The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 99 Pure, Sincere, Genuine Happiness

-- POV Freya --

It was almost noon and the reunion with everyone was over. The soldiers had dispersed to join their families and those who didn't had families were celebrating in the barracks with the Commanders. I didn't take the time to greet everyone because my family and I had quickly returned to the manor followed by Lia and Triss.

I was now in my room, washed and dressed before joining Gaya and Shiro who were waiting for me in the inner garden so we could spend some time together. We had set up a table in the small forest there, facing the sea, making us feel like we were elsewhere. I had not yet enjoyed their company because I had to wash myself and especially let my wife rest with my daughter.

As I put on my clothes, my little sister's voice spoke in my mind.

[There are a lot of new faces in the manor.]

*Mmh, it's true. While we were away, the section leaders took care of the newcomers. I haven't met them yet, but some of them have been assigned to the mansion.*

When I had returned earlier, a few unfamiliar faces were already working in earnest in the imperial building. I had only met four of them by chance, and all of them without exception had almost fainted at the sight of blood. They didn't know me yet, had never seen my face and I knew I had to meet them. The battle was over but I had a lot of work ahead of me.

*Sigh...I have to meet all these new people and take time to check my status and the changes that come with it. Thanks to my unique powers, my body and my race, I'm able to stay awake for a long time, otherwise I'd probably die of exhaustion !*

[Onee-san relax, for now let's go spend some time with our family, you'll have plenty of time to deal with this later, right ?]

As I nodded my head in response, I was finally ready to go downstairs. I was dressed very simply with a red shirt open at the top that showed a slight hint of my tattoo and bandages. The shirt was tucked into simple black pants tucked into my black boots. I wasn't wearing my crown or my imperial cloak because I wanted to be comfortable. My black hair fell down my back almost to my hips and my hands were no longer wearing gloves.

*Well, let's go*

[Yes !]

So I walked out of my room to go to the private garden. Only those who worked in the manor, in the garden or were invited there, could walk in the flower garden, sit by the fountain, watch the sea and walk in the small forest. However, the small stone pavilion where we planned to spend time was reserved only for my family and me.

To get to the garden, which was outside but still inside the manor house, we had to go down all the floors to the courtyard. The main hallway on the ground floor was open to the garden and supported by large, beautiful, pure white pillars.

*I will go through the throne room, it will be faster !*

The great hall was accessible through the huge heavy wooden door facing the entrance of the manor but it was also possible to access it directly from the floor of our private quarters. I went down the staircase, which could only be used by the imperial family, and quickly found myself in the throne room. It was empty and almost silent as only my heels clicked on the floor.

*It's so peaceful...*

I paused for a moment in front of my black stone and ice seat, closing my eyes to enjoy the moment. After the crazy night I'd had, I felt like I was recharging my batteries with this soothing silence. While I was enjoying this moment, my senses detected the presence of someone who was obviously coming in from the door of the reception room. Waiting patiently, a voice suddenly sounded behind me.

"Uh..excuse me ? It is forbidden to enter this room. We'll have to clean it up, can you please leave ?"

I slowly opened my eyes without saying anything, still with my back to the door as I heard other people coming.

"Maria ? What's going on ?"

"I...I arrived here to start the cleaning and I...I found this person here."

I didn't recognize any of the voices as the situation made me smile slyly. I counted about five people who were to be among the new recruits for the various tasks of the manor. As the situation amused me, I was about to answer but the woman who had called Maria was already speaking.

"Madam ? Come out, this is not just any place ! This is a very important room, if you don't leave we...we will have to call the guards !"

[Sigh onee-san..stop fooling around you have to join my lovely niece and sweet sister-in-law !]

*Hai hai~ but it is quite amusing to hear how I would be spoken to if I were not the Empress kufufu~*

As I finally turned around to face them, I could see 5 young half-human women in maid's clothing. The last one who had spoken to me was behind me with her fists on her hips as if she was scolding a child. She had droopy dog ears and her furrowed brows showed her annoyance. As my eyes finally dipped into hers, only a few words managed to come out of her mouth.

" that...your...your Highness ?"

I didn't even have time to answer as the five women knelt down in awe, fear and respect.

"Forgive us ! I..I didn't know it was you ! are dressed so plainly that's not what...I.."

These women had never seen me and I wasn't wearing my imperial cloak or crown so from behind it was easy to misunderstand. My aura was completely concealed and because I was so calm, there was no cool wind blowing through the room.

"Don't worry, I understand. Get up and get on with your work, I was in a hurry anyway."

[Well it doesn't look like it at all huh...]


My voice was still cold and I knew that these half-humans were scared. The five maids stood up shakily as I walked over to where they had come from and spoke one last time. I wanted these young women to relax a bit and not be so afraid of me, even though it was difficult.

"We will meet again during the presentations, until then I count on you for your work and thank you in advance."

With these words I left the room, not without seeing a few shy smiles appear on some faces.


I finally entered the garden and went directly to the back pavilion where I could already hear the laughter of my little moon. The telepathy with Kira was already effective and as I crossed the garden quickly, Shiro dressed this time in an adorable pink dress, was already running towards me.

"Mommy !!!"

"Hey sweetie !"

My little girl had her arms outstretched and her beautiful white hair was flying in the wind supporting her bright face. Catching her as she ran, I spun her around for a few seconds getting her feet off the ground before giving her a motherly, almost smothering hug.


Shiro laughed and her giggles warmed my heart.

[Hello little Shiro !]

"Hello aunty Kira !"

Hugging her, I placed a light kiss on her forehead as I walked over to my wife who was looking at us with a smile. Gaya was dressed in a simple white dress and as I laid our little moon on the ground, I kissed the dragoness' forehead as I asked her a question.

"My love, tell me, are you not tired anymore ?"

I had learned from Lia that she had been up all night without ever resting. This information had made me both very happy and very worried.

"No everything is fine, I rested with our little Princess while you spent hours in the big imperial bath hehe~"

My wife laughed shyly as I sat down next to her and took Shiro on my lap before answering her.

"I had to get rid of all this dirt and blood but that's not the point.'re pregnant. You can't afford to miss hours of sleep or exhaust yourself like you did. This is just the beginning of your pregnancy so I don't think there are any problems but in the future, don't ever do that again okay ?"

I was very serious and even though the intention and the act had touched me deeply, I didn't want Gaya to endanger her health as well as that of our unborn baby.

"But I'm fine, I'm..."

"Don't do that again, okay ?"

My soft voice had become more authoritative as I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to them. My wife was pregnant and I wanted to keep her safe at all costs. If she wanted to stop working for 4 months and do nothing, I would welcome that decision with enthusiasm and joy. All I wanted was for Gaya to have the best conditions throughout the pregnancy and staying up all night outside was not one of them.

"I..yes you're right, I should have at least gotten a few hours of sleep. I couldn't..couldn't help but worry about you and..anyway, I'm sorry..."

"Mommy ?"

Shiro looked at us in turn without really understanding what was going on. Grabbing Gaya's hand, I squeezed it in mine before kissing her this time on the cheek.

"I apologize too, I didn't mean to sound harsh. I just don't want anything to happen to you, even the smallest problem, I'm obsessed with it.."

As we looked into each other's eyes tenderly, our little girl spoke up again in her sweet, adorable little voice.

"So actually you both worry about each other. That's good, isn't it ? You have to smile, that's why we're a family !"

*The truth comes out of the mouths of children huh ? Totally yes haha~*

Gaya and I were impressed by Shiro's ability to sum up the situation, which made us laugh again. Kira, who had been silent until now, took advantage of this peaceful moment to greet my wife.

[Hello Gaya, happy to see that you are doing well]

"Hello little Kira, thank you very much, you are always so nice."

[How are you doing ?]

"Very well, I'm so happy to finally be able to spend time with all of you."

My little sister and wife were chatting quietly while my daughter was freestyling a song, obviously in her own little world. The sun was shining high in the sky and the soothing sound of the waves mixed with the sea air made me feel like I was on vacation. As I was looking at the sea from the pavilion, Shiro's warm hand suddenly came to rest on my cheek, bringing me out of my dreams.

"Mommy...look over there.."

My little Moon whispered as she pointed with her little finger to a bird's nest. There was what appeared to be the male, the female and the chicks. Shiro looked at the little nest that had been built on the ceiling beams of the pavilion and couldn't help but smile. My little moon was still on my lap and it was her turn to dream.

"The two moms are taking care of the babies so that they can grow up strong, fit and soar into the sky...I.."

Shiro had deduced that they were two females and as she paused in her sentence, her gaze turned to me before asking me a question.

" you think one day I could fly too ?"

Her eyes glistened as she waited for my answer and it was hard for me not to resist her absolutely adorable little chubby face. Stroking her hair gently, I smiled as I answered her.

"Sweetie I don't know. Anything is possible in a magical world, unfortunately I don't know the answer to that question..."

Shiro lowered her head with a slight sadness, looking disappointed as if one of her dreams had just disappeared. Not being able to stand her violet eyes which were the most beautiful when they sparkled with happiness, I stood up, taking her in my arms with a small smile in the corner.

"You can't fly yet...however..."

Dropping those little feet back to the ground, I squatted down to her level before giving her a kiss on the forehead and speaking tenderly.

"Close your eyes and stretch your arms out on either side of your body sweetie"

"Li this ?"

Shiro didn't really understand what was going on but did as I asked. Her pure white hair was flying in the wind and with her eyes closed, my little moon looked like a little sleeping Princess. She was beautiful, innocent and I couldn't help but pause to admire her before continuing.

"Is it okay you have your eyes closed ? "

"Mmh promise mommy I'm not looking hihi~"

Without warning I grabbed my little girl by the arms to get her feet off the ground.

"You can't fly now but I can do this !"

"Wow !"

My little moon let out a little cry of surprise as she could no longer feel the ground beneath her feet. I had put her on my shoulders and now my little moon towered over everyone with her height.

[Onee-san, what are you doing ?]

Gaya and Kira had stopped talking and seemed interested in what we were doing. With a mischievous smile, I replied with a chuckle.

"I'm teaching my adorable daughter to fly kufufu~"

Without waiting for any response, I began to run slowly through the small forest as Shiro had opened her eyes and was flapping her arms like a bird. I couldn't see her face but I already knew that it must be filled with an indescribable, warming, joyful sweetness.

"Mommy ! This is beautiful ! Mom Gaya, aunty Kira look hihihi~ I'm flying !"

Everything was absolutely perfect. Being with my wife, my little sister and my daughter filled me with a pure, sincere, genuine happiness that I thought I would never know.

The afternoon was just beginning, the sun's rays were shining through the trees in a magical atmosphere where the laughter of the most adorable of children was echoing, making this place my paradise.



Name : Freya

Age : 0 years / Mentally : 25 years

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Major Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength : 425

Defense : 421

Agility : 435

Stamina : 428

Speed : 427

Intelligence : 425

Charisma : 410 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 450

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 389

Humans killed : 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]


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