The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 190: Nemodory and Jalear, Servants of Death

Chapter 190: Nemodory and Jalear, Servants of Death

A pitch-black bullet sliced through the air with a determined swish, poised to pierce Hecate's abdomen but in a surprising twist, right before making an impact, it abandoned its mission, plummeting to the ground and undergoing a bizarre transformation.

Slowly, almost playfully, it expanded, resembling nothing less than a ballooning orb, ascending into the sky.

Suddenly, from behind, a voice chimed in, saying,

"Well, well, well... who would have thought that we would meet again, Ms.Hecate."

As Rael and the gang spun around, they were met with an unexpected sight. There stood a peculiar being, part-fish and part-cloud, a blend of elements that defied the norm, and if that wasn't enough, right beside it was an even stranger sighta ghastly creature sporting four heads, each one more unsettling than the last.

Hecate stood there, a mix of astonishment and relief washing over her. She was still trying to process the fact that she had miraculously escaped being shot. Rael, on the other hand, wore a slight frown, clearly perplexed by the unfolding situation.

As for the maggot lord bounty hunter, his gaze remained fixed on the newcomer, a spark of familiarity igniting in his eyes.

A crazed cackle erupted from him, his vermillion eyes lighting up as they locked onto the strange entity.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Cloudfish King, Nemodory," he chimed, a mix of mockery and surprise in his tone. "Seems like the sayings were spot ononce a heretic, always a heretic."

The entity rolled his fish eyes, he stared deeply at the Undying Maggotlord and spoke.

"Tell me, Johgrub the Great Maggot. How much do I need to pay for you to let us go?"

With a nonchalant air, the Undying Maggot Lord meticulously polished the shotgun's muzzle using a napkin, all the while delivering his response. "Think you can outbid the 69 trillion star credits I'm raking in from the other party? They've hired me to track down the Esther Queen and bring her head on a nonhumanchina platter, you see."

A hint of dismay crossed Nemodory's features, causing his complexion to slightly pale. He started tallying on his fins, only to shake his head with a resigned sigh.

"I can muster up 40 trillion Star Credits at best... but in addition to that, I'm willing to offer two Heaven Grade weapons and my most cherished art, the HotAirBaloon Sutra."

The maggot lord's mouth parted, his tongue extending outward and stretching to an extraordinary length. As he gazed at it, something remarkable happened. The tongue seemed to spring to life, wriggling and squirming with an almost eerie sentience. It was as though Johrub was engaged in an unspoken conversation with the maggots.

A sudden smile graced Johrub's lips as he directed his attention towards Nemodory, his tone carrying a mix of determination and assertion.

"I'm afraid I'll have to decline," he said decisively. "It's been quite the endeavor to reduce such a formidable entity to this pitiful condition. Too many eyes are fixed on my every move, all eager for the demise of the rabbit. Hecate has offended too many powerhouses and besides, once I'm through with you, I'll have all I desire. Your allegiance to a heretic only further confirms that you're no different."

Nemodory released a heavy, audible sigh that resonated through the air but then, as if a switch had been flipped, a wry and mocking smile crept onto his face.

He locked eyes with Johgrub and spoke with an air of pride.

"What a shame. I had hoped you'd see reason, yet it appears that your path leads to nothing but your demise."

Johgrub's slightly opened and the elongated tongue began to disperse into individual maggots. Each of these tiny creatures emitted laughter, creating an eerie and unsettling chorus that filled the air.

The Maggot Lord closed his mouth and the laughter stopped. Looking at Nemodory he spoke.

"Even my offsprings are mocking you."

The Undying Maggot Lord let out a scoff, his voice dripping with a mixture of disbelief and disdain. "Seems like even goldfish have developed an abundance of arrogance in recent times," he retorted, not holding back.

He pressed on, his tone unwavering. "Listen closely, fool. I am Johgrub, one of the original six maggots personally crafted by the All-Emperor Mahir El Navah. I bear his blessing, which has cursed me with immortality, transforming me into the unkillable bounty hunter that I've become today. If it still hasn't dawned on you... Let me spell it out: I can't be killed."

Nemodory's fish-like visage contorted as if struck by an unexpected blow. He shook his head, a strained smile tugging at his lips.

With a series of sideways finger motions, he desperately conveyed his disagreement, attempting to convey that Johgrub's assertion was mistaken.

"It's not me who is going to kill you... Maggot Lord."

The Bounty Hunter arched a metaphorical eyebrow, his gaze shifting to Nemodory with a touch of amusement. He busied himself by loading bullets into his guns, only half-glancing at his opponent as he spoke sarcastically.

"Oh, really? And just who, might I ask, is going to do the honors?"

Nemodory's smile oozed with pride, puffing up his fish-like chest with an air of confidence. His fish eyes bore into Johgrub's unsettling vermillion gaze.

Jalear behind him even had a trumpet in his hand and a drum as his boss spoke, his words carrying an almost triumphant proclamation.

"Who else but... The Embodiment of Death, The Supreme Ruler of Death, The Origin of Death, The First Heretic, Sinner of Chaos. However, those titles don't matter, for it is my lord, The one and only..."

In a moment of pause, his gaze flickered toward Jalear, and he whispered urgently

"The trumpets fast!",

Jalear looked at his boss awkwardly, a little depressed.


Several seconds slipped by in an unusual silence. Nemodory let out a sigh of frustration and pivoted around, casting a pointed glare in Jalear's direction. Suddenly, a flicker of realization illuminated his features.

"Oh... I forgot that you do not have a mouth. Haizzz, drum roll it is then."

Jalear responded with a nod of understanding and promptly initiated a well-executed drumroll, gradually building up the suspenseful sound in the air, reminiscent of the start of a momentous revelation.

Satisfaction played across Nemodory's expression as the drums rolled, a nod of approval accompanying the rhythmic sound.

With a final bob of his head, he turned his attention back to Johgrub, his overconfidence oozing through a smug grin.

He extended a finger, pointing directly at the maggot lord, only to gradually pivot his finger that slowly turned toward a silver-haired man who was stealthily slipping away from the unfolding situation, accompanied by his personal maid and wives.

In a bold, resonating proclamation, Nemodory's voice echoed loudly as he declared his announcement.

"The Great... AL-MAZUR QIDA!!! Death himse-

As he spoke, Nemodory's words came to a sudden halt, his whole being freezing in place. He used his fin to rub his fish-like eyes, almost as if attempting to verify the reality of the scene before him.

A frown of confusion marred his features, and his voice lowered to a puzzled, almost squeaky tone as he murmured in disbelief.

"Huh?... Hold on a sec, you ain't my lord... I don't even know you..."

Horror gradually etched itself onto Nemodory's features, his face contorting as the unsettling sensation of the undying maggot lord's gaze bore into his back, a weighty and foreboding presence that sent shivers down his spine.

The Cloudfish King extended a fin, directing his attention toward the otherworldly figure of the super handsome silver-haired man with skin more perfect than perfect and a body that screamed attraction, who had already broken into a nigerundayo sprint to escape the unfolding chaos.

With a voice that carried a mix of urgency and fear, the Cloudfish King unleashed a scream that resonated at the top of his lungs, aimed squarely at the imposter, who exuded an aura of death energy so potent it hummed through the air.



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