The Golden Throne

Chapter 78 - First Kiss

Five Days Later

It was sunset, and the day was ending. So was the vacation that the freshmen got. Liu Feng had taken Amelia to the highest point of the city, the mage tower's terrace. They were sitting down next to each other and looking at the sunset.

"So, I hope that you liked your vacation here."

"Yes I did. It was quite nice. Dilheim is as wonderful as all the teachers said it was."

"That is awesome. Thank god the first date went well."

"What first date? You count this as a date? No fair, this is just a vacation.". Amelia blushed.

Liu Feng then looked at her and said, "I hope that your opinions have changed, at least a little bit. I like you a lot, and this might even be love. It was not based on a whim that I asked your father for your hand in marriage."

Amelia looked at Liu Feng now, and their hands slowly interlocked. In the beautiful sunset, as the light shone upon their faces, their lips interlocked. Liu Feng's heartbeat quickened, and so did Amelia's. She quickly broke away and looked the other side.

"I am sorry, was it too soon?", Liu Feng apologized.

"No, No. It's just that, that was my first kiss."

"Well, I certainly think that first kisses are meant for that someone special. You are that person to me."

They looked at each other and Amelia broke the silence and said, "I think that I should wait, and get to know you better before taking a step that I will regret."

Liu Feng nodded, and they quickly descended and went to the marketplace. Liu Feng looked at the sun again and said,

"It is getting late. We should go back to the academy. Let's go to the railway station."

"What about my luggage? All my clothes?"

"Don't worry about all that. I have arranged for them to be packed up and sent to my personal carriage. We should go there quickly. The train is waiting on us, and it won't be wise to anger all the freshmen."

Amelia nodded, and they ran to the railway station. They quickly boarded, and the train started moving. Liu Feng asked Amelia again, "One final meal?"

She nodded, and they went to the dining cart. The cart was almost full, and the only seats that Amelia and Liu Feng could find were ones in the middle. Although he hated the attention, he had no choice. They sat down and were about to order, when Tesarion and Filden came by. "Dude! Thumbs up! You landed Alderan's sister." I can't wait to tell him."

Liu Feng's face darkened. "You idiots, spoiling the atmosphere. Get out of my seat."

Amelia laughed as Liu Feng chased them away. When Liu Feng got off his seat and went after his roommates, a man took a seat in front of Amelia. Liu Feng saw that and his eyebrows raised.

"Hello? I was already sitting here. Do you not have the common sens- Steve?"

"Hello Liu Feng. I am surprised. You got Amelia to go out on a date with you. But perhaps I have not been very clear. She's mine."

Liu Feng smiled and shouted, "Stop the train and throw this good for nothing off the board."

"You dare? I am the prince of Glade. Besides, no one has the power to throw me out."

The train grinded to a halt, and Liu Feng took Steve's arm, and dragged him to the cart's door.

He threw Steve outside the train and said, "My train, my rules. I almost died because of you. Do you really think that I would let that slide? Come walking home, or go back to the city and beg for another ride."

Steve was furious, and he was about to attack the train, when Liu Feng reminded him, "I heard that he pissed himself when I went to the Glade Club. I think I have the recording somewhere… I don't think that your father will be pleased with you behaving like this. I wonder what he'll do? I heard that you already lost your crown prince position! That must be because of your limbs. Poor man, using prosthetics. You better behave yourself in my city, or you will have it from me, or maybe your own Father."

Liu Feng shut the door on his face, and told one of the attendants to start the train again. The train resumed, and Liu Feng went back to the table. 

"Sorry for that. People like that always ruin the mood. So, shall we share the salad, or do you think that you can do it all by yourself?", Liu Feng apologized to Amelia.

"I think that I will have a salad for myself, you should get something a little more filling. How about pasta?", Amelia said.

"Yes, pasta it is.", he looked at the attendant and said, "Whatever the lady said."

Liu Feng could feel the killing intent of all the males in the room directed at him. He saw a few familiar faces, like those of the western club of Aegon. For the first time in a very long time, he felt proud, and felt the need to rejoice. He called the attendant and said, "One bottle of grape juice for all the tables please, on me."

"Yes Young Lord.", the attendant went back in and got everyone a bottle of grape juice. Liu Feng could feel the tension directed towards him ease substantially. He then went back to his own meal, which arrived.

After eating, they went back to their personal coach. They passed the time until they reached the campus. Liu Feng got off and carried Amelia's bag and her extra accessories that she bought in Dilheim till the dorm. He offered to bring them up but Amelia said, "I don't want any unnecessary rumors sprouting up."

Liu Feng went back to his dorm room, where Alderan was lying in wait. The room was empty, and Tesarion and Filden were clearly somewhere else, Alderan must have sent them away.

"So, Liu Feng, how did the trip go? Did my sister have fun?", he said, just cracking his knuckes, as if ready to hit someone. His voice was low, and almost felt downright evil.

"Yeah, she bought a lot of stuff. Don't worry, I paid. Where should I send the bills?", Liu Feng joked. 

Alderan stopped midway through walk and looked at Liu Feng. "How much were they? And don't even think about scamming me."

"Do you think I will spend that much effort on some measly 10 or 20 silvers? Did you forget? I have a city that's mine alone. Not even my father's. It's mine. By the way, you're in your second year right?"

"Yes. Why?", Alderan was apprehensive.

"Do you know what the magic forest expedition is all about? Did anyone die when you went there?"

"Yes, it is a very dangerous place there. I honestly don't want Amelia to go, but she's stronger than me, so she can survive. But I have to warn you, people can die."

"How many people died last time?"

"At Least 12. And that's the number of bodies we found. 8 more went missing.", he warned Liu Feng.


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