The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 538: The Plights Of The Shadow-walkers

Chapter 538: The Plights Of The Shadow-walkers

"As for the treasure you were talking about, it has to do with the nature of the Yaos cultivation system and is actually a manual which was simply regarded as a treasure by our Elders..."

"They believe that, if they can get it and decipher it, then they might be able to understand the stages and the possible limits of the Yao's cultivation"

"That way, if we can apply it into our own cultivation system, stages and limits, we might be able to discover realms even greater than the ones we have at the moment" The Shadow explained;

"And you guys plan on using that to wipe us all out?" Min Hong accused;

"No Never We are thoughts of people from this realm, so why would we want to destroy it"

"We'll be killing ourselves in that process" Cheng retorted;

"Then what do you guys plan on using such powerful information for!?"

Min Hong bellowed as he realized that time was flying past and he had extremely little of it left before people would start to leave their dream realm and awaken;

"We thought the Yao Demons could help us find a lasting solution to our problem of being unable to walk neither in the day or night, since there are no shadows at night time and moving in daylight is akin to us being plunged in boiling oil all through"

"But for some strange and extremely mysterious reasons, they claimed that they had no way to help us, and the only ones who had the cure to our problems were within this same world we exist in"

"This brings us to the reason why we are so desperate to receive that treasure, because we know no one in this realm would be willing to sacrifice their lives, blood, sweat, tears and energy into helping us find a solution without wanting something equivalent in return"

"So you guys plan on trading the information you deciphered from the manual to any expert who can help you find solutions to your problems, right?"

Min Hong had already understood where the situation was headed, but he just had to ask for confirmation and Cheng's nod said it all

"We also don't like working with the Yao Demons, as we have discovered that they are here for no good or just reasons"

"However, we have been living in the shadows for hundreds of thousands of years, and we have never been able to step out into the light nor move around in the dark"

"That's a very miniscule excuse, aren't there more shadows than beings in this world?"

"Or are you trying to fool me!?"



Min Hong bellowed as he pushed his palm towards Cheng causing several Chaos spikes to morph out of thin air and stab Cheng in multiple places

He knew they had to be lying about them living in the light and darkness or whatever, but the truth remains that there are more shadows everywhere than there are living beings or spirits or ghosts or beasts

After all, all non-living things also cast shadows; a tree can cast a shadow, water can cast shadows, a spoon could cast a shadow, and these guys are still complaining of moving around;

"No young master, you misunderstand me" Cheng was panting and seemed to be on his last lap as Min Hong barked;

"Then make it clear!"

"You see jumping from one shadow to another requires a lot of energy on our part, and you can say it is equivalent to casting one's strongest technique"

"Thus, jumping over and over from shadow to shadow is like repeatedly casting such techniques over and over again"

"The greater the distance between two shadows, the more energy we burn to get there"

"The smaller the shadow being casted, the more energy we born to hide within it; after all you can expect a figure the size of a man to hide within the shadow of a chopstick without being seen"

"But that is what we do and it takes a lot of energy, even more than any cultivator in equal cultivation level as us, use at once" Cheng continued;

"Lastly, the fainter the shadow is the more energy we burn to keep ourselves from the light in the area"

Cheng revealed and that is when Min Hong realized why they truly had to find a solution to their problems;

After all, he understood that if he was a shadow, then he would have to cast at least thirty techniques to move from the bathroom which they were currently in, to the ground floor of the residence

He knew he would most likely be completely drained of energy before he could leave the tribe

But there was still something inconsistent about Cheng's claim;

"But if it is as you claim it to be, then how did all of you manage to get here from wherever you are?" He asked with a deep frown;

"We have a unique teleportation formation which we use to move around, and it has to be placed in a place with the darkest shadow;"

"But most importantly, that shadow must consistently remain that dark otherwise, once a little bit of light shines on the formation, or darkness covers it, it would begin to break apart"

"Thus, the Yao demons received one and set it up behind the main mansion, and it only become active at night when the moon is brightest"

The moment Cheng finished his statement, Ki Ting opened the bathroom door and was stunned to find Min Hong there;

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

Min Hong asked with a smile as Ki Ting sauntered over to him like a little girl who just woke up and was walking over to her daddy;

"Thanks to you, I am feeling a lot better"

Ki Ting said as she walked over and sat on Min Hong's laps before resting her head on his shoulders, whilst Min Hong wrapped his arm around her for support;

"You should be resting, we have a lot of work to do today" Min Hong said softly as Ki Ting moaned in reluctance before wrapping her arm around his neck;

"Why did you come to the bathroom though?" Min Hong asked;

"I and the Princess noticed you have left the bed, so she told me to come fetch you"

Ki Ting answered before she seemed to recall something and quickly added; "Yeah, and that reminds me, she is currently pissed off at the person who placed shattered spirit fruit in her hands whilst she was sleeping"

"That person wouldn't happen to be you, would it?"

Ki Ting teased as Min Hong's lips twitched at the word 'shattered' whilst the cock he so prided himself in, shrank into his nuts


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