The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 156 Behind The Veil Lies My Truth [The Crypt - End]

- POV Freya -

We were finally done with the fighting, everyone was fine despite a few injuries, fatigue and the pressure that was gradually coming down. I was in a bad state myself but the desire to discover what was hidden at the top of the steps dominated all the pain. It was now time to leave and as I was about to announce the departure, the voice of my little sister resounded in my mind.

[Onee-san, you need to absorb the three bodies of those Demons, remember that you will need them for later according to what the system tells you]

*Oh my~ I almost forgot*

[Mmh, actually you had totally forgotten pffhaha~]

Hearing Kira laugh after all we'd been through was priceless and as she had remarked so well, I'd finally forgotten all about it. My entire mind was focused on the structure in the middle of the room and I couldn't help but think about it. However, she was right and I had to get busy absorbing the bodies so I could decide later what to do with them.

"Take the time to breathe a little, we'll be leaving for the pantheon in a few minutes, just long enough for me to absorb the bodies of the three Demons."


[Obviously they still have the strength to scream pfffhaha~]

As I smiled slightly, I could see my soldiers sitting on the ground, more than happy to finally get a break. Nina had recovered from her fright and was now helping Caipy check everyone's wounds, starting of course with Ralph. The two of them seemed totally at odds with each other, yet something seemed to be going on, probably due to the fact that my Commander had been protecting her.

Turning my head to let them rest a little, I approached the black Griffin that lay motionless a little further away. Its body was deformed in some places, feathers and fur were missing and more than half of its bones were broken. This huge black mass bore the scars of the hard battle it had fought against my soldiers, which made me all the more proud of them.

*I guess I just have to absorb it, right ?*

[Mmm, do your thing]

Concentrating, I took a deep breath that sent a few jolts of pain through my ribs but I ignored it. Putting my right hand on the bloody feathers of the beast, I started to use my chaos element to store it in my dedicated space. A thick black smoke appeared, coming out of my palm and sucking the body of the Prideful Griffin little by little.

The scene was quite special to watch as this huge mass literally disappeared as the black mist enveloped it. It was quite quick and for a mere moment, there was nothing left, no trace of what this Demon had been. As my soldiers looked on in disbelief, everything disappeared as notifications finally echoed in my mind.

- PING -

[ Congratulations L?????? you have just absorbed a unique creature directly related to your identity ]

[ You can now bind one of your souls to the Prideful Griffin's body and thus make it revive ]

[ Full details will be available once you have performed the soul extraction ]

As the system had told me before, I knew that these Demons were special but I didn't know how they were related to me. Was it because I was a Demon ? Or was it related to my memories ? I still didn't know what was really going on but I was more than happy to read these notifications. These three bodies were served to me on a silver platter and I knew exactly what I was going to do with them.

* if I understand correctly, I can finally free June and May ? I also need to find a way to move you in this space but I think I know how to do it*

I hadn't had time to test my theory yet, but as time went on I began to instinctively understand the system. I also understood that every part of my body, soul and mind was controllable to some degree. Therefore, I could somehow access the space where the sleeping souls of the twins waited.

[Yes, you found the perfect extra bodies for them, what better way than to be reborn as a unique being but, onee-san...don't tell me you're planning to stick me in one of those three things ?]

*Ara ara~ yet, "what's better than being reborn as a unique being" right ? kufufu~*

[It...I...this...tsk, so at least I want to choose ! You're not going to deprive me of that sweet freedom, are you ?]

While I smiled slightly at Kira's words, I didn't respond, busy making my way to the next body I was to enclose in my space. Without missing a beat, I arrived this time from the Fox's body to proceed with its absorption. As the grey Demon disappeared, just like the Griffin, my little sister's voice rang in my ears, obviously irritated by my silence.

[Hey ! Vicious Empress ! You could still answer me !]

*Oh my~ Who's the vicious Empress here ? I was thinking of letting you choose but it seems that the Snake is perfect for your cheeky tongue hahaha~ I haven't forgotten all the times I dreamed of pinching your nose or pulling your ears, it seems that moment will soon come kufufu~*

[ wouldn't dare, would you ? Not to your one and only cute and helpful little sister, right ? Onee-san ?]

*Who knows ?*

[I...and then no I refuse to wal...crawl on this earth for the first time as a Snake !]

*The Griffin then ?*

[Although it's tempting to fly, no. I would like to be the Fox...if I'm going to be an animal, I would at least like to be able to look like you as cool as you onee-san...]

Although Kira and I often joked exactly as two sisters would, at that moment, her voice had become weaker, almost trembling even though it was sincere. Her voice squeezed my heart and I couldn't describe how I felt at that moment. Neither of us spoke another word but we knew each other, that soon we could be side by side for the first time.

As I approached the Snake that had lost its head, no one could see it but this time my smile was tender and loving. Without further ado, I absorbed its body and head, wondering if the fact that it had lost its head was a problem. The same notifications as for the Griffin had appeared for the Fox and the Snake and within minutes it was over, they were gone.

I now had the opportunity to free Kira, June and May from my mind and space holding them asleep. Since we had arrived here, a lot had happened, everyone had given everything and so far the result was more than satisfactory. Now I just had to find out what might be lurking at the top of the stairs and how it all related to me.

"Your Highness ?"

"We're ready to go when you are."

Nixia and Emilia had come up to me seeing that I had come to finish, while all the others came up to me as well. The Commanders were standing by, their wounds bandaged, their burns treated and they stood straight worthy of their title. The Lieutenants seemed to need more time to get over this battle and I was totally prepared to give them some.

"Those of you who wish to rest more you can do so when you get up there. We don't know what's out there, so I'd rather we stay together. You can wait for us at the top of the stairs and take a breather if you need it."

"Good your Highness !"

As they answered, I turned my gaze to Lynn and Inferno who were a little further away and had not participated. The young succubus seemed fine despite the terrible fighting that had taken place but I couldn't say the same for my proud stallion. He always seemed to be in a state of limbo, his head falling and rising as if he were about to go to sleep at any moment without warning.

Approaching him, Lynn bowed slightly, shaking, before walking away, seemingly still not over my demon side. Ignoring her for the moment, I placed my hand on Inferno's cheek, who was already struggling to keep his yellow eyes open. His cheek was boiling, even more so than before, and the more time passed, the less I knew what was happening to him.

"I know I told you this earlier but...hold on a little longer, we'll be out of here soon and I'll find out what's going on with you."

My system still couldn't see what was happening to him and the fact that he still wasn't registered inside didn't really help. Inferno still had the strength to stand, but I didn't know for how long, and seeing him suffer wasn't pleasant. If I couldn't see what was wrong with him maybe Caipy could. Turning to her, I asked her for a favor.

"Commander Caipy ! Once we get to the top of the stairs, I'd like you to take a look at Inferno's condition because he's not well at all. I don't know what's wrong with him and maybe your extensive knowledge of animals and medicine will allow you to see what I've missed."

"Of course your Highness, I will do my best !"

Nodding, I then turned my gaze to the grand staircase before placing a hand on the right side of my body causing ice to appear. I was still dressed in those ice clothes but my wounds still hurt a little. I wouldn't be able to heal unless I used my attribute points but for now, I didn't have the time.

I didn't know what could happen and my curiosity was much too strong. So I conjured up some ice to keep my blood from flowing and create a sort of tourniquet with these frozen but not icy clothes. I didn't want to deal with that right now and I could easily ignore this little pain.

"Well let's go !"

"YES !"

The hall where we were had become a ruinous field because of our fighting, but the center was still intact. The same red light shone at the top of the stairs and the three pillars where the stone statues stood were now empty. Without saying another word, I began to walk straight ahead without hesitation as I felt my soldiers following me as eagerly as I was.

Soon we were in front of the steps and we began to climb them to the sound of our beating hearts. The closer I got, the more I felt my mana swirling inside me as if it was going crazy. Again, the one I felt the most at that moment was my red mana. I couldn't see it, but my three different colored manas were each giving me a different feeling.

Every step I took made my breathing more and more laboured, though no one noticed. The climb seemed to take forever, but finally, after a few minutes, we were there. In front of us were huge new pillars forming the pantheon, which had a huge black door. It was not made of stone but of shiny black steel and stood proudly before us.

This door was also engraved with over a hundred small grooves, giving a multitude of symbols with no real meaning. In front of this entrance was a large space and I could hear most of my Lieutenants sitting there, still exhausted. Glancing behind me, I could see that only Caipy was standing to the side to deal with Inferno while the other Commanders waited.

[So it's time, huh ?]


Everyone knew what they had to do, those who wanted to rest could do so, and those who wanted to accompany me were welcome. I didn't need to tell everyone what to do again, so I headed for the giant door. As I was about to push it open, it opened on its own, revealing a dark corridor and a dark room, hidden behind a purple-red veil.

That veil was right behind the door as if there was a second one, preventing us from seeing in detail what was behind it. I didn't know why it was there, but after all we'd been through, it wasn't going to stop me. So it was with great determination that I finally entered this huge pantheon. Suddenly, as my feet were on the other side, I changed.

Once again, without warning, once this veil had passed, I had reverted to my demon form even though I had done nothing. I could see my normally black hair, now tinted a scarlet red, my fingernails lengthening slightly as they turned black and I could feel my teeth sharpening and my horns lengthening. And this time too, my wolf ears and tail disappeared.

"Y-your Highness..."

"We can't go with you..."

A few voices from behind me made me turn around as my Commanders tapped on the veil, which became solid with their touch. I had been the only one allowed in and none of them could come and join me. This was completely unplanned as always but for some reason, I felt relieved by this news, as if I was about to find out some very personal things.

"Wait for me there ! We'll find a way out as soon as I get back !"

Without waiting for a single answer, I disappeared from their sight as I walked down the small dark corridor leading to this mysterious room. I was finally going to get some answers to my questions and so it was with my demon form and a crazy smile on my face, that I walked towards the truth.



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 31 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy


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