The King of Tricks and Magic

Chapter 12: Bond

Chapter 12: Bond

[Name: Ren Arken

Age: 14

Race: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 2000

Vitality: 200

Mana: ~~~

Spiritual: ~~~

Intellect: 1, 000

Unique Skills:

-magic cards -appraisal -evil gaze -strengthen]


Every book that Geeta had brought is pillar thick. ‘I need 4 whole days to read all of this thoroughly’ Thought Oz.

There are 7 books that Geeta brought and lend to Oz:

-Magic and how to use it

-Vengeance of the north mirage

-Dragon fire

-Grimoire of death

-Thirsting book


-Guardian’s Manuscript

All the books here look mystical and rare. Oz is interested in the Grimoire of death, but he needs to understand the book about magic and how to use it that seems to be the basics first. So, he read that book first. From evening until the morning, he spent his time reading and understanding the book.

In the middle of the night, without him knowing, Oz is reading at a pace way faster than he ever did. He unknowingly finished reading and understanding the pillar thick book at only 8 hours. After he ate dinner with Aegir and fam, he immediately went back to his room and continued to read the book. Aegir and fam only smile seeing the enthusiastic Oz, they just continue their normal daily routine.

(This book is outstanding! to think that the books in this world are written with the same alphabet with English! And to think that the formulas of the magic in this world is easy to understand! It’s unbelievable! It’s only about using and controlling your mana and understanding the magic formulas! so simple!)

When he about to celebrate his success and he wanted to test it-


[The host had achieved the required intelligence to learn magic]

[The host will be rewarded ‘Basic Magics [Special]’ Card]

[The card contained the complete power of the basic magic due to the complete understanding of magic by the host]


A handful of blue particles shone in front of Oz’s eyes. Slowly descend to Oz’s hands.

[Basic of Magic Card [Special]

Description: A card containing the power of the basics of magic; the power of basic fire magic, basic water magic, basic nature magic, basic wind magic, basic light magic, and basic dark magic.



(I got the card!)

(Does it meant that if I understand all the books then I will get all of those powers!?)

“Quite the cheat there,” Oz smirked.

Oz went out to the wide backyard that a very strategic place for training, he equips the basic of magic card, and he focuses his mana and he tries to chant the spell ‘Fire Ball’.


A huge fireball appeared in front of Oz palms, and dashes to the sky.

“Damn! I made it!” Oz rejoice. He is thrilled with his success, he had dreamt to use real magic since he’s a child, and now finally he could really attain the power of real magic!

“Congratulations” A voice suddenly cut in.


Oz takes a glance at his back, and he saw Aegir with his sword.

“What a coincidence to see you here, so you’re testing magics here.” Said Aegir

“Yes, I’m very interested in magic you see,” Said Oz while scratching his head, embarrassed.

“Hahahaha, It’s okay, I’m about the same with you when I first saw the magic books. Oh yeah Oz, do you wanna accompany me at my training? You look rather skilled with the great sword Geeta used,” Said Aegir.

“Hehe, It’s not much, I just know one or two things about swords. I won’t stand even 5 bouts with you Aegir,” Said Oz humbly.

“Stop being too humble Ren, and stop using that polite tone too, we’re brothers that face danger together, aren’t we? Come on, give me some enlightenment,” Aegir said using casual tone.

“Okay then, if that what you want Aegir. But where is the sword I wi-“


A sword suddenly was thrown to Oz, and Oz dodges to his left and grabs the sword.

It’s the same sword he used to face the Griffin, It’s Geeta’s sword.

“Use that sword, you seem to have some familiarity with that sword,” Told him.

“Yes, I actually-“

Aegir suddenly dashes to Oz, and swing his sword with all of his power.

(He’s serious!)

Oz blocked Aegir’s strike and slide Aegir’s sword with his sword, and he threw Aegir’s momentum to his right taking use of Aegir’s brute force. Aegir lost his balance because of his unstable feet and he stumbles to the front.

“As expected, you’re an expert,” Said Aegir.

“There is no one in this tribe who could block that strike, moreover using my brute force to make my stance stumble. You’re strong Aegir, this tribe will be very happy to have you,” Said Aegir.

“Um.” Oz confused about what to answer.

(I forgot. I haven’t thought about what should I do about them.)

(Arriving here, all the people in this tribe gave me great hospitality and unknowingly, I’d get attached to this place. Furthermore, I have lied to them about me being a goblin.)

(I like to continue living here but I want to explore this world too.)

“If you still can’t choose whether you want to go back or you want to stay here. You could just think about it longer,” Aegir said while smiling kindly.

Oz smiled.

“Thanks, Aegir, but I think I’ve made my choice. I will explore this world and leave this tribe for a while,” Said Oz with a smile.


“You mean-“

“Yes, I will go back to this tribe again one day, but I will not leave this tribe for a little while. I’m gonna prepare myself first before I explore further. So don’t give me such sad face Aegir,” Said Oz with a smirk.

Aegir snorted, “Who’s giving you a sad face, huh? Stop daydreaming,”

They laughed and they continue to spar until the sun goes up and shines all the forests. Aegir and Oz finally stopped their spar and sit at the wooden chair at the backyard.

“Ren, there is something I want to tell you,” Said Aegir with a grim face.

{AN: Just for information, there are no boys love at this story so don’t get your imagination wild okay. 🙂 }

Oz nodded a little, indicating to tell him what he wanted to tell him.

“There are some Orcs who started to give some trouble to the tribe, will you help me solve this trouble?” Asked Aegir, worried that Oz will refuse to give him his help.

Oz sighed. “Why do you even asked, just tell me and I’ll do it. You’re my savior,” Said Oz coolly.

Aegir laughed. “Then you’ll be training my sword skills every morning until you leave this tribe for your journey,” He said shamelessly.

Oz smirked. “As long as you give me some food,”

Aegir laughed. “You really are an interesting guy,”

The longer Oz lived at the goblin tribe, the more he got attached to this tribe, he is knowledgeable about buildings and stuff because he is from stuff so he likes to help with others and other goblins saw him as a guest of the tribe leader that is kind and humble. So they got along well, and the people and Oz harmonize and the tribe got merrier with Oz’s presence.

(Shit, these people are too passionate. Different from my guys back then at earth who only searched for benefits by using people. If I don’t go from this tribe quicker than I think I will get trapped in here.)

Days become weeks and Oz had become more used to the tribe, each time he meets a goblin they will greet him with full of smiles.

Oz helps the tribe at their farming about how to plant without giving the water too much to make the plant healthy, and he told about how to use a weapon more efficient without using too many useless moves. He taught the people about the strategy of the defense and make the wall much stronger and firm.

He helped the people so much and the people told him about all the common knowledge they know, the magicians discuss magic with him and Aegir and his family discuss with him about the tribe.

Just like a happy life with Oz as the lucky star for Aegir and the tribe.

But one night when Oz is learning the last book that he hasn’t learned ‘Grimoire of death’ book. He saved this book as the last for the best. But when he is reading a crucial part of the book, suddenly, there is a huge commotion outside.

*Sound of swords colliding*

*Sound of war cry*

*Sound of the tribe ‘under attack’ bell is ringing*



Oz fuses his mana together with Qi to make his speed faster and dashes, when he arrived, he saw 4 huge figure is lying at the floor soaked with blood and full of sword wounds. But one of the figures is left alive and captured.

Luckily there are no casualties at the guard section because they had got some training from Oz from how to use traps and how to use formations so they got firmer and the casualties rate got drastically lowed. Seeing no casualties Oz sigh relieved.

“What the hell is this thing,” Oz asked the other guards.

It’s a huge figure for about 6-7 feet in height. with broad shoulders and muscular, powerful bodies. They have olive-colored skin, and they braid their hair.

“It’s an Orc, sir,” Said one of the guards.



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