The Moon Thief

Chapter 117: To the Gilran Town

Chapter 117: To the Gilran Town

As Heinald approached the hedgehog, he felt the energy waves emanating from it gradually weaken. In a short time, the energy waves emanating from it were about to disappear completely.

Heinald quickly created the Spirit Imprisonment Formation and took out the hedgehog's spirit. Just like the Three Headed Inferno Crocodile, a red pearl rose from its body.

The ring immediately exploited the hedgehog's spirit too.

When Heinald waved his hand, the ice sphere that had surrounded the hedgehog cracked in half and then shattered into pieces.

Heinald ripped this hedgehog's spines out and pulled out his heart and eyes. The phoenix spirit inside his ring immediately absorbed the intense Fire Energy inside this hedgehog's organs.

Heinald soon left that area and entered another tunnel he had seen. After walking through that tunnel for about half an hour, he came to another lava pool.

"Maybe I can find another Three Headed Inferno Crocodile here!" Heinald muttered.

He began to walk cautiously towards the lava pool.

*Rarghh!* A Three Headed Inferno Crocodile sprang out of the lava pool. The energy waves emanating from this crocodile seemed to be less than the other crocodile, but that wouldn't make much of a difference.

Narox appeared in Heinald's hand. He squinted his eyes and waited for the Three Headed Inferno Crocodile to make a move. Since his Magical Energy was gradually decreasing, he would leave this volcano after killing this crocodile as well.

He could die here if he got greedy!

Flames began to gush out of the Three Headed Inferno Crocodile's mouth, three fireballs shot out of his mouth and flew towards Heinald.

"Frost Wave!" Heinald shouted out in his mind.

A wave of cold air spread from his body towards the outer environment and collided with fireballs.

As a result of the collision, fireballs and a wave of cold air annihilated each other. Fortunately, although this crocodile's defense was very strong, its attacks were not very strong.

Heinald remembered that the previous Three Headed Inferno Crocodile had sent him a blast of fire. That attack was actually a deadly attack, he had to be careful with it.

Heinald cast his spell called Whisper of the Wind and began to glide towards it.

The Three Headed Inferno Crocodile attacked Heinald, who was coming towards him, after turning his tail into a fire whip.

Heinald performed a cross slash and repulsed the crocodile's flame whip.

At that time, Heinald realized that this Three Headed Inferno Crocodile was doing something that the other Three Headed Inferno Crocodile had not done. All of its scales were on fire, and they began to emit intense waves of Flame Energy.

"Shit!" Heinald's pupils twitched.

A layer of fire had formed around the crocodile's entire body. This layer suddenly began to swell and burst after a few seconds.

*Shoushh!* Waves of fire from the explosion engulfed the entire area.

Before the waves of fire could reach him, Heinald had cast his spell named Forst Wave and had decreased the destructiveness of the fires.

Moreover, with a single thought, his surroundings were covered with a pale red layer.

"Really impressive! Even though I reduced the power of this explosion with Frost Wave, it still managed to reduce the energy of Blood Nightmare Shield by 20%." Heinald gave a brief assessment of the situation.

Cracks appeared on the pale red layer that surrounded him.

A scroll appeared in Heinald's hand.

This was a Magic Scroll that contained the power of his magic called Indignation Of Ice. When he sent Magic Energy to this scroll, the scroll started to emit a pale blue light.

Then, a cold aura began to radiate from his right arm. He pointed his hand at the crocodile and a frozen hand rushed out from his hand with wrapped with ice fumes.

The scroll was also burned to ashes.

At the same time, Heinald also cast his spell, Indignation Of Ice, independently of the scroll.

Two frozen hands rushed out from his arms and struck directly at the crocodile. Except for the lava pool, the entire surrounding area was covered in ice from the terrifying blast of cold air.

The Three Headed Inferno Crocodile was encased in an ice sphere about twenty meters thick.

Heinald could feel the Fire Element Energy rising from it. It wanted to break the ice sphere, but he was unable to do so. After a while, the energy waves emanating from it began to be felt less and less.

Heinald immediately created the Spirit Imprisonment Formation and took out its spirit from its body as in the past processes.

The phoenix spirit inside the ring immediately exploited its spirit, and the energy he possessed increased exponentially again.

"How long will it go on like this?" Heinald looked at the ring in his hand and sighed. He was beginning to think that the phoenix spirit inside this ring was insatiable.

With just one thought, Heinald smashed the ice globe that had swallowed the crocodile and began to peel off its scales one by one. Fortunately, the scales began to break with very little force, contrary to what he had expected.

"These scales must be drawing their power directly from the crocodile's spirit." Heinald opened slowly as he examined the scales.

Heinald stored all of its blood as before, and took out its heart and gave it to the phoenix spirit in the ring.

"It would be dangerous for me to linger here any longer. I must leave this volcano now" Heinald immediately left the area and started back the way he had come.

On the way back, he moved quickly as he already knew the roads and came out of the volcano in a short time.

"Revakender, come here!" Heinald summoned his Spirit Companion in his mind.

Soon after, his dragon descended from the sky.

After Heinald got on his back, he flew directly towards Gilran Town.

After days of traveling he began to pass over the Poplar Wind Forest and descended when he came near the town to the east of this forest.

Some of the people in the town saw the Revakender and began to tremble with fear. The guard at the entrance of the town were all Apprentice Ainsar, and they thought they were going to die.

However, they were stunned when they saw a man jumping off the dragon's back.

"Lord Ainsar!" As Heinald approached them, the Apprentice Ainsars immediately bowed and greeted him.

"You don't have to worry about the dragon, it's my companion. I came here to inquire about the events in town." Heinald looked at the Apprentice Ainsar in front of him.

"There are really strange things happening in our town, Lord Ainsar. Please help us or we will have to leave our town." One of the Apprentice Ainsars stepped forward and said.

"What's going on in this town?" Heinald asked.

"Sir, almost every day one of the people living here disappears and never seen again." Apprentice Ainsar had a worried expression, "If you want to talk to Lord Anford, who has a potion shop in our town, I can take you to him, my lord. He has been investigating these events for some time."

"Take me to him!" Heinald nodded.

As he began to walk through the narrow streets of the town with Apprentice Ainsar by his side, he began to examine the surroundings as well. There was a very gloomy atmosphere in this town in general. The streets were very neglected and dirty. There was not a single animal around.

The whole town had a dead silence!

"Why are the streets so dirty?" Heinald asked.

"The townspeople are afraid to go out now, my lord." Apprentice Ainsar replied.

"As I thought!" Heinald nodded and continued to observe the surroundings.

After passing through many narrow streets, they emerged into a small square.

"This shop is Lord Anford's shop." Apprentice Ainsar pointed to a small shop across the square.

Heinald said, "Mm, well. You can turn back."

"My lord!" Apprentice Ainsar once again bowed to him, and then began to turn back with quick steps.

When Heinald came to the front of the shop and opened the door, he was greeted by a shop with a small fire burning in the middle. There were various shelves around, with potion bottles on them.

He saw an old man standing behind a small counter in the right corner of the shop. He had sparse white hair and a messy beard.

"M-My lord!" Noticing Heinald, the old man quickly came out from behind the counter and bowed in front of him. It was clear from his reaction that he did not expect to see a Level 2 Ainsar in front of him.

This old man was a Level 1 Ainsar.

"I came here to learn about the events in the town. I heard from the Apprentice Ainsars at the entrance of the town that you have been researching for a while." Heinald gave a small nod and said.

"Yes, my lord. There are really strange things happening around this town. Many people say that at night there are various humming noises echoing in the forest near the town. There are also rumors that strange shadows roam the town streets at night. Over a hundred people have disappeared in the past few years."

The old man had a serious and frightened expression on his face.


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