The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 100 Love Of A Daughter, Love Of A Mother And Wife

-- POV Shiro --

Mommy carried me on her shoulders and I could see the world from a great height. My legs were still small, so being taller than my mommy felt weird. I felt like I could touch the sky, fly and not be a weak and tiny girl anymore.


I couldn't stop laughing. Every sensation was new to me and everything I was experiencing felt like it was out of a dream. My little eyes could look far away and at that moment everything seemed even bigger.

"Is this how I'll see around me as a grown-up ?"

I had blurted out this question unintentionally and as I put my hands over my mouth, mommy's voice answered.

"Of course ! Then grow up fast to catch up with me sweetie !"

Her voice was always soft, gentle and made me happy. Ever since Mommy had rescued me from my old home where the bad man was hitting me, I was so happy. Sometimes at night I would have nightmares and dream about that cold, silent, horrible place. When this happened, when my body shook, I always felt warm and cold hands caressing my head with love. Mommy was always watching over me and protecting me even in my dreams.

"Shiro, what's wrong ?"

As I was thinking this, Mommy pulled me down from her shoulders to hug me. I had stopped laughing and wagging my tail as I remembered my nightmares and she noticed.


I didn't want to worry Mommy, mom Gaya and aunty Kira with my problems. They were already so nice and I couldn't complain. Without answering, I shook my head as I looked at my mommy's beautiful purple eyes that looked like mine. As I hugged her so she wouldn't worry, her pleasant voice whispered in my ear.

"If this is about your nightmares, you can come sleep with us anytime you want my little moon. You don't need to hide your fears, you know Mommy will always be there for you..okay ?"

Her hand gently caressed my hair and once again I felt my body warm up and tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm fine mommy, I'm going to be as strong as you.."

I definitely had to hold back my tears because strong people didn't cry. As I sniffled in spite of myself, she spoke.

"Sweetie look at me."

I then raised my head slowly to look into her eyes again. I knew some grown-ups were afraid of them but I found them beautiful, magical and soothing. Wiping away the small tears of joy that ran down my cheek, she smiled tenderly before asking me a question.

"Do you want to know a secret ?"

"Mmh !"

"When I found out Mom Gaya was pregnant...I cried too but shhh. You keep that secret to yourself okay ? Crying doesn't mean being weak or less brave, especially if it's out of joy. However, if someone dares to make you sad, I will smash their head into the ground...err...I mean I will deal with that person."

As she winked at me, I could feel Mommy's arms wrap around me before I felt her singular smell and warmth again. Had she been crying not long ago ? Could mommy cry too ? I couldn't believe what she had told me as a smile appeared on my face. I snuggled into her embrace happier than ever, my tail having started to wag again.

"I...I love you mommy...thank you.."

She always knew what was wrong even when I didn't want to say it so as not to bother them. Mommy was amazing, beautiful, kind, strong and I still hadn't given up on becoming like her later.

"Me too my sweet little moon. Come on, let's go back and join them, it's almost time to eat !"

"Mmh yes ! I'm very hungry hihi~"

Soft and cold lips rested on my cheek making me shiver but giggle. We had gone to the end of the garden and around the trees we couldn't see mom Gaya anymore. My stomach was starting to talk and I knew I was hungry now.

*Wait a little longer, mommy always says that patience is important !*

As we walked back under the beautiful stone building, on the table there was plenty of good food. The grown-up people who were taking care of our house, had placed our meal on the table and were waiting for our return.

"Your Highness, we have taken care to bring you the simple meal that you asked to Chef Irrena in the kitchen. There are sandwiches, snacks, tea, eggs, meat and for dessert cupcakes and pie."

As the bunny-eared lady explained what was there, I could feel my stomach still talking and my mouth salivating with envy. It all sounded so good and even spotting what I was craving the most I didn't know where to start.

"Alright, thanks Lia you can go back to your work or go get some rest. You all know where to find me if there's a problem, otherwise I'll be back by late afternoon !"

"Hai ! Your Highness, Queen Gaya-sama, Princess Shiro, I take my leave."

I hoped that Lady Lia would go and eat such good things as we did during her meal. As I waved my hand, I turned back to mommy who was seating me at the table.

"Say mommy, why isn't she eating with us ?"

She was nice and it was always her or Lady Triss who brought me home from school and took care of me so I was always happy when my moms were away.

[That's right, onee-san ! You could have asked her ! It's not such a bad idea my lovely little niece ! I would have loved to see her eat with her adorable little ears aaw.]


Aunty always made me laugh because she always seemed to be talking nonsense according to Mommy. I couldn't see her but I was sure that if she had been with us, Mommy would have pinched her nose.

As she looked up at the skies, Mommy turned to me and explained.

"Well, I think Lia has work to do not to mention that she would probably be far too embarrassed to stay by our side. On the other hand, maybe one day why not, right Gaya ?"

"Of course ! If our adorable little girl wants to it's totally possible haha~"

It was Mama Gaya's turn to wink at me with a smile as Mama sat down between the two of us to eat. The meal was about to begin and it was moments like this that I loved the most in my new and beautiful life.


-- POV Gaya --

Our meal was almost over and the atmosphere under that stone pavilion was dangerously adorable. I had been watching Freya and Shiro for a while now and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. They were chatting with Kira, our daughter was smiling like an angel and my wife was looking at her with this indescribable sweetness in her eyes. I felt like I was watching the scene in slow motion and their voices echoed in my head like a happy and innocent echo.

*Shiro is right, this is happiness...*

The war that had taken place during the night had stressed me a lot, but that was all in the past now. I didn't know if it was due to our special bond, but it was impossible for me to rest. It was as if my soul forbade me to do so and my heart at that moment was beating only for my wife. It was inexplicable but at that moment an innate desire to join her had invaded me all night. Was it an effect of our pact ? While I was wondering, Freya's voice addressing Shiro brought me back to reality.

"Sweetie, be careful when you eat, look you got it all over your mouth kufufu~"

My wife tenderly wiped our daughter's pie-filled lips while Kira, ever so playful, showed her displeasure by pretending to be disappointed.

[Yet it's so cute ! Why did you remove it onee-san ?? sniff]

"Hihi~ Aunty Kira, I'm a Princess so I have to eat like a grown up !"

Hearing these words, Freya smiled teasingly, answering her little sister.

"Ara ara~ would my daughter be more reasonable than you, little sister ?"

[Wh...hmpf !]

"Hihihi~ yummy !"

How could I watch this scene without smiling ? The beautiful black-haired she-wolf made my heart beat a little more every day, and this adorable little child who was our daughter did the same. Now I knew Kira well and just like her older sister I wanted to help her enjoy our family time. Freya, Shiro and Kira were my family, the only people I could give my life for without hesitation and whom I trusted completely.

*You are part of our family too...*

I caressed my belly with tenderness as I smiled, unable to hide my overwhelming happiness. I hadn't even touched the piece of pie on my plate because I was so absorbed in my feelings. As my wife placed the white napkin on her lap and let our daughter eat, she turned to me.

"My love, aren't you eating ? Yet it's delicious !"

"Yes...I was just...telling myself that I am happy haha~"

I was still a little shy with her despite everything that had happened between us. Without responding, Freya leaned in to kiss me passionately. Her tongue was soft and sweet, it made me melt completely and I could taste the divine taste of the dessert prepared by the chef of the manor. Separating us, my wife licked her lips while answering me with a smile I knew all too well.

"See ? I told you it was delicious.."

That smile always made me blush as I knew full well what was going through my wife's mind at that moment. Without giving me time to answer, she leaned into my ear discreetly to make me blush more.

"But you know what baby ? This is far from my favorite food kufufu~"

My wife always called me "baby" when she was excited and I could feel my ears and face heating up. Just as I thought I heard another embarrassing phrase, Freya straightened up with a giggle, satisfied that she had teased me.

"You sly wolf hehe~"

I loved her, I adored her, I lived only for her, her smile, her laughter, her teasing...she was my soul mate and even her ruthlessness made me dream. A small tear rolled down my cheek as I gently kicked her in the ribs and giggled. Our little girl who had stopped eating had raised her head and was looking at us.

"Mom Gaya ? Are you crying with joy or did someone mess with you ?"

Her worried look was absolutely adorable and her puffy pink cheeks made me want to cuddle her all day. Shiro was as adorable, innocent, caring as ever and always knew in spite of herself how to ease our minds.

"No everything is fine sweetheart, they are tears of joy.."

I had reached up to kiss her cheek when suddenly a sentence I wasn't expecting at all, came out of her delicate little mouth.

"Anyway, if someone makes you cry, mommy will go and smash his head into the ground hihi~"

*Huh ?*

While Shiro laughed innocently without really knowing what she had said, the pavilion had become silent. I was the first to speak up to ask our daughter a question even though the answer seemed more than obvious to me.

"Where...where did you learn to say such a thing Shiro ?"

The little moon in front of me didn't answer and tilted her head not even having understood what I was talking about. Looking up suspiciously at my wife, I could for the first time see her slightly embarrassed. Freya was scratching the back of her head with a guilty look on her face, looking at the sea in the distance as if nothing had happened.


Kira burst out laughing, unable to hold back any more at such an ironically funny situation. Even though I was eager to do the same, I continued to look at my wife with squinted and threatening eyes. Crossing my arms in displeasure, I addressed her directly.

"Freya ! I hope you plan to correct your mistake don't you ?"

The Empress, who was described everywhere in the Empire as cold as ice, stood before me embarrassed and guilty. Of course the situation was not serious, but seeing her for the first time ashamed of having taught our daughter such words, amused me. As I tried to hide my smile, I stared at Freya as she approached Shiro.

"My little moon, you mustn't say words like that. I made a mistake using it earlier, remember ? You should rather say that I would take care of them instead of talking about smashing people into the ground. Those violent words, you shouldn't say them so young, okay ?"

"Mmmh okay mommy !"

As my wife sighed in relief, it was my turn to burst out laughing. For once I was the one who had teased her and now she was the one who was cute despite her fake angry face.

"Haha~ I wasn't really angry but I must say it was pretty funny pfff~"

[Onee-san to be was hilarious ! hahahihi~]

I could see Freya grumble slightly but deep down I knew she wasn't offended. As everyone smiled and laughed under the hot afternoon sun, Shiro spoke in her small voice almost humming.

"It would be nice if the whole city could eat, laugh, have fun all together like the first festival you took me to mommy. With the ? I don't remember but I'm talking about the bright flowers in the sky that went "boom" !!"

Again her little purple eyes glowed as she recalled the night that changed her life and ours. As I was thinking, Freya suddenly stood up to speak.

"You're right sweetie ! It's decided, we're going to have a huge festival in the Empire. We haven't even welcomed the newcomers yet, nor have we properly celebrated the victory or announced your pregnancy ! Let's plan an amazing party !"



Name : Freya

Age: 0 years / Mentally: 25 years

Gender: Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of chaos - Adult

Race : Major Demon

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell.

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Level : 36/70

Exp needed for next level: 16 600 / 37 000

HP : 120 000 / 120 000 MP : 60 000 / 60 000

Strength : 425

Defense : 421

Agility : 435

Stamina : 428

Speed : 427

Intelligence : 425

Charisma : 410 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 450

Married to: Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates : 389

Humans killed : 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 5)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 4)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

Master of souls (lvl 1)


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