The King of Tricks and Magic

Chapter 13: Orc

Chapter 13: Orc

[Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 2000

Vitality: 200

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen -leap -basic magics -fire magic -illusion magic -water magic -light magic -nature magic]


Magic beast.

Magic beast is a beast that contains a strong amount of mana at its body, by infusing the power of the mana with the internal organs of a beast, a magic beast is formed.

Magic beast has 10 steps of evolution. Each step has different difficulties.

A normal magic beast evolution chain:

Common –> Rare –> Baron –> Viscount –> Count –> Marquis –> Duke –> King –> Emperor –> Great Emperor


The 4 of the Orcs who died got buried by the instructions from Oz, and Aegir. One of them is haven’t dead yet when Oz came to the spot, the soldiers are afraid to give the finishing blow, seeing the suffering Orcs, even if they came to make some trouble, but Oz cannot bear seeing the suffering of the orc, so he gave the finishing blow with a sword from the guards, and he let the orc inhale his last breath.

[The host had killed an entity for the first time.]

[The host will be rewarded the card ‘Orc Baron [Special]’]

A handful of blue particles appeared and gather to one point. After some moments, the particles disappear and a card appeared.

[Orc Baron card [Special] [Develops]

level: 82

Strength: 10.000

Agility: 2.300

Vitality: 50.000

Mana: 3.000

Spiritual: 500

Skills: -strengthen -club dash -Leap -superhuman strength -Regeneration -Ignore pain -Taunt

Description: The card comprises the power of an Orc baron, the host could use its maximum power by fully equipping it and transforms to an Orc Baron, but the host could also half equip it and got to use 20% of its original status.



(Wow, setting aside the stats, the orc had a lot of benefitting skills.)

Oz retrieves the card back to his magic deck.

“Ren!” Aegir came while calling Oz.


They decided to imprison the remaining Orc and went back to rest and continue the case in the morning.

In the morning, Aegir invited Oz together with some figures of the tribe, to meet with the captured Orc. They gathered at the place where the captured Orc placed and interrogate it.

The Orc hands were chained, and his feet are also shackled.

“What’s Your name, Orc,” said Aegir with a cold tone.

“Magra. Magra son of Mardan,” The Orc whispered.

“So, dear Magra who had just attacked our humble tribe. What’s your story.” Aegir said with a cold face, different from when he asked Oz about Oz’s story, his tone and his face differs totally from before.

Magra opened his eyes, Oz could read some sorrow, worry, hesitate, guilt, and hope in his eyes. Seeing such emotions in his eyes, Oz got a little interested in his story, so he crossed his hands, and he prepares to listen to what this Orc will tell him.

Magra closed his eyes once again, seeming to prepare his resolve to tell his story.

“Demons,” He said shortly with his hoarse and deep voice.

“Demons?” Aegir raised one of his eyebrows.

“Yes, Demons.” Magra strengthens his statement.

“The despicable demon we all hate had returned,” said Magra.


“They’ve come once again after disappearing for 2000 years.”

“They’ve come with more armies than before, and they’ll come for all the races except for mankind, to join their ranks,” Told him while looking at everyone’s eyes. And his eyes stopped. When he saw Oz’s.

Hearing Magra’s statement, all the goblins who present at the place start to murmurs with each other. Sounds of surprised, shocked, and even afraid could be heard gushing out from everyone’s mouth.

Aegir raised his hands a bit, and all the chatters disappear.

“Continue your story,” Said Aegir.

“They came, asking our clan to join their ranks. We are an honorable race and we live together with our clan, so we decline the offer from the despicable demons, and they started to intimidate us saying that they will flatten our clan with the march of the demon army,”

“But all of our members are way too prideful, we underestimate the prowess of the demons, and they defeated us and killed hundreds of our clan members.”

“There is only 400 from us that is left from the attack, and all of our food stocks are plundered by the demons. We manage to survive because we evacuate the women and child’s, and some youth to guards them,”

“We’re out of our wits, we didn’t know where to feed the mouth of 400 Orcs with a few soldiers. So we decided to plunder other races to get them. Some of our members said that they saw a huge group of goblins that might have a lot of foods that we could plunder. So I went together with the clan’s strongest warriors that survive the demon attack to plunder this tribe. No one ever thinks that we the strong Orcs, cannot even defeat one of the goblins at the defense wall,”

“You could put all of their faults at me, I am the one who instructs and commands them, I’m the only one who should bear the consequences,” Finished Magra while some tears start to fell from his eyes when he’s telling the story.

Aegir looked at Oz, and Oz nodded a little.

“You could relieve yourself, as there are no casualties from your attack yesterday. I will discuss this matter with my peers first, you could raise your hope up,” Aegir said with a smile.

All the goblins got out of the place and went to Aegir’s house to discuss the matter. Oz let the others left first, and he stayed at his position,”

After the other had gone, Oz went near to Magra and he whispered.

“The tribe leader is soft-hearted you see, so we may even send some troops to escort your clan members here,” Whispered Oz.

Oz went out and left the Orc behind. Magra saw Oz’s back and his eyes shone with hope, hoping that what Oz had said will be true.

—At Aegir’s house—

“There is a possibility he is lying, we can’t fully believe him,” Said The military chief, Fedra.

“But we also need to wary in case the invasion from the demons is real,” said the defense chief, Ibra.

“Tribe leader. Honestly, I’ve found some uncommon traces and signs at the places we usually hunt. I’m afraid that what the Orc had said to us is true,” Said the hunter chief, Brad.

*Sound of people surprised*

“Is that true Brad?” Asked Aegir.

“Yes, I swear upon my father’s name, Barry,” Said Brad with a grim face.

The conclusion of this discussion had finally met its end, everyone knew that with that statement, they will be facing the fearsome opponent that is the demons. All of their eyes went to Oz’s figure who usually have a lot of ideas and never afraid of anything. The one who smiles when facing anything, and the one who the tribe leader and all of them trusted, and could depend on.

“Tell us your thoughts Ren,” Said Aegir smiling.

Oz opened his eyes.

“The demons are gathering their allies, why shouldn’t we do the same. We had gathered a lot of goblins from the other groups to this tribe, and they accepted the offer, with a lot of struggles you all had a face, you guys succeed. My suggestion is, what if we join our hands with the orcs, having a strong ally is more reassuring than having a strong foe. If we could make them our ally, and make a big family together, the other races might join us, and the demons will be more easy to handle,” Explained Oz.

What Oz had said is make sense, rather than strengthening their defense and stuff, it is better or them to find a strong ally to join hands with them. But-

“But back then, even with our forces, subduing the goblins to join us is also difficult. Do you have the confidence that we could join our hands with the Orcs, Ren?” Asked Aegir to Oz.

“You see, back then you don’t have the strongest power which you had now,” Said Oz full of smiles.

“Hm?” Aegir raised his eyebrow, and the others listen carefully about what Oz will say.

“You don’t have me,” Oz smirked.

All of them laughed.

Aegir snorted. “Heh, you overconfident bastard. But well, can’t really refute that,” He shrugged.

“That indeed is true,” Said Brad smiling while crossing his hands.

“You really are an interesting man,” Fedra.

“It is a fact though,” Said Ibra.

“What a strong statement you said there,” Gurolf, The Magician chief said.

The atmosphere got lighter because of the words Oz said.

‘A tribe with a variety of races, huh? It’s interesting.’ Thought Aegir.

“Hahaha, okay, putting Ren’s bragging aside, let’s give the good news to our first ally candidate,” Said Aegir with smiles.

—At the prisoner place—

Magra waited.

Hoping the result will go according to what the strange goblin he met before said.

*Sound of a door being opened*

The door is opened, and all the goblins that had come before come back again here.

“You’re lucky, we understand your circumstances, we will help your clan but with one condition, Said Aegir with a smile.

“What condition, I hope its something that won’t harm our members or something that my clan could afford.” Said Magra.

“Nothing much. You only need to join hands with our tribe, not only being an ally but also merge together with us to make a bigger family,” Oz suddenly answered with a smirk.



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