The Golden Throne

Chapter 77 - Danger!

The moment the necklace snapped, Liu Feng woke up. He looked around, sweat forming on his neck. He jumped out of bed and opened the doors. Closing his eyes, he tried sensing everything around him. He rushed towards Amelia's room, and burst the door open. Amelia immediately woke up from her sleep.

"Do you have any manners? What if I was undressed?", she shouted?, lifting the blankets to cover herself up almost instinctively.

"All that doesn't matter if you are dead. It looks like someone attacked you. Get back, the windows are dangerous. ". He pulled back Amelia and told her to stay put.

"Now then, where the hell is your precious shadow guard? Surely he must have seen something, and maybe he even knows where the enemies are.", he muttered.

He then sat down and started detecting mana around him.

"Three people are being chased by an elf. They are in the south garden of the mansion. Amelia, stay here. You are their target. It is too dangerous if you are there on the battlefield.", he said out loud.

Amelia was about to retort, when Liu Feng shouted, "Stay!". The ferocity of his shout caused Amelia to whimper and sit down. Liu Feng went and chased after the men. He approached them head on to corner them. The moment he saw them, he immediately disappeared, and reappeared in front of one of them. He gave that person a nudge on their neck, and the person collapsed on the ground. The other two got terrified.

"Let's split up.", one of them said. They went opposite directions, and at this point the elf who was guarding Amelia came.

"Go left.", Liu Feng said, and he went in the opposite direction, chasing after the person who gave the order.

Liu Feng rushed forward towards the man who was running. He assumed that it was a man given his posture and his voice. He quickly ran towards the assassin, but he could not disappear like before. Those quick bursts of speed took too much mana, and Liu Feng knew that he had to conserve all that he could if there was an ambush from somewhere else, that maybe he had missed canvasing.

He saw the man in sight very soon. It seemed that he was also losing his strength and was faltering. Liu Feng decreased his own movement speeds as if to taunt the man into attacking. Just as Liu Feng predicted, the moment Liu Feng faltered, the assassin stopped moving and looked back. He looked once at Liu Feng, and Liu Feng saw his face. It was dark, but Liu Feng could make out that he was smiling.

The man lunged at Liu Feng once. Liu Feng snapped his fingers, and he flicked his fingers at the man after chanting something, and boom! A sword seemingly made out of fire appeared and pierced him. Liu Feng went towards the man, who was now on the ground, and took off the mask that was covering his eyes. They were pitch black, and were radiating an energy that seemed to repulse mana itself.

"Demons! Why would they want to attack Amelia?", Liu Feng thought out loud.

"Hehe. You know nothing, idiot! You people from Aegon are doomed. His Majesty is thoughtful, and has brought this eenormous force to Glade. We will destroy your stupid kingdoms, and we will finally take over the four kingdoms. You should release me, and prostate to me, and maybe, I will let you go.", the man said, coughing out blood.

"It looks like you have no idea as to what state you are in. Fine then, it seems that you have a loose tongue. I could certainly use that.", Liu Feng said, as he hit the man in the head.

An hour later, the elf came back to the mansion, panting and covered in blood. He went back to Amelia's room, to see that the lights were all switched on, and Amelia was sitting in the middle of the room. Her eyes were closed. The elf just sat next to Amelia. After a while, Liu Feng knocked on the door frames, as the door was destroyed. He came in, and saw the elf as well. Both of them woke up and looked at Liu Feng. He did not have a drop of blood on him, so the shadow guard said,

"You couldn't catch him? Of course, what should I expect from a human child? I should have gone chasing after the second after I was done with one of them."

Liu Feng shook his head and said, "Amelia, I think that you should just ignore this attack as if it never happened. This is beyond you, and you cannot fathom how big this is. I have spoken with your father. After the magic forest expedition is over, I will speak with your father and we'll see what the next action is. Until then, this person along with the one I knocked out will remain captive in my cells. Don't worry, I have absolute assurance that he cannot escape."

Amelia nodded, but the elf was not convinced. Liu Feng then said,

"As for today, you can just take my room. No other room is ready right now. I will be in the study, so I have a bed there." 

Amelia said, "It's okay. I don't need to take your room, I can just go to the hotel."

"Please don't embarrass me Amelia. You are my guest. How will it look if you leave the mansion and go to a hotel? Won't it seem like a lover's quarrel? You wouldn't want that right. Please, take my room for the night. I will arrange for a room to be prepared tomorrow."

Liu Feng left and went back to the study, while Amelia went to the master bedroom. It was a huge bedroom, but that was all there was. There was just a huge bed, and a table. No expensive decorations, and there were many traces of the decorations being there, but removed. At the end of the table, there was a painting. Amelia didn't want to pry, and she slept on the bed. She could smell Liu Feng on it. He had a distinct smell that she felt comfortable inhaling. She snuggled in, and went to sleep. 

Meanwhile, Liu Feng tossed and turned on the study's floor. He lied after all, there was no bed there.


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