The King's Game

Chapter 22 - Black Knight XXII]

Ch22 – [Black Knight XXII]

The flowers were placed in front of the young zerg lying on the bed. The strength the silver-haired zerg used to hold the flower was very light.

The reason why he was so careful was because the flower branches he held before had suddenly broken because of his incorrect use of force before. Petals, too, could be crushed if he didn’t control his strength.

It took several attempts to succeed, but it wasn’t the first time that Alves had deliberately limited his power. He first learned to do it when he was on an abandoned planet. When the young zerg did not move, Alves pushed the flowers closer to the youth.

It was not clear what kind of flower was in front of him. It was a little white like a rose, but it was still different. However, compared to the flowers, Gu Huai could not help paying more attention to the silver-haired zerg who was sitting close to the bed in a crouching position and handing the flowers to him carefully.

Instantly, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. Perhaps it could be described as a string at the bottom of his heart being plucked. Gu Huai sat up from his lying position, and then reached out to take the flowers that had been put in front of him.

Seeing the young zerg take the flowers, the silver-haired Zerg slightly raised the tip of his tail and then moved again, his eyes narrowed, He got up and approached the youth, the cold silvery tail behind him also consciously stretched out and circled around the young zerg’s waist after approaching.

It was firmly and safely enclosed, but it did not make the enclosed youth feel uncomfortable. It was in doing this that Alves first learned to limit his power.

Flowers were beautiful, but very fragile things. This was Alves’ current understanding of flowers. Beautiful because the young zerg liked it.

It was also deliberate to limit his own strength, he had held and broken several flower branches before finding the appropriate strength, but when he first used his tail to encircle the youth, it was a success. That was the difference between treasures and ordinary goods.

It was like he was asking for a reward...

The flower in his hand was a gift specially sought out by the other for him, and he felt his immense and vivid enthusiasm. Gu Huai felt like he had been poked somewhere in his heart, which made him unable to move for a moment, including when he was kissed on his lips.

Gu Huai did not turn his head after he had returned to his mind as he did the last time, even as his lips was gently pecked by another warm and soft object, and the corners of his lips was gently licked by the silver-haired zerg who kissed him with the tip of his tongue.

Without realizing that his ears were now red, Gu Huai, who had zero love experience, was not very clear about his current emotional state, but allowed the Alvis to kiss and caress him.

When Gu Huai finally realized that his ears were a little hot, he turned his head away and reluctantly changed the topic,

“Wings...” Were the wings gone after the advancement stage?

Although he did not know what to say, Gu Huai had doubts about this issue. He had thought about asking before, but he had not asked yet.

When the other was in his cub form, his wings were like small dragon wings and was basically the kind that could only be used as a decoration. In his adult human form, the zerg chose to retain the racial characteristics of the tail, but the wings were gone.

But as soon as he finished this sentence, Gu Huai felt his tail move around his waist. The next second, he was surrounded by the tail and leaned against the Silver-haired Zerg.

Gu Huai saw a pair of huge silver wings unfolding behind the Silver-haired Zerg, and then suddenly his eyes darkened, he was lying on the bed under Alves.

The youth was surrounded by stretched silver wings. Alves lowered his head and kissed the white neck of the youth.

The feeling of being pecked on the neck was obviously quite different from that of kissing on the lips. Gu Huai was stunned because he was wrapped by huge silver wings. He was in a state of no return. By the time he recovered, it had progressed from pecking on the side of his neck to licking and sucking, and he seemed to be moving downward.

Without the knock that followed, there was a great chance that things would have developed in an indescribable direction under the domination of the Silver-haired Zerg.

Something needed to be reported, but Aljer intended to wait until the young king came out before reporting, after all, he did not want to disturb his king’s sleep.

But he waited and waited outside, but the time his king woke up had passed, and he had important things to report, so he had to knock on the door.

He waited a little longer outside then Aljer received a spiritual link which gave him permission to enter. As soon as he entered the door, Aljer saw the cold eyes of the silver-haired Zerg.

As usual, there was a lack of temperature in his eyes and a lack of expression on his face, but Aljer felt that his leader looked at him a little colder than usual, and even made him feel like a prey.

“??” What happened? After a quick reflection on his recent actions, Aljer did not find out what he had done wrong recently. He was sure that he was good and loyal.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Huai sat up on the bed and asked aloud as Aljer came into the room.

Subconsciously bowing, Aljer nodded, “The two guests who were invited by your Majesty, accompanied by a small group of soldiers, were free to visit the main city, but this subordinate has just received a report of a problem.” The general situation was that during the tour the two humans met people who knew them, the others now wanted to take the officers away, the two sides were now in a standoff.

Having said this, Aljer wondered why his king’s ears were red and there seemed to be some marks on his neck.

The young black haired zerg sitting on the bed was born well, his eyes looked painted, his eyebrows were clear and meaningful, even a little beautiful. He could be seen as beautiful, but without any femininity.

Now his red ears made people want to approach.

It was a very important issue. After listening to Aljer’s report, Gu Huai frowned subconsciously. He thought it necessary for him to go there personally.

The identity of the people who knew the two human officers were quite high on the Earth Federation.


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