The Legendary Junkmaster

Chapter 155: The Right Turn (5)

Chapter 155: The Right Turn (5)

Harry hummed as he closed up the shop for the day. 'Another good day! Oh, I can smell the money! When that boy gets back he better come up with some new products. Maybe he can design some stuff to break after a certain amount of use so they have to buy a new one?' A bright smile flashed across his face as he stroked his chin.

Harry's tail wagged happily behind him as he headed through the streets towards the apartment. 'I have to admit, it's kind of quiet without him. But it's a relief that I don't have to risk my life for a few credits each day anymore. Why didn't I think of something like this.' Harry frowned as he greeted a few of the other shop owners in passing.

'Oh, that's right. I did... I was just crap at it. If Jason didn't teach me how to make these things, then I'd have no clue where to start.' Harry sighed. 'Well, beggars can't be choosers. I'm earning good money now.'


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'Maybe I should propose to Dr Cee? Things have been going rather well. I'm a respectable person now, just like her. Nobody should think it strange that we're together.' Harry smiled as he thought about it. 'Plus... She makes a good bit of money herself...'

Harry raised an eyebrow as he rolled his eyes. 'Don't they get bored? Do they think I don't know they're following me? Bloody amateurs...' Harry glanced to his left without turning his head and recognised one of the bounty hunters trying to disguise themselves as a normal person from Highrise. 

'I can't go check out the NEST with these pests hanging around. If there is any evidence there, and Jason really did it... I can't lead them straight to the answer!' Harry kept a slow pace so that the hunters could follow him easily. If they wanted to waste their time watching him, then that was their problem. 

He went straight home and tidied the apartment, glancing out of the windows from time to time to find out where the hunters were watching from this time. 'One across the street in the doorway. Two in that apartment over there. One on that corner...' Harry sighed as he realised that tonight was another bust for trying to sneak out. 'Tomorrow's one of the days Raymond runs the store. Maybe I can find a chance to slip away.' Harry nodded at his plan as he settled down for the night.

When he left the apartment in the morning, he noticed that there was a suspicious lack of hunters watching him. 'Are they expecting me to try something? Or are they following other leads?' He did not like that he had just made up his mind to try to sneak away at the same time that they eased their surveillance on him. 

'Hm, maybe they've spread out to watch different streets and the gate.' Harry frowned as he glanced up and down the streets at the few people who were out at this time. However, they were the usual residents, and only two or three of them were hunters in disguise. 'I don't like this...'

Raymond was already waiting at the shop door when Harry finally arrived with a deep frown on his face. However, Raymond looked happy as he waved to his old friend. "Hey, Harry? Why the long face? Shouldn't you be happy?"

"Happy about what?" Harry growled now that his mood had been ruined.

"Haven't you heard? A big group of those hunters left Highrise this morning! They're claiming they've finally found some evidence about the killer outside of town! Jason's name will finally be clear!" Raymond laughed as he thumped his chest.

However, Harry felt a lump of saliva catch in his throat. "Outside of town you say? Do you know where?"

"Hm? Oh, not sure about that. Just heard some folks talking about it." Raymond scratched his chin as he eyed his friend with a curious gaze. "Why do you look worried? We both know Jason couldn't have possibly have done this?"

Harry felt a nervous sweat drip down his back as he thought about it. 'Maybe... But we can't rule it out. He's changed ever since he turned sixteen. I'm afraid I don't know what he's capable of anymore... Makes me kind of proud.' Harry shook his head slowly as he opened the store and headed into the back room. 

He cast his eyes over the equipment and he almost could have sworn that he could clearly picture Jason working away happily in there. 'If there's even the slightest chance he did this, I have to protect him. Otherwise his mother will never let me hear the end of it if she finds out.' Harry sighed as he thought back to how devastated Jason had been when he brought those unrecognisable corpses home. 

'Where are you... Melissa... Kyle? Are you guys really dead now, or did you succeed in your crazy plans?' Harry sighed as he thought about how they had abandoned their son for their own dreams. Even if he did receive a letter from them every once in a while. It had been a long time since the last one. 

'They were so certain that his Power would be great like theirs. I wonder how they would react if they found out he became an inventor because his Power is only cosmetic?' Harry frowned as some anger began to bubble up inside. It was not that he did not understand why they had to leave. The pillars at the time had become interested in them due to what they could do.

However, neither of them wanted to fight for someone else. So they faked their deaths and disappeared. To make the whole thing more believable, they chose to leave their only child behind. It was cruel... But necessary. Even so, that was what Harry was angry about. The mental damage they had done to their son with their lie took him a few years to repair. 

After all, Harry had not spent much time with Jason in those days before that. So he was almost as good as a stranger to his grandson back then. 'This will definitely bite you guys in the ass one of these days...'

Harry sighed as he glanced around the workshop. 'Now... I need to find a way to sneak out of here.' Harry's eyes flashed as a plan formulated in his mind. Moments later, Raymond left the store and went to a few of the neighboring stores. Which was nothing unusual. 

A lone hunter stood on the corner of the street as he watched the three armed man run back and forth. "Does the boss think this will really work? It's more likely the old man doesn't know anything at all."

He sighed as he watched the customers come and go. He had grown tired of this same routine day in and day out for the past two months. This plan was basically their last chance to get some information. If it did not pan out... Then they would have to wait for their suspect to return. 'Who knows how long that'll be.' The hunter grumbled. 

'Looks like this is a bust...' Raymond had not left the store for some time now. However, there were plenty of customers moving about. 'What's even so special about that place?'

"Hey! Watch it!" The hunter barked at the short man who had just bumped into him. 'No mutton chops... No tail...'

His mind automatically went to Harry's distinguishing features even if this man was wearing different clothes. 'Not the target.'

"Sorry about that..." The stranger mumbled as he shuffled off.

'Damn! Are people here all blind? The sudden shock caused him to focus more on the people leaving teh store. He paid particular attention to those who seemed to be trying to keep as far away from his gaze as possible.

The day passed slowly as he chewed on his dried meat and drank from his canteen. However, there was no sign of anything exciting happening. 'Guess I'll be telling the boss that this is a dead end.' The hunter sighed as Raymond exited the store. 'Any moment now and the old man will come out and go home...'

"Wait!" The hunter choked as his eyes went wide! 

Raymond was locking up the store for the night! 'When did the geezer slip by? Was it when that guy bumped into me?' He panicked as he cursed away to himself. 'I better let the boss know! We're already behind!'

Meanwhile, outside of town...

Harry chuckled to himself as he stroked his now smooth face. 'It's amazing how a quick shave and tucking my tail in can make me look like a different person! That idiot didn't even recognise me when I bumped into him!' 


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