The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 34: The sorcerer's apprentice Kunon can see...?

Chapter 34: The sorcerer's apprentice Kunon can see...?

The basic idea is water ball a ori.

Kunon already has his own useless eyes, so they cant be fitted into his face.

The eyeballs, which he created with magic his Mirror Eyes, floats around and is maintained in the same way as the Water Ball A ori.

Ive been crying myself to sleep, then waking up to try and make sure it works, then crying again.

While I was cooped up, I spent another week or so training myself to get used to the mirror eyes by crying at every turn.

Training is necessary.

If I get a headache that makes me wince just by looking at something for a second, I cant really use it outside.

The amount of information outside is nothing compared to this room.

Maybe the moment I see it, it will burn out the inside of my head.

It was quite risky, but I wasnt going to throw away this technique I had finally mastered.

I dared to blur the image so that it would not be clearly visible, and I dared to adjust the image so that it would appear darker in order to reduce the number of visible objects.

I went through a lot of trial and error while crying.

To be honest, I sometimes wondered why I cried so much, but anyway, I mastered the mirror eye while crying.

The days I cried for what seemed like a lifetime came to an abrupt end.


I fell asleep exhausted from crying, woke up, and was relieved to have achieved a satisfying result for the moment.

For very short distances, Ive been able to maintain it for a little while.

Distance makes it blurry.

The further away I was, the less I could see, and I could only vaguely make out the colors.

Its such a short distance that I cant even see from one end of my room to the other, but its enough to go about my daily life.

Im sure Ill be able to use this outside as well.

I now have a minimum level of vision.

Im sure Ill be able to see more eventually, but for now, this is all I need.


Kunon washed his swollen, crying face with water, put a warm towel on his face, and dozed off for a while, then ate breakfast of his favorite egg and bacon sandwiches and drank a cup of tea.

After filling my mind with this, I stood up.

  that scares me a little.

While muttering this, I create a water mirror on the wall with Water Ball A ori.

The first person you see is yourself.

Kunon hated himself.

He hated his own crippled eyes, which could not do anything on their own, actually could not do anything at all, the people around him were always worried about him that he would soon fall and hurt himself.

I just stopped thinking about it when I started to immerse myself in magic.

Even now, I dont think Ive grown to like him much.

I wanted to take a good look at the face of the most hated and unpleasant person in the world, just once.

I didnt think about anything more than that.

Maybe Ill like myself from now on, or maybe Ill hate myself even more.

I had seen a portrait of Oaks, the most famous theater actor in Huglia.

If I looked like that cool, kind guy, I might like myself.

A man with a good beard would be nice.

I havent grown one yet because Im still a kid, but Im planning to get a great one eventually.

On the other hand, I dont want to be a soft man.

I want to be austere.

If I have a face that doesnt look good with a beard, thats out of the question.

I dont expect much from myself.

I dont expect much, because I dont think I, the person I hate the most in this world, would have a great face.


In front of the large water mirror, I thought about something trivial and made up my mind.

Ill do it.

Lets do it.

Kunon used his mirror eye.

Adjusting the water ball that was created in my very close surroundings, looking at the water mirror, and

so this is me.

He had light brown hair, almost blonde, and a face with no particular features.

Its not much different from the childhood pictures of the ancestors in the Gurion family, so I dont even feel like seeing myself for the first time.

My eyes are silvery and unfocused.

They are useless eyes that make me uncomfortable to look at.

Silver has become my most hated color in this world.


I'm not austere.

The beard doesnt look good on me.

No, thats just because I'm still a child.

As I get older, I will surely grow up to be an austere man who looks good with a beard. I hope so.

I stare at myself.

This is my face.

Im not sure what to think of it.

Im not sure what to think of this face.


I saw what I wanted to see the most, but that didnt mean there was anything to see.

What would happen if I saw it?

I wondered if I would experience a profound change in myself if my sense of value would change drastically if I would see and feel the world differently.

But nothing like that.

Kunon is still Kunon, and my values didnt change much.

So I thought, Okay, thats it.

It was just a simple thought.


I call out to the massive crab behind me, who is looking down at me.

Do you think Ill ever like myself?

The crab doesnt say anything. It doesnt respond.

What are you..?

There is no answer to that.

Im going to go outside.

In the garden of the detached house, I fearfully used my mirror eye to look outside the room for the first time.


Overhead, the sky was a wide purple, stretching forever and ever.

The grass beneath my feet was pure white.

The trees are blue and the sun is a big black dot.

is this the world?

Im aware of it.

I know now that I am seeing something different from what I have in my knowledge.

Is my knowledge wrong?

Is the world wrong?

Or is it my own way of seeing that is wrong?

Mr. Kunon!

One of the maidservants, who was apparently nearby, spotted Kunon, who hadnt been out in a while, and ran over to him.

Iko Iko?

It was the first time I had seen a human face, apart from my own.

Its a face of a kind woman.

It was not much different from the person Kunon had imagined she might be.

She has dark brown hair in a big braid, a clean look, and a bright expression that seems to shine in proportion to her personality.

Master Kunon?

The water ball, reflecting glittering light, stopped to peer into the face of the maid of honor.

Can you see?

From the mysterious movement of the water ball, the maid of honor could tell.

Yes. I can see you, Iko.

Mr. Kunon!

The maid of honor repelled the mirror eyes that floated in front of her and hugged Kunon.

You did it! You did it! You finally fulfilled your wish!

The longer we have known each other, the stronger our feelings and emotions are.

The maidservants feelings toward Kunon were no longer those of a lords son and servant.

And Kunon doesnt think of the maidservant as a mere servant either.

I was happy that she was happy.

It made me much happier than seeing my own face, which was such a trivial thing.

But that was not the point right now.

The maidservant was pleased, but Kunon was unsteady.

It was because the maidservant had knocked away the mirror eyes that his vision suddenly swung around in a wide circle.

Im not used to the outside world yet, so this sudden turn of vision was too much for me.

Thats why I was feeling really dizzy.

Thank you, Iko.

We hugged and chewed on each others joy for a while before pulling away.

Then I look at the maid again.

The maidservant is smiling.

She is smiling, but..

Iko, let me ask you something.

Yes. Im looking for a partner, but now Im planning to go on an arranged marriage!

Oh, okay. Iko, do you have horns on your head?

No? Yes, when Im angry, but now its more like a dent.

Oh, really?

Apparently, maidservants dont have horns.

But Kunon could see it.

a single, magnificent horn that grew slightly above her forehead.

I guess it was a good thing I didnt say something like, I can see your charming face and your sexy horns now.

No..? Oh, really?

Well, I can see them now.

By the way, do you see anything behind me?

No? Oh, my God, is that a scary story? I love to hear it!

The maidservant did not seem to see the giant crab.

She was still behind Kunon, looking down at him.

Kunon realized.

Kunon realized that he was seeing things that he shouldnt be seeing.


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