The King of Fairies is now a Demon Lord

Chapter 189: Oppenheimer

Chapter 189: Oppenheimer

'In the Celestial Realm and beyond, a widely known saying cautions the living from venturing into the realms of death, for once they cross that threshold, escape becomes an impossibility. The words serve as a timeless reminder, emphasizing the divide between the living and the deceased, a boundary not meant to be breached. For if they do, not only will they corrupt but they will be forced to listen to the ravings of mysterious beings and become cursed.'

Rael stood before the immense expanse of the Death Dimension, now under his rule. The skies mirrored the dusky hues of the evening, and the surroundings exuded a bleakness reminiscent of midwinter. Yet, amidst the desolation, an undeniable touch of beauty lingered.

As he turned his gaze to the opposite side, Rael looked toward the familiar gothic castlethe very place where Al-Mazur Qida's mother, the woman who reincarnated as Persephone in Greek Mythos, remained trapped.

'I think I should visit her once before departing from this dimension.'

Shaking his head, he cast another glance at the desolate surroundings. He knew that Hecate had already transported all the females from the Death Dimension to a habitable dimension, ensuring their safety and well-being.

The only individuals who remained in the dimension were Alizejh, Lucifer, Mira, Aria, and Hecate herself.

The heterochromatic witch appeared visibly exhausted, gasping for air as her already weak body grew even feebler due to the heavy price of large scale ritualistic hetrocharomatic pure death esther power use while being a former self of what she was once upon a time.

With a meaningful gaze, Hecate locked eyes with Rael, and he nodded in acknowledgment. Turning his attention to his wives, Rael hesitated for a moment before voicing his concern,

"Should we check the damage in the Lower World?"

Alizejh, Lucifer, Mira, Aria, and Hecate exchanged knowing glances, understanding the weight of the decision.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Alizejh spoke with a composed demeanor,

"Yes, it would be wise to assess the extent of the aftermath."

Aria and Lucifer nodded in agreement, it was evident that they held sentiments attached to the lower world. They longed to gaze upon it one last time, to cherish the memories they had woven there before turning the page and closing this chapter in their extraordinary lives.

Despite his weariness, Rael understood the importance of this farewell. With a nod of agreement, he gathered his strength and snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the serene vanilla evening sky transformed before their eyes. They felt a rush of vibrant rainbow lights streaking past them, and soon the sky turned a soft, cloudy grey.

At the edge of the blast periphery, Rael and his wives stood, their eyes fixed on the devastation below. The once vibrant and lively landscape had been reduced to ashes and swirling dust.

The destructive force of the blast had eradicated everything in its path, leaving behind only flames that danced erratically amidst the haze.

The scene was surreal, like a bug in reality. The flames seemed to burn without consuming, perpetually locked in a state of chaotic dance, at times they even glitched from reality.

Aria and Lucifer looked upon the destruction with a mix of sorrow and disbelief. The former smiled bitterly remembering the songs she had sung to the wind. Lucifer's eyes gleamed with a mix of emotions, recalling the nights he had spent stargazing and the quiet moments of introspection.

The aftermath of the detonation was apparent - the power of the antimatter bomb had left nothing but devastation in its wake. It had obliterated the entire country of Bourassa, leaving behind a desolate and uninhabitable landscape.

The atmosphere was irreparably damaged, exposing the remnants of the once vibrant world to the harshness of cosmic radiation.

Gone were the bustling cities, the lush forests, and the serene landscapes that had once defined Bourassa.

The devastating impact of the bomb had stripped away all traces of life and non-living matter alike, leaving behind only an empty void.

Indeed, while the catastrophic antimatter bomb spared some regions of the world from immediate destruction, it still had devastating consequences for the ecosystem. All humans on the planet would die immediately due to their weak bodies, they were probably already dead... leaving behind only the higher level species.

The explosion's impact on the environment was ravaging. High-quality or peculiar flora and fauna that were not instantly eradicated would face the grim reality of cosmic radiation too and its long-term effects.

The future generations of these organisms, both plant, animal, and humanoid were at confirmed peril of developing deformities and mutations as a result of the bomb's lingering effects.

This was the power of an Anti-Matter Magi-Bomb created by humans.

Rael placed a comforting arm around his wives, his presence a source of strength and reassurance. Gazing at the scene, he released a heavy sigh, his heart empty toward the loss and destruction.

His words slipped out, reflecting his disappointment in humanity's capacity for destruction and violence toward their own world. "Humans... no matter which world it is. They will always remain disgusting. Fucking cavemonger barbarians."

Mira the ever-thoughtful one, spoke in a measured tone,

"Hubby, it's true that human beings, like any species, have their flaws and have made grave mistakes.. but let's not forget that not all humans are the same, just as not all beings are alike. It's important to acknowledge the darkness, but also to seek the light within each individual and work towards a better future."

Lucifer scoffed from the side, her voice laden with cynicism, "Mighty words coming from a tyrant."

Mira, unamused by Lucifer's remark, rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out playfully.

"Oh, come on now, Lucifer. Don't be so harsh. But you have to admit, I do have a point. You as Heaven's general and me the Tyrant Slime King, both you and I have blood on our hands."

A wry smile played on Rael's lips, hinting at the complexity of his feelings.

"Let us not argue now," he began, attempting to diffuse any potential tension. "Mira, I truly value your viewpoint, and I'm grateful for your understanding. But I must be honest my stance won't easily change unless you can convince me otherwise."

As he spoke, his gaze softened, showing that he was open to discussion and differing opinions. "We can't deny that each of us bears the burden of taking lives, spreading seeds of hatred. However, there lies a distinction between humans and us non-humans. We, as non-humans, species of higher status and more advanced on the evolutionary scale have a deep-rooted love and appreciation for our own kind. Our sense of unity and empathy fosters harmony and peace."

His voice gained conviction as he continued, "Unlike most humans, whose nature seems to be inherently flawed marked by a tendency to destroy their own home and kind. They are often driven by enmity rather than happiness for their people. Although we might find exceptions within our own kind, for them, it seems to be a systemic issue. This inclination towards malevolence, even if perceived subjectively, is deeply concerning... obviously it's not more than demons, devils or other chaotic creatures but at least even they wouldn't actively destroy their homeland."

Rael paused, acknowledging that this was a complex matter, and he didn't wish to generalize or oversimplify it. "Of course, there are exceptions among humans as well, just as there are among our kind. But the scale and frequency of destructive tendencies among humans are troubling."

Lucifer's expression softened, Hecate, Aria, and Alizejh remained silent as Mira slowly nodded.

"... you're right,"

Lucifer's sighed as she looked back at the desolate scene before her. Her heart weighed a little with guilt and sorrow.

She had been the leader of her people, responsible for their safety and well-being. Yet, she couldn't protect them from the rebellion that had torn her kingdom apart.

The knowledge that she had failed to foresee and prevent it gnawed at her, leaving her with a profound sense of regret.

'Instead of braying like a donkey... I should have been protecting my people.... hmmm nevermi-'

Meanwhile, Aria's concern extended to the Vampire country of Undis. The potential consequences of the radiation caused by the antimatter bomb weighed heavily on her mind.

She was worried about the well-being of her subjects despite having cut off connections with Undis. She knew that they would face deformities and hardships due to the lingering effects of the cataclysmic event.

As the sister of the King and duchess of Undis, she bore the responsibility of ensuring the safety and prosperity of her people, and the thought of their suffering weighed heavily on her heart.

'Then again... maybe they would all have declined seeing that all the female vampires were in Bourassa getting fucked by Rael.'

As the others were engaged in conversation, Hecate's demeanor shifted abruptly. A sudden gulp betrayed her unease, and her knees wobbled beneath her. Goosebumps prickled her skin, causing her to shiver involuntarily.

Her gaze was fixed on a specific direction as if drawn by an unseen force that stirred an unsettling presence.

Rael and his wives noticed Hecate's distress and immediately turned their attention to her. Concern etched across their faces, they approached her with care.

"Hecate, what is it? What do you see?" Rael inquired gently, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

With terror etched in her voice, Hecate stood frozen as she whispered urgently to Rael and his wives,

"Master... we need to leave... we need to leave NOW!"

The urgency in her tone sent shivers down their spines, and they knew that Hecate's intuition couldn't be ignored. She was after all one of the strongest beings in all existence. The Mother of Witches, the Leader of the Nine Cardinal Esthers, and being reputed as the Goddess of Magic.

In a sudden and jarring moment, an uncommon pitch-black bullet whizzed through the flames, finding its mark with chilling accuracy. It pierced into Hecate's left side, striking her at the waist, and leaving behind a deep and painful graze.

A collective gasp of shock rippled through the group as they reacted instinctively to the unforeseen attack. Hecate staggered back, her hand instinctively going to the wound as her deadpan face contorted with pain.




The sounds of boots could be heard as they struck against the ash. Then, as if summoned from the very essence of the scorched flames, a haunting poetic voice screeched through the air.

"~Echoes of fate, too late, too late... the rabbit trapped in dire straits. In the clutches of doom, the trap's embrace, no escape for the rabbit, no escape~"

A lanky man could be seen wearing a deep brown coat and black leather pants. A few tribal necklaces hung from his neck and he wore a pirate cap with red glasses shaped in a circle resting upon his nose.

His eyes which could be seen from the slight gap in the glasses were vermillion with black spirals in them and his face was extremely grotesque as he licked his lips with his tongue that appeared to be maggots joined together.

The bounty hunter looked down at Hecate that was glaring at him with anger, a creepy smile crept onto his face as he pointed the shotgun at Hecate's face, his fingers about to pull the trigger.

"Found you. Rabbit."


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