathered enough material,at least the members of the team except of Heinald thought so.

Heinald had not found a single Messoy Mushroom. Although he tried to think of this expedition as an experience, he could feel his disappointment. The caves were going deeper,but he wouldn't be foolish to go deep alone.

Heinald and his team began to turn back quickly. Heinald was thoughtful. He had to find the Messoy Mushrooms somehow. The first idea that came to his mind was to look for it in black market. Many materials could be found on the Black Market. However trade was expensive and dangerous.

Heinald's thoughts were dispersed by the high-pitched voice he had heard dozens of times before. However, this time there was a different situation. This voice was very loud and did not come from close.

"What's going on?" Heinald frowned.

"Run!" Leina shouted.

Everyone started running. None of them stopped until they got to where they separated from the others. When they came to the place where they separated,they were in such a shock that they could not take a step.

In front of them was a spider at least five times the size of the giant spiders they killed. His eyes shone like a purple diamond, and smoke was rising from his body. When Heinald looked around, he saw dead bodies and severed limbs and organs on the ground. An overwhelming Magic Energy was emanating from the spider.

"Everyone run! This spider is a Magical Beast. Its strength must be ahead of even Level 1 Ainsar." Henra shouted.

The spider suddenly jumped onto the ceiling and threw a web towards Henra. However, this web was not a normal web,it was made entirely of fire. Before Henra could react,he was shot by the web of fire.

"Aaaaaaaaggggghhhh!" Henra screamed miserably. Smoke began to rise from his whole body. He had turned into a melted piece of skin in a matter of seconds. Some people who saw this sight had completely lost their hope.

The spider made a strange noise and then prepared to throw a web again, but the ceiling could not bear the weight of the giant spider and collapsed. The whole cave was starting to shake, and large rocks began to fall from the ceiling.

"Everybody run!" Heinald shouted and entered one of the tunnels and started running. Heinald's team immediately followed him.

"Our way out is blocked!" Leina looked back as she ran.

"What do we do? Is there another way out?" Rigaz asked in a panic.

"Our only option is to go deep into the caves. Maybe we'll find an exit." Heinald's expression darkened. He regretted coming to the caves,actually he had never regretted so much before in his life.

"This spider is trapped under the falling ceiling. Do you think it's dead?" Hanfran was out of breath from running.

"I'm not sure. The energy he radiated was almost close to Level 2 Ainsar. His defense must be very strong." Heinald remembered the giant spider and Henra's tragic death.

If that spider chased them,it would mean their death was near. There was no way they could stand against such a powerful Magical Beast.

Heinald and his team ran deep into the caves. They didn't know that the spider was alive or dead. They were just running for their lives. Heinald had increased his durability,so running was not a problem for him. However, the rest of the team started to get breathless after a while.

"Let's stop for a while." Hanfran was out of breath. He sat on the floor and leaned against the wall.

"Yes. I need to breathe." Tanya also sat next to Hanfran.

"Did the others escape?" Leina wiped the sweat off her face.

"If they started running at the same time with us maybe..." Heinald shook his head.

Minutes passed quickly. After some rest, they started running again.

The caves did not come to an end as they run deeper and deeper. It seemed as caves were going to the center of the earth, they had passed through different tunnels that they could not even count. After they ran until all their energy was exhausted,they could not continue any more and stopped.

"If the spider still lives and catches us we will die. If we keep running, we sure will die." Rigaz complained in a tearful tone.

"How deep have we gone?" Leina asked in a low voice.

"I do not know." Heinald shook his head.

"Chiii!" Everyone stood up with the sudden chilling high-pitched voice.

"Did it come? Did it catch us?" Tanya's graceful hands were trembling immensely.

"No, that's not its voice. The sound came too close." Heinald quickly began to observe the direction the sound was coming from. However, the image he encountered caused his pupils to shrink. A dozen spiders were coming ahead at the same time. Others could only see as much range as the fire illuminated,but Heinald could easily see in the dark.

"They are very crowded!" Heinald shouted.

"What?" Leina looked at Heinald with a confused expression. At that moment the spiders were close enough for everyone to see.

"What the..." Hanfran's eyes were wide open.

Heinald immediately took out the flammable oils he had crafted from the pocket of his robe. He threw the bottles filled with flammable oil one after the other at the spiders and created a small fire on his finger and sent it to where the bottles were broken.

"Chiiiiii!" As the fire touched the flammable oil, the flammable oils instantly ignited and created a huge fire wave. Swallowed by the wave of flame, all of the spiders began to make a high-pitched sound at the same time.

"Be careful!" Heinald noticed that unfired spiders were walking up the ceiling and coming towards them. After Heinald's warning,they withdrew quickly.

"I'm taking the right one!" Hanfran headed towards the spider coming on them from the right wall.

"I'll take care of the spider comes from the left." Leina took her daggers in her hand." Tanya, can you shoot the spider on the ceiling? Heinald looked at Tanya.

However,he shook his head when he saw that her hands were shaking extremely.

The spider suddenly jumped on Heinald but failed to crush him.Heinald showed a quick reflex and rolled over to the right. The spider attacked with its forelimbs,but Heinald parried the attack with his sword and swung his sword downwards. The sharp sword instantly cut the spider's head in half.

When Heinald looked around he saw that all the spiders around him had died, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Is everyone okay?"

"Thanks to you, my friend. If it wasn't for the trick you did, we'd probably all be dead by now." Hanfran smiled slightly.

"Hanfran is right. Thanks, Heinald." Leina smiled tiredly.

"It wasn't a big deal." Heinald waved his hand.

"Was there some kind of flammable substance in those bottles?" Leina asked.

"Yes,I crafted it for precautionary purposes. Unfortunately I needed it." Heinald exhaled loudly.

Heinald and his team continued to move through the charred bodies of spiders. Everyone was quite tired, but they didn't want to spend time among spider corpses. So they decided to walk a little more.

"My legs no longer do my wishes." Rigaz was close.

"Hang on. After going a little further, we'll rest somewhere." Heinald was quite tired,if not as much as the others, but he still thought it made sense to get as far from spider corpses as possible.

"Wait! Do you see the light ahead?" Heinald was excited by the light he saw.

"What light?" Leina asked.

"There!" Heinald replied.

"I don't see any light ..." Hanfran was looking carefully forward.

"You are right! There is a very little light out there!" Tanya also saw the light. As they kept moving forward,everyone started to notice the light. They pushed themselves to walk faster.

"This ..." Heinald looked carefully at the source of light. The source of the light was two sculptures. It was because of the material it was made of that they spread a faint white light around. When they got closer to the sculptures, other members of the team noticed the sculptures, which are the sources of light.

"Statues? In a place like this?" Tanya frowned.

"The stairs...going down." Leina pointed forward,and just behind the sculptures were the descending stairs.

"Are we going to go even deeper..." Heinald's expression darkened.

"I think we'd better rest here first." Tanya looked quite tired.

"I agree." Leina nodded.

Heinald and his team sat next to the statues and began to rest. After a few hours of rest, they all felt much better. Fortunately, they were not attacked by any other spider attacks. After getting enough rest, they got up from where they were sitting and started down the stairs.

"Wait, there's something we don't think about. Stairs do not occur naturally. Someone built these stairs here." Heinald stopped suddenly as he descended the stairs.

"You are right!" Leina frowned.

"Could all these caves be made by someone?" Rigaz had a confused expression on his face.

"Even the distance we have run must be tens of miles. I don't think anyone will bother with something like this." Heinald shook his head.

"Lets go!" Leina pointed forward.


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