The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 155 The Two Women [Interlude IV]

- POV General -

While the fighting with the Three Sins was over, on the surface...far beyond this cave, high in the sky there was a woman watching the clearing. She had come out of nowhere, as if from an invisible portal and was now looking straight ahead. This woman had blue hair and squinted black eyes while her face betrayed a palpable discontent.

This woman was Titania, Goddess of Endless Chaos and Eternal Frozen Hell who had moved from her Kingdom where a nearly endless mountain sat. She wore a light white dress with a plunging neckline that showed off her voluptuous form. The Goddess was not asleep, she was wide awake, her face wearing an expression she had never shown Freya.

She was accompanied by a small, not very tall boy with hair as blue as hers and wearing the same dress despite his gender. He was sucking his thumb sitting in the air beside the Goddess and looking in the same direction. His appearance was deceptive because in reality he was older than Freya and Gaya combined but kept that childish body that despite his age fit perfectly with his spoiled child personality.


Titania's eyebrows were furrowed and she was biting her lower lip so hard that a trickle of blood ran down her full pink lips. She paced the sky, which was beginning to show the incoming morning sun. The Goddess was disturbed and not for any reason because just a few hours ago she had felt her connection to Freya via the system shatter into pieces.

"I don't is this possible ? I created this system to help her reach her most powerful form as quickly as possible without her remembering anything, but did I make a mistake ? Impossible ! And yet..."

While in her Kingdom, Titania had realized something was wrong when her link with the she-wolf had disappeared. Though she thought it impossible, it had all happened and Freya now had a new system, her own system. The Goddess had no way of knowing this and had been unable to stop herself from moving. At this moment she was no longer the sweet woman she was in front of Freya and even the opposite.

"Damn it ! Don't tell me that idiot died in the crypt !? No...I still feel her special presence but...she's different. What could have happened ? Did her memories come back ? That's not possible. She's not who she was before...that person doesn't exist anymore !!!"

Titania thrashed her head angrily as a menacing blue aura emerged from her body. Memories that only she knew existed surfaced as her grimacing face shook with rage. Her long fingernails dug into her palms until they bled and her teeth gritted more and more as the little boy beside her answered.

"Mom you promised me I could play with her afterward ! I've been waiting a long time and I still haven't been allowed to have any fun !"

"Yes my little bunny but I told you to be patient, mommy is working hard you know ? Mommy has to stay focused because out of all the others she was chosen but I promise you'll be able to have fun with her soon !"

As Titania spoke these words, she stroked her son's hair as she looked at him tenderly. Her expression had softened for a few moments before she turned her head back towards the clearing. Far too many questions were running through her mind and as the young boy lay in the air sulking, the Goddess began to think aloud again.

"I shouldn't get upset, everything will be fine, it's just a little hiccup of nothing right ? hahaha~ yes it is ! But at the same time...what happened ? Would she really have recovered her memories ? If that's the case it's not good for me at wasn't planned and it would screw up my whole plan !"

The Goddess had started pacing again, this time scratching her chin as she imagined what would happen if Freya remembered everything. She could partially remember her old identity but if she came to remember everything and Titania, everything would be different. The Goddess for some reason dreaded the future, even though Freya was just a unique being in this world incomparable to a Goddess.

"This can't be happening, she can't remember ! Tsk, again today the tensions between our two Houses are about to explode, I must not fail in my mission. Otherwise, it's thousands of years down the drain, not to mention my fight against that stupid Goddess of Time who almost ruined everything ! She did well to die at the hands of those weak humans, she wasn't worth it ! This is what happens when you try to protect someone when you don't have the strength ! Tsk family..."

Just as the she-wolf had suspected before, Titania was not alone in this plot at all, for it involved several Gods. What was their purpose ? Only they knew, but what was certain was that in the vastness that was this universe, two divine groups were at odds. Two Houses of Gods and Goddesses who hated each other, Titania being part of one and the mysterious young woman of the other.

Thus, the Goddess was referring to events that had taken place thousands of years ago that involved her and Freya though the latter was still unaware of it. At the mention of the mysterious woman sealed under the old mountains, the little boy straightened up with a disgusted expression on his face. As he spat on the ground, he stuck his tongue out as if to mock this ancient Goddess before speaking up.

"That bitch got what she deserved and it'll soon be the turn of L..."

"Hush my bunny ! Never speak her name ! Those days are over and we must focus on the present and the future."

As Titania's little bunny huffed in annoyance at being cut off by his mother, the Goddess herself had begun to tremble slightly. Her son had almost uttered the name of the one who had so terrified her, and at that moment chills ran down her spine. Who was Freya really ? At that moment, the she-wolf still didn't know, but what the Goddess didn't know was that she had indeed begun to recover her lost memories.

"This person no longer exists, call her what you will but do not speak her former name. You know very well that it was banished from our House the day she died so that her name would never again make us tremble ! Today she is but a single being capable of dominating this world and these pathetic humans...but never again will she be as feared as she was during the height of her power !"

Titania spoke confidently, but she herself wasn't really sure it would ever happen, but she preferred not to think about it. For now, her House had given her a mission and she was doing everything in her power to complete it, even if the repercussions of her fight against the ancient Goddess of Time cost her her own. Titania hadn't lied about it and often fell into a deep sleep but that didn't stop her from doing her best.

"If all goes well our House will be able to take her old powers without her remembering anything and we can finally prevail over the other House. Isn't that ironic, little bunny ? Freya herself will unknowingly give us the means to destroy what she has so cherished hahahahaha~! But in order to do that...I need to understand what happened. When she gets out of the crypt, I will pay her another little visit !"

The Goddess hadn't planned to meet her so soon, but the urgency of the situation made it necessary. Titania and her little blue-haired bunny, now sat in the air, eyes fixed on the clearing and the crystal tree, patiently waiting for their now no longer puppet to return.


This time, not in the sky but underground, at the foot of the mountains of Vancesia, the same mysterious young woman was still waiting. Her powers were slowly returning and it wouldn't be long before she finally broke free of her stone prison. Her skin was no longer cracked and had taken on a slightly pinker hue and her hair was no longer grey but white as it once was.

Her body imprisoned in the cold stone was slowly breaking free and now her arms were able to move freely up to her shoulders. When Gaya had split the ground in rage years ago, her powerful dragon mana had cracked her prison and now the surrounding mana was slowly feeding her still weak body. The young woman didn't know it, but it was because of the wife of the one she sought to kill that she could still move.

"Just a little more patience...soon I will be free and this time, even though I am no longer the Goddess of Time, I will find a way to avenge myself and all those who have fallen because of Titania and the others !"

More than anger, on her face bathed in the daylight, a sad and wistful expression was drawn on her fine features. Then, clenching her fists with rage and determination, the young woman raised her head to look into the sunlight. Her eyes, as violet and piercing as Freya's and Shiro's, shone intensely as a dangerous glow suddenly appeared.

"Freya...I don't know who you are but you are definitely on Titania's side and for that simple fact you will be the first to suffer my wrath. I will destroy every bit of this world, every being, every thing that this Goddess holds dear in this world and this time I will succeed !"

She couldn't forgive the actions of Titania who had taken everything away from her, her powers, her status as a Goddess and the one she had promised to protect. Then, taking on an even sadder expression, the young woman closed her eyes as fine tears streamed down her face. These little drops glistened in the soft rays of the sun as she murmured softly with a trembling voice filled with sadness.

"I know it won't bring you back, but I'm so angry at the world, at myself and my weakness for not protecting you the way I should. If only everything had happened differently, if only I'd seen it coming all this could have been avoided. I...forgive me...L...L...sigh, I can't even pronounce your name anymore so deep is the shame and regret in my heart."

Suddenly, as she sighed, the beautiful young woman received information in her mind from someone who was directly related to her. This information came from little Shiro who didn't know it but in fact, had been born through the magic of the Goddess of Time. Just before being sent to Titania's world, the young woman had created an egg with the little power she had left and sent it to Kleisaria.

She had sent that egg to this world in hopes of using it to regain those powers, but things had turned out quite differently. She had ended up with the same elements as the Goddess she hated with all her heart and her creation was nowhere to be found. In a fit of anger, she had decided to attack the entire world before being locked up and sealed.

"It seems that Freya isn't here near her right now...what is she trying to do ? Could this be another one of that dirty Goddess' dubious schemes ? If only I could find out a little more..."

All the young woman had for information were short, dark visions where she could only hear what Shiro heard through her imperceptible link with her. However, they were only short sentences and sometimes even just words which made it difficult to understand. She had never seen Freya, nor Gaya and so didn't know what they looked like but knew enough to connect them to Titania.

"But the day I get out of here, I'll head first to this place called...Elysium to retrieve the sweet little girl I created and snatch her from the clutches of that Freya who seems to be plotting something with Titania !"

Unfortunately, the former sealed Goddess didn't know this, but she was totally misguided and the information she was getting in bits and pieces was good but misinterpreted. To her, Freya was in league with her enemy and didn't know that Shiro, whom she saw as a bit like her daughter, wasn't unhappy at all, quite the opposite. In her mind, her hatred, her sadness and her desire for revenge, guided her way of seeing things.

"I, Kalaa, swear this time to avenge you and plunge the world into that Chaos you so loved..."

The young woman under the mountain was called Kalaa and though it didn't mean much at the moment, she had carried the title of Goddess of Infinite Time and Celestial Wisdom. She didn't know it, but at that moment, the one she had sworn to protect was actually not dead and was even the same person she was targeting now. So, without even realizing it, Kalaa had sworn to destroy the one she had mourned.

In two different places, two women with completely different ideas, two enemy women were thinking about the same person. Freya was in the mind of Titania and Kalaa, unsuspecting and not yet aware of how she was connected to these two women. However, it wouldn't be long before she understood a little more of her history, her past and what she was involved in, this information being able to change her entire perspective.



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 31 600 / 170 000 MP : 32 610 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy


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