The God Of Power

Chapter 7 - 7

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Noboru was in his grandfather's library as his grandfather sat beside him. Rose was out today, saying she was meeting a friend, so they were alone. It didn't really affect Rose because they weren't training well physically or powerwise, but mentally he was being trained.

"Noboru, my boy, your display of power yesterday has made you powerful enemies, especially since you went after the wife of the leader of the Cronus. So I'm gonna be teaching you about the threats you have now. First, let's start off with our clan, the Royal Clan that rules over all," Haruki said calmly as Noboru turned towards his grandfather, looking at him, showing Haruki he had Noboru's full attention.

"Our clan, as you know, is called the Chikara Clan. Our clan is led by Shin Chikara, the first king. He is 1 million years old and is from the Blessed Age. Shin Chikara is the man who approved your disownment from both the clan and as heir to the throne. The Blessed Age is the time when the clash between the two boundless beings happened, granting us access to the power of omni-energy, it is thanks to omni energy he is able to live this long. Since then, he founded the kingdom after inventing magic. But what you don't know is that Shin Chikara is related to the other two royal clan leaders. That's right, the 3 kings of the main nations in this world were family. Our family. The feud between the families gave rise to the 3 kingdoms," Haruki was about to continue but was stopped when he saw Noboru about to speak.

"So Shin was related to the other kings, hmm. Why did the fight begin?" Noboru asked as his grandfather sighed since Noboru found out about his parents' plan to disown him along with his siblings' plan to do it in front of the whole kingdom. Noboru had become cold. He hated the rest of the Chikara clan apart from Haruki.

"The feud began due to Shin, the oldest, telling his brother that the way he manipulated omni-energy was better and that magic was the true path to salvation. While his 2 siblings who invented their own form of omni energy manipulation, chakra and ki argued the way they respectively made respectively was better. At first, it was brotherly competition, but it later got more and more violent, with fights and the brothers trying to kill each other. The three brothers were heirs to the royal family in the forgotten era, the era before the Blessed Age and before humanity was gifted omni-energy," Haruki said as Noboru frowned.

"So this fighting started because of ego and pride?" Noboru asked as Haruki nodded.

"Eventually, the three took on followers and each divided the land evenly, being heirs to the world. Once their father died, they started their own kingdoms: the Phoenix, the Qilin, and the Tortoise. Each used the form of energy their founder made. In our case, the Phoenix Kingdom used magic founded by my grandfather Shin," Haruki said as Noboru took in the knowledge.

"I see, so that's how our kingdom was founded," Noboru said, filing that info away for later. "I have a question though grandfather how his Magic, Ki and Chakra different from each other and different from Omni Energy."

Haruki smiled, seeing his grandson ask the important questions. "Omni Energy is the source from which all other Branch Energies are derived. These Branch Energies focus on one or multiple aspects of Omni Energy. Magic, for example, is the creation of miracles, meaning it breaks the rules of the natural world. Ki, on the other hand, amplifies physical stats like speed, strength, durability, and perception. Chakra, however, is different—it is a combination of both, but in return, it is more limited. It can create miracles like Magic but has more rules. In exchange, it passively strengthens your body beyond the miracles Magic can provide."

"So back to the Chikara clan. Now that the lesson of history is over, what made our clan unique was our bloodline. The clash of energy from the boundless beings who gave us omni-energy also made it so the royal families and their allied nobles got a special power, otherwise known as a bloodline trait. A rare type of power that only the clan can use. While some people may be able to replicate some, it will never be as powerful or potent. For example, if someone copied mind control, then a clan with the mind controller's bloodline trait will be able to do it faster, quicker, and without limitations posed by people trying to replicate it," Haruki said as Noboru nodded, gesturing for his grandpa to carry on.

"Now then, moving on, the reason our clan is feared. Is because our clan possesses the power of Gensōgan (illusion eye). Our eye has complete control over illusions. Let me break down the stages of the eye. Our eye has three stages.

The first stage is called All Illusion level 1. When attacks are in our vision, members of the Chikara Clan possess the ability to turn attacks, powers, and abilities directed at them into illusions, rendering them ineffective. These illusions are intangible and cannot cause physical or mental damage. Imagine if someone powers up a finishing attack, and you look at it and it becomes an illusion. This eye can turn everything, even attacks from higher dimensions, into mere illusion, but only if you catch the attacks in your sight.

The second stage is even more terrifying; it is called the all illusion level 2: True Illusion. When using this, the Chikara Clan can use their All Illusion Eye to not only selectively affect attacks, but they can also affect people's defenses and gear. They have the power to turn weapons, defenses, armors, and various items into illusions, further disrupting the enemy. Imagine having the power to turn someone's sword into nothing but a mere illusion.

The final stage is the most powerful, and only 2 people have unlocked it: me and Shin Chikara. It is called the Solid Illusion stage. At this level, we can produce illusions that possess the ability to become tangible, allowing them to interact with the physical world. Unlike the previous levels, these solid illusions can cause physical damage to opponents and can be damaged in return. However, we can stop them from taking damage by switching between tangibility and intangibility. This version of the eye realizes your imagination. If you will it, the illusion you create would be sentient, but only if you want," Haruki said.

"So, Grandpa, you're telling me our clan can not only turn attacks into illusions, but we can also turn people's defenses and loot into illusions, and we can even give form to our imagination?" said Noboru as Haruki nodded. He rubbed his grandson's hair.

"That's correct, my boy, but that's not all the third level if you unlock is basically reality warping," Haruki said, proud at how Noboru summarized his explanation in a few words.

"So in order to take back the throne, my birthright, I challenge the strongest of our clan. That means I need to defeat Shin Chikara," Noboru said. As Haruki looked at his grandson.

"Noboru, my boy, Shin is from the blessed age. He, along with his brothers, possesses a power far beyond the infinite ascending dimensions. The three royal clan heads possess the power to wipe out the an Infinite amount infinite ascending hierarchy of dimensions where each layer sees the one below it as fiction for example 4d see 3d as fiction. Do you get what I mean? Shin and his brothers might even be more powerful than you in the red and black omni-energy aura state. While the kingdom doesn't know this, even Hiroshi doesn't know this. But Shin Chikara was able to defeat me with a single glance. The three royal clan heads are each progenitors of magic, chakra, and ki, with Shin, the oldest, being the progenitor of magic. His second brother, who shall not be named, is the progenitor of ki, and his youngest, who also cannot be named due to the feud, is the progenitor of chakra. And guess what? All three of them can easily beat me and everyone alive," Haruki said.

"That doesn't matter. I will train. I will master the black and red aura state, and then I will take the throne back. It's my birthright, Grandpa. I will change the kingdom. I will fix the mistakes made by our arrogant predecessors and make it so we use our full potential," Noboru declared, getting up as he pumped his arms out with his hands in a fist shape and had a smile of pride. Haruki couldn't help but feel inspired, even if it was nonsense from a 5-year-old child. Haruki would believe in his grandson, in Noboru.

"Okay, then, let's move on to the 6 noble clans of the Phoenix Kingdom," Haruki said, getting Noboru's attention as Noboru sat back down and looked at his grandpa, giving Haruki his full attention.

"The first clan is the Himura clan. This clan is the support clan that possesses the power of soul bonding. With it, they can share their strength and vitality to heal wounds and enhance the abilities of their allies," Haruki said, as Noboru heard that, he couldn't help but think of his sister's best friend, Meiyo's best friend, Akari Himura, the one who stomped on him the day his grandpa was too sick to move, and Rose and Stella were out, so Noboru had to go out and get food.

"I know she's Meiyo's best friend, Grandpa. Her clan's powers are useful, so when I plan to take the throne back, I need to take out the Himura clan members first," Noboru said. As Haruki nodded, proud of his grandson's planning.

"That's a good plan, but don't forget, my boy, they will be protected, since a squad's support is always protected," Haruki said as Noboru nodded.

"On to the second clan, the Nakamura clan. They possess the ability of Hemomancy, which means the members of this clan possess the power to manipulate blood. They can control their own blood to enhance their physical attributes, accelerate their healing, or form weapons. They can also manipulate the blood of others, causing internal injuries or even inducing temporary paralysis," Haruki said as Noboru nodded. Noboru just needed to coat himself in omni-energy then he would be okay.

"The third of the six noble clans, the Takahashi clan, possesses the power of Mental Manipulation. Members of this clan possess extraordinary mental abilities. They can control and manipulate the minds of others, read thoughts, and influence emotions. Advanced members of this clan can even create illusions within the minds of their targets," Haruki explained.

"So they can control and manipulate the mind. That's going to be a problem," Noboru said. As Haruki heard this, he thought, not if you access the red and black aura omni-energy you have. Since you're above all concepts, even the concept of thinking, being controlled, etc., you are immune in that state," said Haruki.

"The fourth clan is known as the Yoshida clan. They possess the power of Sonic Manipulation. Members of this clan have an innate connection to sound waves. They can manipulate sound to create powerful sonic blasts, generate protective barriers, or even create sonic constructs that can be used for offense or defense," Haruki said as Noboru nodded. This clan seemed like the easiest to take on.

"The fifth clan is known as the Suzuki clan. They possess the power of Umbrakinesis. Members of this clan can manipulate shadows and darkness. They can travel through and in the shadows realm, blend into the darkness, and create solid constructs made of shadows. They can also use shadows to weaken or immobilize their enemies," Haruki said.

"So they can travel in the shadow realm. What is the shadow realm?" Noboru asked.

"It is a place with infinite time and space where each layer of the shadow realms sees the one under it as fiction. It is said to have infinite layers. The only thing one can see is darkness so only a Suzuki clam member can navigate around this. It is said it was manipulated to be that way to give the Suzuki clan an advantage by the Suzuki clan themselves. It is a place where normal concepts and laws don't apply. Some say it's a place beyond the concepts, but that's just what the Suzuki clan says. So we can't determine whether it's true or if it's nonsense. But what I do know is that in the shadow realm, they control everything from space, time, laws, and much more," Haruki replied.

"So a single clan has access to Infinite layers containing infinite space where they're effectively gods. If they take damage, could they bring someone into the shadow realm, and if they're damaged, couldn't they go into the shadow realm and make a law that heals them?" asked Noboru.

"Yes, they can but don't forget they can only manipulate layers of the dimensionality they are. So if a Suzuki clan member is 4th dimensional he could only manipulate up to the 4th-dimensional equivalent of layers in the shadow realm. Don't forget your power show at the party pissed them off. They already hated you since they got hatred from the kingdom for not being able to protect the kingdom from the 2 beasts that attacked on the day of your birth. So they want to use you my boy as a scapegoat," Haruki replied. Noboru was thinking. He knew without the red and black aura state he would die to these. It was better to avoid confrontation with them until he unlocked or try to get his body to the highest dimension he can.

"But anyways let's move on the final, but the strongest of the six, is the Tanaka clan. They possess the power to control Vital Energy. Members of this clan have the ability to absorb and manipulate vital energy. They can drain the life force of living beings to heal themselves, enhance their physical attributes, or even channel the energy into devastating attacks. They can also use this power to reverse injuries or revive the recently deceased," Haruki said. As Noboru clenched his fist, he remembered how the leader of the clan, Takeshi Tanaka, was the one whom Noboru was sure had poisoned and weakened his grandpa. He could tell his grandpa was getting sicker and sicker, but the man was there for Noboru.

"I see that the biggest threats are Shin Chikara and the Chikara clan, then the Suzuki clan, followed by the Tanaka clan, and then the Takahashi clan. After that, the Himura clan followed by the Nakamura clan, and then the Yoshida clan," Noboru said.

"That's a good evaluation, my boy. But don't forget that it could change at any time due to an unknown bloodline mutation that makes one's bloodline stronger, an enemy figuring out a different way to use or an ability they have, or a new one they had but never realized," Haruki said, passing on his wisdom.

"You're right, Grandpa," Noboru said.


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