The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 35: The Family

Chapter 35: The Family

Kunon was not able to feel that happy anymore because he was a little worried.

After exchanging congratulations with the maidservant on his achievement, the maidservant took me quite forcefully to the main building.

He was going to see his mother, Tinariza.

When I told her what had happened, she cried.

She cried, hugged Kunon, and was happy to see him.

She kept repeating, Im sorry I couldnt give birth to you properly.

I dont know how she felt about it, but I guess it was something she wanted to say to Kunon but couldnt until now.

She kept repeating it as if she had burst a dam.

Originally, Kunon would have cried and hugged her back.


If it hadnt been the fact that her mothers right eye was shining gold and her left eye was jet-black and somehow cooler than expected, he probably would have been happy along with her.

I had a feeling about this, as well as the fact that the maidservant had horns.

Before I could see my family, this vision itself was becoming a concern.

I didnt even know if the mother I was seeing was real anymore.

Her left and right eyes have different colors, just like the hero of a famous adventure story.


If I look closely, if I concentrate, you can vaguely see through the things I shouldnt see.

The same goes for the crab in the background.

If I look closely, I can see the other side through it, so it is not real.

I cant touch it, and it doesnt respond to my words or actions.

It just haunts and follows me behind.

When I sleep, it just stands by my side.

It can see through things.

In some places, half its body is outside the room.

I was surprised at first, but since Ive been seeing those things since the trial stage a week ago, I dont really care about the crab anymore.

I might even recognize my mothers face if I stared at it.

But its pretty tiring to look at it intently, so Ill just let the mother stay cool for now.

Did mothers family have any ancestors who were heroes or anything?


No matter how I look at it, her face is cool.

Even up close, its cool.

Her face, which didnt have much in the way of features, looked so cool that I thought there must be a mistake.

Afterwards, I asked the maidservant to confirm the color of my mothers eyes, and she told me that they were both a beautiful green.

It seems that in reality, she does not have such heroic coolness.

My brother Ixio came back from the Senior Nobility School and I told him that I could see.


My brother was cool too.

After all, he had big, shiny, jet-black wings on his back.

My brother is fourteen years old.

He is a bit large for a fourteen-year-old and a very good eater. Looking at him like this, he doesnt look like much of a child anymore.

Aside from his eyes, his hair has the same color.

His hair is cropped short, though, he looks different from Kunon.

Also, he has jet-black wings.

Are my brothers parents angels, demons, or fallen angels?

You know the answer because theyre your parents, too.

I do.

Its just that Ive come to doubt the very foundation of whether hes really human or not.

Afterwards, I checked with the maidservant to see if my brother had wings on his back, and she said, When we are born, we have wings, yes, the wings of freedom and possibility. But as we get older, she said, we are not looking for such things anymore,.  

Anyway, it seems that he does not have wings.

In fact, he doesnt seem to be that jet-black fallen angel-like.

My father, Arson, comes home and I told him that I can see.

You really did it! Finally! Well done, Kunon!

I could feel my fathers happiness as if it were my own.

But Kunon was having none of it.

He thought his father would be cool too, but there was no such thing.

No, I think it should have been.

His mother and brother were both cool.

But the father.

His father.

The father was in a daze.

His whole body, from head to toe, seemed to be foggy.

His surroundings were so clear and distinct that it brought out his fathers strange blurred appearance.

, Whats wrong?

Kunons reaction was reluctant, and the mirror eyes were so close that he could reach out and touch them.

It was explained to him what this was, so his father knew he was being watched closely.

But he did not know what it meant.

Why does he stare?

Kunon never thought that he would see his father in a blur.

Father is no, its nothing.

After all, its all a blur.

I didnt know what to point at or how to say it, so I could only reply vaguely.

Afterwards, I asked one of the maidservants if my father was cool, and she said, He looks like Mr. Kunon, which depressed me.

If he looked like him, Kunon thought, then his father must be a plain, featureless, middle-aged man like himself.

He wanted to ask if he was a man who looked good with a beard, but he couldnt because he was afraid to find out.

With Kunons current state, the most he can do is look at his family and the four maids.

If he puts any more strain on his brain, he will get a severe headache. If I want to see more, it will be after a good nights rest.

Dinner this evening was the first time in a long time that the family was together.

Everyone was happy to see Kunon achieve his ambition.

My father was blurry.

My mother had different colored eyes on each side.

And my older brother had jet-black wings.

And there was Kunon with a huge crab on his back.

From the outside, its a horrible view of the dinner.

But only Kunon himself knew about it.

What can I say, its one problem after another.

I had finally obtained the vision I had longed for, but I couldnt be completely happy with the situation.

Its times like this that I should consult my teacher.

He may have some idea of whats going on.

I want to talk to him about something I cant discuss with anyone else, and I want to hear his opinions.

After finishing dinner, Kunon went back to his room and picked up a pen.

He wanted to write a letter to Zeonly, whom he hadnt seen for about four months.


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