The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 539: Savvy Domain

Chapter 539: Savvy Domain

"I and the Princess noticed you have left the bed, so she told me to come fetch you" Ki Ting answered before she seemed to recall something and quickly added;

"Yeah, and that reminds me, she is currently pissed off at the person who placed shattered spirit fruit in her hands whilst she was sleeping"

"That person wouldn't happen to be you, would it?" Ki Ting teased as Min Hong's lips twitched at the word 'shattered' as the cock he so prided in, shrank into his nuts

"Alright, let's head back You should sleep a little more" Min Hong spoke as he carried her in a princess position and returned to the room

He saw the Princess sitting there on the bed with a little pout and folded arms, and though she didn't speak, Min Hong knew she was still pissed by the situation;

Thus he simply placed Ki Ting on the bed and slipped in-between them, before grabbing her by the waist and planting a kiss on her smooth forehead

The Princess blushed at the show of affection, as she turned her face to the other side to hide her smile;

"Alright, let's go to bed" Min Hong spoke as he laid on his back whilst both ladies took their previous positions once again;

'I have gotten all the information I need now, all that is left is to make the rest of the group go and investigate the next house closest to the tribe gate;"

"Then I will cause a loud commotion that would distract the entire tribe and allow Little Fei and Daniel to slip into the mansion for further investigations, whilst I then buy them as much time as possible' Min Hong thought to himself as he shut is eye

About three hours later

In the moment the sunlight spilled into dawn, a carriage approached the residence where Min Hong's group were given, and the moment the carriage trespassed a 5 mile radius of the residence, it was like something tugged Min Hong's consciousness as his eyes snapped open;

"What are they doing?" Min Hong asked himself when he saw about four tribe guards drop out of the carriage and spread out before approaching the residence from different angles;

'Thanks to the Savvy Domain ability of the Eye, I am able to see what they are doing so clearly without them noticing, but I can't seem to hear what they are saying' Min Hong muttered too himself as he kept watching these six figures approach their residence;

'Hehe he, they would do well to serve as my distraction today'

A grin abruptly plastered itself on Min Hong's face as he looked to the princess and kissed her forehead, causing her to wake up and blush happily when she noticed what had happened;

She really loved it when Min Hong waked her up this way, and though most time she was always up earlier than him, but whenever he's up earlier, he always wakes her up with a kiss to the forehead

"Aright, they are here, we need to prepare and join the rest We have to finish this mission as soon as possible"

Min Hong spoke softly as the vibration of is voice woke Ki Ting who rubbed her eyes and followed the Princess over to the bath to get prepared;

"I still have some things to take care of, so both of you can head on without me"

Min Hong stepped off the bed as the two ladies looked at him a little surprise they were very sure that there was absolutely no way Min Hong would turn down an opportunity to be with a lady, butt naked, in a soapy hot tub;

But here he was doing exactly that, and it didn't seem like he was worried about something or scared of anything, and neither did it look like he was about to do something extremely important, as he made the statement with a normal expression and tone

But they both nodded eitherways and had already begun to strip their clothes before entering the bathroom seemingly wanting to show him what he would be missing or trying to change his mind, but Min Hong simply shook his head with a helpless chuckle;

'I need to set up an explosive barrier that would be triggered only by things coming into the residence and not going out'

'That way we would be able to leave this place without having to build or setup a barrier under their watch'

Min Hong thought to himself as he went down to the middle floor and spoke with Gong Yi and the rest telling them to pick all of their belongings along today and leave nothing behind, and though the group were stunned and surprised by this, they still did it, after all, Min Hong has never told them to do anything meaningless before

He did the same thing to the Elder Fu group living on the ground floor and returned to the penthouse and since he didn't bathe with them, the two ladies were already done with the bath before he returned and Ki Ting was busy combing the Princess' hair for her when he entered;

"You both should take every single one of your belongings along with you today Leave nothing behind, not even a strand of hair" Min Hong ordered as he stepped towards the bathroom;

"Are we leaving already?"

Ki Ting asked in bewilderment, there was still three more weeks before they run out of time for the mission, and since they have only managed to inspect a residence per day, they already knew they were short on time 

But here he was telling them to pack their stuffs;

"Yeah, we will be leaving very soon" Min Hong replied as he stepped into the bath and shut the door behind him

He walked over to the tub and saw it filled to the brim with healing waters;

'Did she use her healing waters because I gave her some portion of my life force?'

Min Hong muttered to himself with a soft chuckle as he placed his hand into the water;

Blob Boro Blob Pop!

The sound of water boiling and bubbles popping resounded as Min Hong got naked with a thought, before plunging himself into the hot bath of healing waters, and the moment he entered, he began to feel his muscles ripple and bones crack as they began to relax from their tensed state prompting Min Hong to let out a subtle moan of pleasure


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