The God Of Power

Chapter 8 - 8

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Haruki had decided it was time, time for Noboru to train using the Relic Of Freedom. This was a special relic that would allow Noboru to use his Red and Black aura in an area beyond all. It would enable him to harness his power and test out his full potential instinctively, allowing him to use attacks he should not know. Of course, this only applied when he was using the relic and was at the specific place the relic transported him to. Once back, he would have to train to achieve that strength.

Haruki knew that what he had done could be considered treason - stealing the Relic Of Freedom from Shin, the founding member, even if he was Shin's descendant and part of the royal family. He knew Shin wouldn't take this lying down, but it didn't matter; he was dying, and the least he could do was help prepare Noboru so he could defeat Shin and become the new King, as he had always wanted.

He arrived at Noboru's room with the Relic Of Freedom in his hand. "Noboru, my boy, this is our family's and the kingdom's greatest treasure. It allows one to be transported to a place where all limitations are removed. The only two relics that rival its power are with our cousin clans, the royal families of the other kingdom," said Haruki.

Noboru listened with an excited expression on his face. "So, what do I do with it, Grandpa Haruki?" asked Noboru.

Haruki smiled and handed the relic to Noboru. "It's quite simple; you just have to channel your Omni Energy into it, and it will allow you to experience your full potential. However, this only works once a year, so use it well. I have high hopes for you, boy; you will bring peace and prosperity to the kingdom and end our war with the other two Kingdoms and Branches of our Clan." Noboru nodded and did as his grandfather told him. He channelled his Omni energy, and the relic started glowing in a rainbow colour before a large light erupted.

The next thing Noboru knew he found himself in a place beyond the constraints of space and time, The relic had specifically chosen this area for Noboru to train. While using the Relic Noboru was able to use his full power and battle a clone of himself. Noboru Chikara faced a boy with hair as dark as the void and eyes that burned like crimson stars this was his clone, a mirror image born from the very essence of his being. Their battle was not merely a clash of physical might, but a cosmic confrontation that transcended all known dimensions.

Noboru's aura, a mesmerizing fusion of red and black, pulsed around him like a living entity. It was the manifestation of his omni-energy, the source of unimaginable power. As they sparred, the very fabric of reality quivered in anticipation.

With a surge of energy, Noboru unleashed his first attack, "Purgatory Sword!" The words rolled off his tongue as he thrust his palm forward, releasing a wave of red and black energy that rippled through the fabric of existence. The impact of his attack reverberated through infinite dimensions, erasing entire hierarchies of reality as if they were mere illusions.

His clone countered with equal fervour, "Shadow Destruction!" A shadowy vortex erupted from his hand, a force that devoured all in its path. When it collided with Noboru's attack, it unleashed a cataclysmic explosion that erased not just dimensions but the very concept of existence itself.

"Did my attack just erase an entire hierarchy of infinite dimensions?" Noboru marvelled, his voice tinged with childlike wonder.

His clone nodded solemnly, equally amazed, "Indeed, it did. In this place, beyond all comprehension, we can use our powers without the limits or the training needed to use them. We are the architects of creation and the harbingers of annihilation. Of course, that does not mean when you return, you will be able to use your Red and Black aura. It just means while using the Relic, you can use your current full potential without training or learning to use the red and black aura. This place is outside of existence and shows you how powerful you can be if you master your red and black aura. This is a place beyond even the beyond. A place that people cannot reach. From the knowledge of the Relic of Freedom, I can see you're the only one who reached this place, not even the 3 Founding Kings have. Well, there is one who has, but do not worry about that."

Their battle continued a cosmic dance of creation and destruction. They moved with grace and precision, their punches and kicks resonating with the power of a thousand supernovas sending shockwaves that destroyed the entire hierarchies of dimensions. Blocks and dodges became displays of their mastery over the very fabric of existence as the shockwaves too ripped apart the hierarchy of dimensions.

Noboru summoned his omni-energy once more, forming a swirling sphere of red and black Ice. "Ice Blast" With a mighty thrust, he hurled the sphere toward his clone. Upon impact, it expanded, Freezing entire realms within it, realms that themselves contained infinite hierarchies of dimensions.

The clone was undeterred. He raised his hands, and from them emerged a swirling maelstrom of darkness, "Dark Wrath!" The maelstrom enveloped the expanding sphere, creating a cosmic collision that defied comprehension. At that moment, it seemed as if nothing in existence could withstand their combined might.

Yet, the very essence of this place transcended the notion of permanence. The sphere and maelstrom collapsed into themselves, creating a singularity that devoured everything, leaving nothing but the echoes of their immense power.

Their abilities extended beyond destruction. With a shared thought, they conjured new realms, each containing infinite hierarchies of dimensions. These realms expanded and contracted with their will.

Amidst their cosmic clash, Noboru grinned with exhilaration. "Let's take this to the next level!"

His clone nodded, matching his excitement. "Agreed!"

Their energies surged to unprecedented levels, shaking the very foundation of this limitless realm. Their attacks became more intricate and awe-inspiring, each one carrying the weight of countless dimensions. "Blaze Balls," Noboru chanted, summoning flames that blazed with the intensity of a trillion stars.

The clone countered with "Darkness Flame," conjuring shadows that devoured all light and warmth. The clash of fire and darkness created an explosion that shattered the boundaries of reality itself, sending shockwaves through the infinite realms they had crafted.

As the spar continued between Noboru Chikara and his clone, they started to get more intense as the very fabric of existence quaked with each movement they made, and the scope of their abilities expanded beyond comprehension.

Noboru, with his crimson and black aura, summoned forth the energies of creation once more, forming a colossal sphere of swirling red and black. "Energy Spear!" he shouted as he hurled it towards his clone. Upon impact, the sphere expanded rapidly, devouring entire realms that transcended concepts and held smaller realms that held within them hierarchies of dimensions that transcended space and time.

His clone watched in awe as entire universes were consumed by the expanding abyss. "These are realms that transcend all concepts, including space and time," he explained to Noboru. "Each one contains smaller realms within, each with its own infinite hierarchy of dimensions that see the ones below them as mere fiction. There are layers of realms above the smaller, The realms that have layers that transcend all known concepts including Space and Time and have infinite layers that also view the one lower than them as fiction"

Noboru nodded in understanding, his youthful curiosity piqued. "So, we're destroying these realms that hold smaller realms, and each one transcends the concept of space and time?"

His clone affirmed with a knowing smile, "Exactly. And we're about to do something even more incredible."

With a single punch, they shattered one of the small realms that transcended all concepts. The impact sent shockwaves through the layers of existence, and with each punch and kick, countless realms crumbled into nothingness.

But it didn't end there. Noboru and his clone summoned blasts of energy that erupted from their very beings, obliterating entire hierarchies of dimensions that dared to exist beyond the confines of space and time. Each explosion of power annihilated countless realms, leaving behind only echoes of their once-boundless existence.

They knew they weren't just destroying these realms; they were reshaping the very foundation of existence itself. With each punch and kick, they demonstrated their mastery over the infinite hierarchies of dimension and beyond that. Their attacks carried the weight of countless dimensions, and the shockwaves they created shattered the boundaries of existence.

As they sparred, they continued to create and destroy realms that held smaller realms within them. A red-haired female her demon wings were shown twitching in excitement as she watched Noboru and his clone. The realms they crafted were intricate and unfathomable, containing infinite hierarchies of dimensions that transcended all known concepts. And with each destructive force they unleashed, these realms were reduced to nothingness. Their power knew no bounds, and their actions defied all logic and reason. Noboru Chikara and his clone were beings who the very concept of space and time held no sway over.

"My Noboru, you are regaining your former strength so quickly. I can't wait until it's time. Time I reveal myself to you," she said as she watched them use the Relic of Freedom to leave. With a mere hand gesture, she rewound time, fixing all the damage done to existence by Noboru and his clones' spar.


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