The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 142: Golem Core

Chapter 142: Golem Core

Kang-Ho dashed towards the golem at his maximum speed, as he didnt want to defend any of the golems attack when the golem was charging towards him at its full speed as it might get fatal if he tried to doing so. As Kang-Ho was near the golem he pounced at the golem before the golem could even react, while he was at his maximum speed the golem wasnt prepared to launch an attack on him yet so Kang-Ho took this opportunity and got very close to the golem.

The golem had to halt as Kang-Ho had managed to get right in front of it, it raised its left get to launch an attack towards Kang-Ho, who was just a few inched away from it, meanwhile he saw this as an opportunity and avoided the left arm which was closing in on him. Kang-Ho realized that the golem was now vulnerable, taking this opportunity Kang-Ho launched a full power blow towards the joint of the right arm of the golem with his short sword.

When Kang-Ho launched this attack, he had used both his hand to grab the sword handle which boosted his attack power by quite a lot. As soon as Kang-Hos short sword landed on the joint of the golems arm, a sound of metal and stone clashing came along with it pieces of stone scattered around the cave as golems right arm separated from its body. Everything took place in matter of split second as the golems left hand was yet to land on the ground after the failed attempt of attack. So, without the support of both the front arms of the golem, it came crashing down. Kang-Ho in matter of split second had managed to move out of the way of the disoriented golem.

Kang-Hos attack had targeted the joint of the golems arm because, its joints were not reinforced by the crystal like its arm, making it very vulnerable to Kang-Hos very strong attack. Right as Kang-Ho had thought even the inside of inside of the golems joint wasnt reinforced with crystal, making it very vulnerable to his full powered attack. Kang-Ho was sure that this was one of the weak points that was mentioned in the description of the golem.

Onto the next one. Kang-Ho thought as without giving the golem a break, he moved towards the other arm of the golem. Kang-Ho launched his second attack just when the golem had struck its sharp sword like arm, on the ground to help itself get up of the from the situation it was in. but this gave Kang-Ho an opportunity to strike once more while the golem was vulnerable.

Golem could only watch without moving, Kang-Hos short sword came crashing down towards the join of its left arm. The golem tried to move its leg trying to defend from his attack, but it failed miserably as its leg was stuck few feet under the ground making it really difficult to move. Even though the golem had managed to raise its arm out of the ground, that didnt do it any good as Kang-Hos speed was way faster than the golem right now as it was slowed down quite considerably.

Kang-Hos second attack on the left joint of the golem landed perfectly on the spot, like the previous time this time too Kang-Ho didnt have any problem destroying the golems joint which was clearly only made up of the lava stone. Kang-Ho was feeling quite content after cutting both the front arm of the golem, now the only thing that was left for him to do was to search for the core of the golem.

Sh*t! Kang-Ho exclaimed as he saw the golem pounding its head on the ground, even though the golem had lost both of its front arms, it still used its back legs to support its body some how and started to pound on the ground with its head. Kang-Ho started feeling ominous once more as soon as he saw the golem pounding its head on the ground. He started wondering if it was doing something sneaky like the shards attack, but soon Kang-ho felt relieved as he finally understood what the golem was trying to do.

As soon as Kang-Ho felt a rumbling underneath his bare feet he jumped towards the back of the golem as he knew that crystal swords were going to pop up of the ground and pierce him if he stood there any longer. Right as kang-Ho jumped over he saw the entire ground where he was standing and some area around it being covered with crystal swords.

I hope these are all the attacks that this golem had up its sleeve, after all he didnt want to suffer like he did when he was attacked with the crystal shards. After landing behind the golem, Kang-Ho didnt waste any time and pounced towards the golem once more, as expected the joint of the golem was very slowly but surely recovering from his devastating blow, so he knew within a few minutes the golem would be back to its original form. That was the reason why Kang-Ho didnt waste anymore time launching an attack towards the back of the golem.

Kang-Ho pounced towards the back of the golem and landed on an area where there were no crystal present, after landing he started swing his sword on the back of the golem trying to dig inside of the back of the golem searching for the core. After all, to get rid of this monstrous golem he had to find the core first so, all of his efforts were focused on the back of the golem. While Kang-Ho was busy trying to dig a hole on the golems back the golem seemed as if it was starting to panic as it started to shake its body with all its might to get Kang-Ho off its back. All of the golems effort of getting rid of Kang-Ho, was only met with the golems disappointment as he wasnt even budging a little even after being shaken that hard.

Kang-Ho had managed to hook his legs on some of the rough parts of the golem, so it was very hard for the golem to get rid of him, even when Kang-Ho was shaken a little he always managed to get his balance even while still swinging his short sword. After a lot of strikes on the golems back Kang-Ho had managed to expose the crystal layer that was protecting the golems core.

After Kang-Hos a lot of efforts he finally managed to expose the part where the core was located, the core itself was at the centre of the back of the golem. It seemed as if the core was being protected by a layer of reinforced crystal, even with the layer of the crystal protecting the core, Kang-Ho could still feel the mana that was being supplied out of the core so he guessed that this was the core of the golem. The core was of round shape and was azure in colour also it seemed like it was shining. The shine made it look like there was some kind of liquid inside of the round object itself, the round object was then connected to lines of crystal that were attached to the core, the mana was being supplied through those lines to the golem.


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