The King's Game

Chapter 21 - [Black Knight XXI]

Ch21 – [Black Knight XXI]

The Zergs were invited to visit Mino Star, and now the whole Star Network were basically talking about this, and things were boiling. Even people who didn’t usually pay attention to StarNet knew this passively.

Originally, Mino Star had been very busy because of the recent Sieser auction. Now, people who were afraid of death or not were interested in Mino Star.

For the goblins, it was free campaign, they hadn’t done anything yet the whole stars were talking about their race.

According to people on Mino star at that time, they said that they watched the Zerg warships land on the planet. But nothing happened after that, they were still alive.

The Goblins, on the other hand, issued an official announcement that the Zergs had come to visit them amicably and stressed that they would be responsible for the personal safety of all customers who visited Mino star for trade.

They were on the same planet as the most ferocious and terrible race recognized by all the stars, but they were safe. At this time, people of all races on Mino star had an incredible feeling.

The Sieser auction was only four days away. After the reception, Gu Huai told the Zerg soldiers guarding him that they could move freely.

It was hard to go out to play on other planets. Gu Huai thought that the Zergs who had been around him all day should be free to do what they wanted... Except for fighting.

However, the high level Zergs who heard this sentence did not have any relaxed or liberated ideas. They looked at the young black haired man squatting down and touching a red Barrow grass, and did not want to move.

There was no other thing that was lovely, of course, very good looking.

The black haired King was not a task for the Zerg soldiers, but what they wanted to do.

“The King is safe enough with leader with him. I heard that there was a chance to find treasures in Golden Wheel Street. Why don’t you go and have a look?” Aljer put on a serious expression and spoke to his subordinates who were still looking at their young King and refused to leave.

Not interested in treasures, but interested in giving the treasures to the king. After thinking hard, these high-level Zergs finally nodded.

The current location was a luxurious villa with a size comparable to a palace, but it was still a goblin owned building. The top was a cusp type, with warm colors as the main color. This was the dwelling specially prepared for the visiting Zergs by the goblins.

Their Leaders’ feelings for the young zerg was different from their feelings towards the youth, it could be easily distinguished as long as they had normal senses, whenever the silver-haired Zerg circled his tail around the waist of the King, it showed a desire to possess his lover or partner.

When he left, he dragged away the Tak Zerg who was still looking at the young zerg. As he had just said to other Zerg soldiers, Aljer planned to go to the commercial street of Golden Wheel and maybe bring back some toys for his king.

“It’s a pity that Tuther can only plant Tamu trees.” He stopped observing the red Barrow grass, Gu Huai stood up, and the squatting cub next to him also stood.

“Chirp?” Hearing Gu Huai’s words, the white plush cub looked up.

Originally, Alves was thinking of slowly transforming Tuther according to the preferences of the young zerg, but since then the youth had never put forward any requirements for any aspect of Tuther’s settings.

Through the spiritual link, Gu Huai could easily feel his confusion. He answered, “Because if you could plant flowers, you could make Tuther look a little more colorful. It feels much better than the black plants now.”

“Speaking of it, we haven’t seen flowers on this planet yet...” Gu Huai raised his hand and scratched his left cheek lightly. He thought he could see it in the courtyard of this villa. Did it mean that there was no such thing as ‘flowers’ in the Star Age?

FLOWER. For the first time, when he heard what the youth wanted, Alves moved his silver tail and squinted.

On the other side of the street, called Golden Wheel, the emergence of high-level Zergs caused a riot in the street.

What did it feel like to be on the same planet as the Zergs? The people who traded on Mino had already felt it, and after half a day’s digestion, they had now almost accepted it. But there was still a considerable gap between accepting it and actually watching a group of high-level Zergs pass by.

Zergs were a relatively emotionless race, so the expression of the high level Zergs in daily life was expressionless, of course, the only exception was with their king.

“What are the trading rules?” Aljer took a Tak Zerg to an inconspicuous corner. The high level Zerg guards around the young king were now divided into several groups. Now they were exploring the commercial street and all wanted to buy toys for their king.

Businessmen from different races in adjacent bunks looked on as they passed, one after another. The Kelders who were asked questions first stiffened their bodies and then hesitated to respond, “That’s... As long as I can get out one thing that interests me, I can exchange it with something of equal value.”

Golden Wheel was a special commercial street. The people who sold goods here rented a time limited space from the goblins. The commodities in the commercial street could not be purchased with money. They needed to satisfy the different trading rules of the businessmen to get what they wanted.

The merchants who sold goods here basically sold strange things. Some sellers didn’t even know what they had, so it depended on luck to find the treasures.

Being urged by the Tak Zerg behind by Aljer, they approached a small shop. The Tak Zerg peered at a dark blue jewel ball with its scarlet pupils and kept hissing.

In the eyes of this Tak Zerg, this was a toy ball larger than that energy crystal. And according to memory, it remembered that the young zerg said they liked a planet, which looked blue on the outside.

The swap was completed with black Thurton, and in the eyes of the Tak Zerg, the swapped dark blue jewel ball was placed in the space button. Aljer nodded to the other, “Got it, I’ll take it back to your Majesty and say you gave it.” The Tak Zerg shifted his gaze away from Aljer.

They completed the transaction so smoothly, but also handed such a large black rock, with both hands holding the exchanged goods, the Kelder businessman was now a bit dazed.

On the Zerg occupied planets, there were too many black Thurton ore to be used up, and even had enough to make furniture. But for other races, it was relatively rare.

This was similar to the feeling of other businessmen who traded with the other Zerg groups on this Golden Wheel Street, even though they came from different races, they were essentially businessmen. It was also at this time that they suddenly realized how much benefit the goblins could gain in the future as the first race to establish friendly relations with the Zerg with the opened trade channels.

Now that the Zergs had changed their way of doing things and were willing to establish diplomacy with other races, why couldn’t their races try to associate with them?

The above events were reflected in Gu Huai’s side, which showed the increase of customs clearance value. Suddenly, he was reminded of the rising value. Gu Huai also opened the information panel provided by the system to have a look.

Clearance level: 55%

More than half.

The next day, while the youth was still asleep, the cub, which was quietly nestled on the side of the young zerg’s neck, jumped down from the bedside, went out of the room and changed into his human form.

“Boss?” This morning, his leader actually did not accompany the king to sleep, Aljer was very doubtful, but making him more confused was the next words asked by the silver-haired zerg.

“Flower, what is it?” The cold silver tail hung behind him, and Alves asked his subordinate in a low, cold voice.

He didn’t know why his leader asked this, but Aljer answered, “It’s an ornamental plant. Tuther doesn’t have it. There seems to be a planet that has it, but it is rare. Maybe there would be some in the main trading area.”

The Silver-haired Zerg nodded slightly, “Send me the relevant images.”

“Oh, oh... Immediately.” Aljer did not know what to do, but he did it in confusion. When the image was transmitted, Aljer saw his leader squint and then left without saying anything.

When Gu Huai woke up, he started by touching around with his eyes closed and hands outstretched.

“Hn?” After feeling around, he realized that it wasn’t there, his round cub, Gu Huai hummed tiredly and slowly opened his eyes a little.

Silver tail.

Obviously, the tail he saw was not the size of the cub. Knowing this, Gu Huai raised his hand and rubbed the lower corners of his eyes, then opened them fully.

When he opened his eyes and saw clearly, Gu Huai, who was still lying down, was stunned slightly, the Silver-haired zerg was crouched beside the bed. The cold silvery tail hung behind him. When he woke up, the tip of his tail obviously perked up.

The pale golden pupils gazed at him for a few seconds, Gu Huai saw the other stretch out his right hand to him.

The hand of the Silver-haired Zerg could be described by its distinct knots, which undoubtedly had great destructive power, but the other’s slender fingers were holding the flower branches in his hands with a careful grip, as if he was afraid that they would be carelessly pinched.

“Flowers.” Carefully handing the flowers to the young zerg, what he held in his hands were considered to be very fragile. The silver-haired Zerg stared at the young zerg lying on the bed motionlessly.


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