The God Of Power

Chapter 5 - 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

A few days had passed since that day Rose was still trying to make her Omni energy flow around her; it was hard. How did Lord Noboru do this, she thought. As she was doing this, Haruki was training with Noboru.

Haruki had tried to get Noboru to access that red and black aura state again to see what it was, but he couldn't. With his aura, Noboru had potential, but when Noboru was using that red and black aura, he felt invincible, as if his powers had no limit. As if he was one of or near the two boundless beings whose clash brought into existence Omni energy, Dimensium, and the other great phenomenon the world was gifted with.

But that's not all; he had started to manipulate the basic elements - fire, water, earth, air, lightning. He was a prodigy. While it would take someone like himself or Rose years to even make a spark of lightning, Noboru could make a lightning bolt within a second of being shown how to do elemental manipulation. However, he would have to stop training Noboru soon. He had gotten a message from the royal messenger bird. It seems his son had caught word of Noboru's training, so King Hiroshi made it so that disowned or non-royal/nobles can only be trained at the age of 7, otherwise known as the age the Pre Magic Knights academy starts. This disgrace of a son would put his entire country and people at risk just to keep his own son Noboru as a weak scapegoat for a prophecy which after witnessing Noboru's power and intelligence made Haruki see the prophecy as bullshit. It also meant that Rose couldn't be trained either. The bird also had a royal decree for Noboru, Rose, and himself to return.

Haruki sighed. He walked up to both Rose and Noboru, getting both their attention.

"Hey grandpa, what's up? I just blew up a boulder with my lightning, look," Noboru said as he aimed a finger at the boulder. Omni energy took coated him as it became lightning and took the form of an arrow, and Noboru unleashed the lightning at the boulder, and a giant boom was heard as the boulder was gone. Nothing remained, static and electricity were left where it was.

Haruki looked at it impressed but saw the area repair, as it usually does when the planet is attacked. Non-man-made structures after the clash of Higher Dimensional Beings always repaired themselves instantly. But that also made him remember how that concept didn't work when Noboru used the red and black aura mode, form, awakening, state, whatever it was called. The area just didn't repair, which further proved the concepts, or at least that one for now, bowed to Noboru.

"That's good, my boy, but we have to return home," Haruki said as he felt sad seeing Noboru look down. He knew that Noboru liked this wasteland because there was no one here to bully or abuse him for being the scapegoat of the Phoenix kingdom. Haruki felt bad having to take Noboru back, but orders were orders, and being on the run with Noboru is stupid. Noboru was a 4-year-old child strong for his age, but without that red and black aura state, he can't hope to match beings who have transcended beyond the 4th dimension, let alone 7th and most of Cronus was beyond considering the level of power the Phoenix Kingdom had on average.

"Why, grandpa? You said you will train us for a month," Noboru said.

"You're right; I did, but your father and my father, the Chikara Clan's head, demanded we return," Haruki replied, making Noboru pout.

"It's okay, Noboru. We'll come back later. Let's see what your father King Hiroshi and your great grandfather want," Rose said, knowing that a commoner like her should not say Noboru's great grandfather's name as she was lowly compared to him.

"Fine," Noboru said, sad as they went back to the kingdom.

A few days later, Noboru was seen looking in the mirror and adjusting his royal armor. It was his birthday, and for the first time, his parents and clan had invited him to celebrate his and his twin's birthday. It was Noboru's 5th birthday.

Haruki Chikara sighed as he stood near the door, waiting for Noboru's disappointment towards the Chikara clan and his son and daughter-in-law. Today was the day. Noboru would learn why his 5th birthday would be the worst day of his childhood. Haruki was knocked out of his thoughts when Noboru came running down the stairs to the front door where he met his grandpa.

"Grandpa, let's go! Mama and Papa invited me to the main castle to celebrate my birthday," Noboru said. As Haruki sighed, he knew they did not invite him. His spell that allowed him to listen in on conversations gave him the knowledge that Noboru's own siblings, when they were 4, were told that Noboru would be disowned from the clan and the throne's heir. His siblings, especially Kouki, had made a plan to invite Noboru to the party, instilling hope before crushing it with the announcement. His son and daughter-in-law, Hiroshi and Amaya, agreed just to keep the destined children, the great prophecy duo, happy.

Haruki was disgusted. He wanted to destroy them, but since he had been poisoned, he could barely fight another being on his level. The king and queen's guard, Takeshi Tanaka, could easily kill him, and that was the reason he obeyed orders—not because he feared Takeshi, but because he feared dying and leaving Noboru without support. Let alone fighting against the Phoenix Kingdom Founder S***. Haruki let out another sigh as both he and Noboru made their way to the royal palace.

As Haruki and Noboru walked through the streets, they heard whispers and saw glares.

"That's the monster boy."

"Don't forget the traitorous ex-king who houses and raises the beast."

"Who does that demon think it is, walking in this kingdom, especially on this night?"

"It's so lucky the king said we can't kill it. We might kill Prince Kouki and Princess Meiyo since the seal will break and the power will return to the beast."

"To think it uses Prince Noboru's body."

"Does it have no shame?"

"It's a mindless beast, what do you expect?"

Noboru, hearing this, gets closer to his grandpa, who senses the scared boy and gives him a one-arm hug, but they are suddenly stopped as two drunk men approach.

"Hey, monster," the first one says, grabbing Noboru by the collar. Noboru struggles to breathe; his eyes are flashing between their usual red and glowing crimson. "You think you can walk here on the anniversary of the attack and get away with it?" the man continues, bringing his fist up but is sent flying back as Haruki's fist hits his chest, making him bleed. Noboru catches his breath, and his eyes stabilize to their normal red.

"Hey, old bastard, you dare defend the beast?" the second man says, rushing at Haruki but is kicked in the head, sent flying.

"Let's go, Noboru," Haruki says as he pulls the little boy closer and walks to the palace, giving off an aura that scares anyone in the way.

They made it to the gates of the royal castle, where the Cronus Knights were standing. The knights gave Noboru and Haruki a glare but allowed them to enter. Once out of sight, the Cronus Knights began to snicker.

"The monster, sorry, I mean the scapegoat, is going to be disowned."

"I know, it's about time. Five years of mercy was too much for a disgrace."

The two knights said, snickering.

Noboru made his way into the castle, getting closer and closer to his grandpa. He saw the six noble clan's clansmen nearby, glaring and making rude comments towards him, calling him a monster, a beast, and more. He then spotted his mama and papa and was about to go up to them but his grandpa stopped him.

Haruki had stopped Noboru, wanting to minimize his public humiliation. "Don't go yet. It's not proper etiquette to disturb people, and you don't bother a king or queen; they come to you," Haruki said lying but he knew that if Nobroru went up to them they would humiliate him to appeal to Kouki and Meiyo.

"Okay, grandpa," Noboru replied, looking around. He noticed the six noble clans present: the Himura clan, the Nakamura clan, the Takahashi clan, the Yoshida clan, the Suzuki clan, and the Tanaka clan. The clan heads, heirs and regular clansmen were also in attendance. Noboru saw that the clan heirs were talking to his brother Kouki and sister Meiyo.

The party music stopped as his mama and papa went up on stage, capturing everyone's attention. Noboru looked and listened, giving his parents his full attention.

Hiroshi stepped up and grabbed the mic so that everyone could hear him. "First of all, I would like to thank the six noble clans of the Phoenix Kingdom for their service to the kingdom and for attending the party of my children, the future of the kingdom. Now then, as you know, the Phoenix Kingdom has traditions, and on the 5th birthday of the heir to the throne, they are crowned," Hiroshi said.

Noboru's face lit up; his father was talking about him. He was the oldest child and the heir. His papa was recognizing him, and soon the whole kingdom would know that he was not a monster or disowned prince and that his family still loved him, even though they were focused on training his siblings.

Amaya walked up next to her husband, her dazzling smile taking the hearts of all the men in the crowd. "Kouki Chikara is our heir to the kingdom, and Meiyo Chikara is the heir to the clan," she announced.

Noboru's eyes widened in shock, and something inside him finally broke. He then heard laughter from his brother and sister, who were up where his parents were. Noboru started to think back to all the times he was pushed away in favour of his siblings.

"Tell me, disgraceful beast, did you really think Mum and Dad would pick you for the throne over me?" Kouki taunted, and Hakashi Tanaka started laughing along with the others in attendance. When the laughter died down, Meiyo spoke.

"And you dared to think Mother and Father would choose you, an untrained piece of trash, over me as the next clan head?" she mocked. The laughter started again. Noboru clenched his fist they had done it again they made him a joke in front of everyone. They took everything away from him his birthright, his honour and his family.

Noboru felt anger swell up in him. It became clear that his siblings and parents had planned this all along. That's why grandpa was sad and didn't want to come, but since Takeshi Tanaka, who Noboru suspected poisoned his grandpa and made him weak, was there, his grandpa had to follow. His breathing quickened.

"Noboru, my failure of a son, your mother and I have decided you are disowned," Hiroshi declared. This was the final straw. Noboru let out a scream of rage and anger, and his red and black energy pulsed outward, shattering infinite dimensions and engulfing everything in existence. His red and black aura expanded into an infinite number of layers of reality, each surpassing the previous tier. With a mere thought, he redefined the very fabric of space-time, destroying countless universes and multiverses within each layer in every passing moment, letting his rage create destruction. Every conceivable concept of reality, time, and existence bowed to his will as he ascended to the highest echelon of power, surpassing any limit set by finite structures or dimensions. His eyes glowed crimson red, and his hair spiked up.

Noboru Looked at his siblings who stood there in horror along with everyone else in attendance, "You all have bullied me for the last time. I will take the throne my birthright by force!" Noboru Chikara yelled, his voice reverberating throughout the world shattering the foundations of the castles bring it down. Takeshi Tanaka and the Cronus Knights readied themselves, as did the clan heads and Hiroshi. They all thought Noboru must be stopped. While Meiyo, Kouki and the rest of clan heirs hid behing thier parents like cowards.


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