The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 156: Black Arrow Returns!

Chapter 156: Black Arrow Returns!

"Looks like you were right, boss. The old man really did give him the slip." Lorna laughed as she watched Harry wobbling along the road, looking pleased with himself.

"That's why I sent him. It'll make our target believe that he successfully escaped our surveillance. So he should be more lax from here on out. Let's follow at a safe distance. Don't do anything to give our game away." William growled as he led his team out of the abandoned building. 

"You know, boss. That was genius how you spread the word around that we found something to pressure him into making a mistake." Lorna chuckled as she strolled beside him. "How did you come up with it?"

"It was nothing, really. It just made sense. Usually, we don't need to wait around so much for the target to make a mistake." William nodded his head as he remembered listening in to a bunch of solo hunters discussing what they would do if they had a group behind them to catch the killer. Naturally, he stole this idea from them.


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"Hm, where do you think he's going?" Lorna frowned as Harry kept wandering further away from Highrise. 

"Who knows? All that matters is if he leads us to the evidence." William chuckled. He was almost certain that this Jason Wright was the one responsible. At the very least, he was likely an accomplice or knew who they should be looking for. The problem was that William's group seemed to be the only ones who thought so. 

'That's fine! Just means we don't have to split the reward with anyone else. We'll see who gets the last laugh.' William chuckled as Harry ducked inside a building. "Looks like this is the place. Spread out. Surround it. Don't give him a chance to slip away. Take your time and comb through the place. We'll meet up in the centre."

The group of hunters nodded in agreement before they went their separate ways. William fixed his eyes on the entrance that Harry had used. 'Ok, let's see what you guys are hiding...'

Meanwhile, Harry frowned as the mechanical door closed behind him, making the same loud screeching noise that it did before. Leaving him alone on the stairway that led down into the NEST. 'Damn! I forgot about that! Fucking thing. Why does it have to be so loud!' He grumbled as he descended the stairs with a worried expression on his face. 

'Come on, Jason. Don't be guilty!' Harry chewed his lower lip as he reached the vault door that Jason had breached. 'This place still creeps me out...' Harry sighed as he thought about the specimen in the tank. He still felt a sense of danger from it, even though it should be long dead.

As he entered the NEST with its bright lights, he realised a problem. He had no idea where Jason may have hidden anything! It was only when he realised that he noticed that something was off. 'Wait, if they'd found this place, then shouldn't I have run into them already?'

A deep frown crossed his face. 'Did they find somewhere else? Somewhere that isn't linked to us at all? Or are they deeper inside?' Although he had a bad feeling about it, he had to confirm whether or not the hunters were actually somewhere inside searching for evidence. Harry sighed before he took a deep breath. 'Let's get this over with...'

The facility was large. Large enough that it would take a couple of days to realistically search every nook and cranny. So he settled for a quick search of each room. Eventually, he opened a door that seemed to lead into the heart of the facility. There were a ton of different machines around the room. 'Jason would be right at home her...'

Harry sighed as he realised that this would probably be the room that his grandson would hide anything in. He looked at the machinery with mild interest. Mostly to do with how much money they were worth as he searched the room. However, his eyes soon went wide when he rounded a particularly large machine. 'Oh... no... Jason! What have you done!'

His eyes landed on the outfit that the bounty slab depicted as being worn on the killer. Right beside it were two strange-looking weapons. These were, of course, the Arbalest and Viper. Harry groaned when he realised the trouble it would bring if anyone discovered these items. 'Thankfully it doesn't seem like the hunters have found this place.'

Harry shook his head slowly as he touched the items. 'What drove you to kill Dani's dad? Oh, kid. You should've known that you can talk to me about anything.' Harry felt his heart breaking as he thought about the mental trauma such an act should have inflicted on someone so young. 'I need to get rid of these... It's for his own good...'

Just as he was thinking that he heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of the mechanical floor that hid the entrance to the NEST being opened! Harry cursed under his breath as he realised that he had been taken for a fool! He had led them straight to Jason's secret! 'Damn it! What do I do?' 

He knew that there was no way he could talk his way out of this one. He groaned as he realised that there was only one thing he could do! 'That one's too big. Let's try the other one!' harry took the Viper in his hands as he tried to figure out its mechanisms. He could hear shouting from somewhere inside the NEST, which meant that the hunters were looking for him!

"Come on, old man! Just give it up! We know you're in here! It's a pretty nice place, too. I'm sure we'll get plenty of money just for telling the Lord about this place! Don't make it more difficult than it needs to be. Just come out and we won't harm you!" William grinned as he looked at his comrades.

"Shh!" Lorna hissed at the rest of them as she tried to stifle her own laugh. 'Good one William! Yeah, like hell we'll let him leave alive!'

The hunters grinned at each other before they separated to search the different rooms, one at a time. They made sure to make a lot of noise by trashing some things to scare the old man into coming out. None of them wanted to spend too much time down here in this creepy place!

"Here! Take a look at this!" One of their group called out from the room that held the specimen. "What do you think it is?"

William frowned as he joined them to take a look. "Never seen anything like it..."

"You don't think this Jason Wright created it do you?" Lorna frowned as she stared at the horrifying creature.

"Not likely, unless he has a power we're unaware of. But everyone says he has a cosmetic Power and is nothing more than a rookie inventor. We shouldn't be facing monsters like this... It's probably a remnant of the Old World." William hummed as stared at it floating in the liquid. "It could be worth something to someone... Remember to grab its corpse when we leave."

Lorna shuddered when she thought about dragging that creature with them. "Wouldn't it be better just to sell this location to the Lord and let him know what's in it? Saves us the trouble;e of taking it..."

"Don't be stupid! What if someone else finds this place and takes it? Or what if our target returns and gets rid of it or something? Plus, the Lord might pay less than some others for this thing. We may as well get as much profit as we can. Hell, I might even retire!" William laughed as he turned to leave the room.

Lorna was about to argue some more when she suddenly felt warm liquid splatter all over her face! 'What the hell?' She frowned as her brain tried to register what she was seeing. Barely a second had passed, but William's body was already falling to the floor. The head of a bolt pierced through the back of his skull.

"Sorry, took me a while to figure this thing out!" Harry chuckled as he cocked the next bolt and fired again!

Before any of the hunters could react or even panic, another one of them was hit in the throat! Lorna glanced at William's body on the ground as if she were expecting him to give them some orders. But that was never going to happen again!

"Get behind cover!" Lorna roared, her face dyed red in fury...


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