The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 143: Beautiful Core

Chapter 143: Beautiful Core

The core of the golem looked amazing, seeing the core Kang-Ho was mesmerized for few moments, there was something just mystical about the crystal that was inside of the golem which was providing it with mana. This core essentially worked as a brain for the golem it seemed as all of the mana that was being supplied to the golem seemed like it was coming from that piece of crystal that was encased inside of the crystal. N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

Kang-Ho at first thought that the crystal which was protecting the core was the same as the one he had tested earlier, but soon after continuously striking the crystal with his short sword he found out just how wrong he really was. Even after striking the crystal with his full power blow a few times all Kang-Ho could get was a small crack, but this didnt demotivate him at all as he never expected to defeat this golem so easily, after all he now perfectly knew what was at stake now after reading the descriptions of all of the items on the shop he could get if he cleared this cave. So, Kang-Ho knew he would have to face a lot more challenges if he wanted to buy whatever items he wanted.

Kang-Ho started to strike the crystal with renewed vigour, as he saw that he managed to finally crack the crystal shell. Kang-Ho was sure if he continued to land enough hits on the shell, he would manage to make that shall crack into a huge one in no time, as he was thinking along the lines and landing hits on the shell, suddenly for a moment it seemed like the shell moved a little. As expected, before Kang-Ho could even figure out what was going on, he suddenly felt a surge of pain going through his body through his feet.

AHHHHH.FU*K! What just happened? Kang-Ho screamed in pain as out of nowhere he felt a very overwhelming pain coming over his body. He just couldnt understand how he suddenly felt pain as he didnt see anything attack him before the intense pain hit him. After the initial burst of pain Kang-Ho felt something warm flowing through his right feet.

As kang-Ho moved his gaze towards his right feet, which he had placed on the crystal shell that was protecting the crystal, he could see blood pouring out of his feet like a river. Kang-Ho could see thin sharp swords like objects that had pierced his feet from below, it seemed like all of the crystal shards managed to pierce completely through his feet, Kang-Ho could feel that the crystals which were thin as a paper, had also somehow managed to cut through the bones of his feet cleanly as if his bones were just butter.

Kang-Ho was completely dumbfounded because of the situation, he couldnt even imagine how this had happened after all the shards of crystals that stabbed his feet were as thin as paper. If someone looked at it, they would never imagine something like this even piercing through the skin let alone bone.

After Kang-Ho had observed what had just happened to his feet he didnt dare to keep his feet on the crystal any longer, as there was no guarantee that these shards wouldnt attack once again. Kang-Ho could only imagine if these shards continued their attack nonstop from different angles and positions, he knew that if that had happened the only thing remaining of his feet would have been a pile of meet and shards of bones. There would have been no feet left, and there would be no saving the feet even after the use of potions.

Kang-Ho tried to jumped off the back of the golem, if he stayed on top of the golem with a seriously injured leg, he wouldnt have the ability to balance himself on top of the golem, which was still trying very hard to get rid of Kang-Ho off its back. Kang-Ho carefully tried to move up his feet trying not to damage his feet anymore than it had already been, but as soon as he moved his feet, he suddenly heard some crackle from beneath his feet.

FU*k! This is bad, I need to be more careful. Hufffff.. Kang-Ho breathed out heavily, as he was trying to maintain his composure, while the pain was increasing as more seconds passed. The thing that got Kang-Ho more frustrated was when he tried to get the crystals out of his feet, the crystal shards all broke off of the crystal shell. Kang-Ho figured out that the shards breaking off of the shell wasnt just random at all, as he could feel mana being supplied around the shards from the core, it seemed like the golem itself did that on purpose to disorient him even more. It seemed like the golems tactic worked perfectly as it had managed to get rid of Kang-Ho off of its back, within a few seconds.

With the paper thing shards still struck on his feet, Kang-Ho jumped off of the back of the golem. Kang-Ho landed just a few feet away from where the golem was standing, he didnt want to use his injured leg while landing, so to land safely he had to jump really close, as that was the safest place for him to land with the use of only one leg. Landing any further would just be a risk as he didnt want to use his other leg, because he didnt know the extend of damage these shards can do to his feet even after breaking off of the shell.

Right after Kang-Ho landed perfectly, he saw an arm of the golem coming towards him at full speed, he smirked a little as he had somewhat expected this to happen. Before Kang-Ho had jumped off the back of the golem, he had subtly noticed that, one of the golems arms had halfway reattached itself with the golems body. Kang-Ho at that moment had predicted that the golems arm must have been somewhat useable at that moment, so at that moment when the arm came moving towards him, he was totally prepared to dodge the attack.

Keeping his right feet on his mind Kang-Ho managed to roll out of the way of the arms swing. With a loud crashing noise, the sword like crystal arm of the golem, crashed on the ground while Kang-Ho who was supposed to get hit by the attack, was already up on his feet and one by one, removing the shards that were struck on his feet. This dodge that was made by Kang-Ho, had managed to buy himself plenty of time as half of the sword like golems arm was stuck inside the ground, while the arm which was halfway reattached, was noy once again disconnected from the golems body.

Without wasting anymore time, Kang-Ho had removed all of the shards that were stuck on his feet, as he was done removing, he drank potions. Within a few seconds of finishing the bottles of potions in his hand, his feet looked as good as new. Kang-Ho with more confidence once again pounced towards the golem, who was trying to move itself off of the ground using only two arms at its back, the golem was failing miserably as there was nothing supporting the front of the golems body. With the use of his momentum Kang-Ho launched a very powerful attack on the shell on the golem back, this time he knew not to step on the shell.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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