The God Of Power

Chapter 4 - 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Noboru and Rose sat next to each other in a grassy field far away from the capital city. In fact, it was in the forbidden regions. Haruki stood in front of them.

"Now we can unlock your omni energy, the power we are all born with. Shut your eyes, focus your core. Feel the energy. Let it flow inside of you, filling your body up. Then try to let it out, have it cover your body like an aura," Haruki said, expecting it to take days, if not weeks, to unlock and a thin coat of energy to flow around the two.

Suddenly, both Rose and Haruki stopped what they were doing as Noboru took a deep breath, feeling the energy within him stir. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his core, allowing the energy to flow freely throughout his body. As he focused, a radiant red and black aura began to envelop him, pulsating with untamed potential.

Haruki encouraged his young protégé, reassuring him that he could do it. Rose cheered him on, her warm smile filled with pride. With newfound confidence, Noboru pushed the energy to surge around his small body, harnessing its incredible strength.

In a sudden burst of power, energy pulses erupted outward from Noboru, shattering the barriers between dimensions. The air crackled with intensity as the red aura expanded into an infinite number of layers of reality, each surpassing the previous tier.

With a mere thought, Noboru unknowingly willed the very fabric of space-time to bend to his command. Countless universes and multiverses were unknowingly created and destroyed within each layer otherwise known as dimension in each passing moment, bending to the unstoppable force of his will unknowingly.

Every conceivable concept of reality, time, and existence bowed before the raw might of Noboru's newfound power. At this tender age, he was already ascending to the highest echelon of power, surpassing any limit set by infinite, finite structures or dimensions.

The grassy field around him swayed gently as the energy unleashed by the young prodigy ruffled the surroundings. Haruki and Rose marveled at the incredible potential displayed by Noboru, their faces awash with wonder.

Haruki sensed that as it stabilized Noboru's omni energy had significantly lowered; it didn't affect all higher existence anymore. Although Haruki knew better than to think it was a fluke, he knew that Noboru possessed power beyond higher existence, beyond everything and everyone. He couldn't explain it. It was like he was beyond the outer panes, no even beyond that. "What is this power its as if in that moment that dimensions, Every conceivable concept of reality, time, and existence itself bowed to him. That is just his potential as a child; I wonder how powerful he grows to be. From what I sensed, I won't be able to seal his powers away. Maybe I have to teach energy limitation technique."

"Well at least everything is normal now," Haruki thought as he watched Noboru's red and black aura go to the normal silver aura everyone had and his eyes go from glowing crimson to red. His hair goes from spiked up to normal. "Could that power have been some sort of awakening or something?" Haruki thought.

Noboru opened his eyes and gave the most heart-touching smile. "Grandpa, I did it, I unlocked my Omni energy," he said. Haruki was proud and shocked. This level of power surpassed the beasts that attacked. It surpassed him. It was like he had ascended dimensionality itself. No, it couldn't be; he had to have imagined it or did it?

"Wow, Lord Noboru, that was so cool," Rose said as she secretly smirked. This caused him to light up even more.

In an unknown place, a figure with only visible features of red hair down to her waist, with one strand of ahoge sticking out, and red crimson eyes spoke, "Oh my, it seems that he's finally awakened his power and look at the mess he caused. He shattered the barrier between dimensions merging them as one making there be one collective structure that encompasses different levels of dimensionality both finite and infinite even metaphysical and physical and also created and destroyed many universes and multiverses with those layers, otherwise known as dimensions. Let's not forget how many problems you caused by having Every conceivable concept of reality, time, and existence bow to you. Ah well, I'll fix it like I always had to fix up after you. But don't worry, my dear Noboru, you will remember me soon," the figure said in a melodious voice as she reverted the changes and chaos Noboru has done with a click of her fingers.

Back with Noboru, Rose, and Haruki...

Rose sat, a few hours had passed. She hadn't even felt her power. "I can't do it! Lord Haruki, why can't I do it? You explained to Lord Noboru, and he got it on his first try, but I can't, why?" she said feeling jealous.

"You need to focus on your core and only your core. Feel the energy within it and then will it to flow in and around you. Don't worry; this isn't a competition. Don't forget, nobody felt their Omni energy, let alone fully unlocked it in a day, let alone instantly. Noboru is a true prodigy," Haruki said.

"I am, but I keep on thinking about Lord Kou, I mean Lord Noboru," Rose said. Haruki's eyes widened, but he thought nothing of it. There is no way his maid or her daughter could have. He lost his train of thought when Noboru shook him.

"Hey, grandpa, can you teach me something while Rose tries to unlock her energy?" Noboru said, being the hyperactive child he is. Haruki smiled; it was good to see Noboru not down because of how the monsters of the kingdom treated him.

"Sure, my boy. Let's start with the basics of the basics: the Spatial Veil technique. This isn't a magic spell but a technique I developed that uses Omni energy, the origin power source, not mana, ki, or chakra. The Spatial Veil grants its users the ability to manipulate space, creating an infinite distance between themselves and any potential threat. By constantly shifting their position within this spatial void, the user becomes impossible to strike, remaining elusive and untouched. Additionally, this power can be employed to immobilize an assailant and effectively disarm them by distorting the space between the enemy and their weapon, rendering them unable to arm themselves."

"Wow, Grandpa, that's so cool! So I can be untouchable," Noboru said, as Haruki chuckled.

"You won't be untouchable, my boy," Haruki said, as Noboru pouted.

"Of course, I will, Grandpa! I am Noboru Chikara, heir to the Phoenix Kingdom," Noboru declared with pride, making Haruki look down, sad, knowing what's to come. Haruki quickly changed his expression.

"Of course, that's my grandson, but that technique will make you untouchable to most attacks. But if you master it, I will show you its weakness so that everyone will know," Haruki declared, making an eager-to-learn Noboru light up. Haruki had taught Noboru well if he got excited to learn the weakness of the attack, so he could know his limitations.

"Let's go, Grandpa. Okay, Rose, we will be there training; you try to unlock your Omni energy," Noboru said, pulling his Grandpa Haruki as Rose looked at them leave for the tree far away, her teeth gritted.

"I need to master this," said Rose. She didn't want to be left behind from what it looks like.

While she tried to unlock her Omni energy, Noboru and Haruki Chikara arrived at the forest a bit far from Rose but still within Haruki's vision, so he could keep an eye on her. He did this not to leave her out but to not distract or make her jealous of Noboru. He saw Noboru jumping up and down, eager to learn.

"Okay, okay, calm down, Noboru. First, I'm going to explain it to you. Spacial Veil, although it is the basics of Omni energy techniques, is even more difficult to master than S-class magic spells, S-rank ninjutsu, or high-level ki attacks. This is because mastering this requires complete control over space," Haruki said, as Noboru nodded.

"I understand, Grandpa. Omni energy demands you have total control and harmony with what you're trying to manipulate, so, in the Spacial Veil's case, complete control and harmony over space, right?" Noboru said, as Haruki smiled proudly. Noboru's intelligence was all him, not Amaya, not Hiroshi, all him.

"That's right, my boy. That's the reason nobody had tried Omni energy manipulation," said Haruki, as he patted Noboru's head.

"Now then, I want you to try it. Try to manipulate the space around you and expand it infinitely," said Haruki.

Noboru shut his eyes, channelled the flow of power from his core around him, and created a thin layer of energy. This time he let out a tiny amount, trying to concentrate. He found himself controlling space, not just manipulating it but completely controlling it, but he felt something beyond controlling or manipulating space as if he was not bound by the concept of space but was beyond it. It was like fiction to him, and with a mere thought, he could change, destroy, and create concepts of space. He focused on the little space around him not visible to the human eye and extended it infinitely. It kept on expanding constantly.

Haruki noticed and decided to test it. He kept going in formal sword slashes, but it wouldn't connect. He then concentrated Omni energy in his hand and turned it into hot magic, unleashing a fireball that would burn the entire forest at Noboru, but it never connected; it faded away. He knew magic couldn't travel for infinity and had no reason to waste energy on an attack that would never connect with its target.

"Good, my boy, Noboru, you did it, but don't stop," Haruki said, as he noticed Noboru unexpand the space. Noboru made it infinite and constantly expanding once again. "Now, I believe that I said I would tell its weakness when you mastered the technique, but I've decided to show." Haruki said as Noboru felt a fist in his face. "Teleportation, that's the weakness. Although you can create infinite space, it still takes time for it to expand infinitely, so a teleportation and punch can stop it," said Haruki.

Noboru held his face and gritted his teeth not out of disrespect or anger but in pain. "I get it, Grandpa, but you didn't have to hit so hard," he said.

"Nonsense, a bit of pain won't hurt you. After all, you're Noboru Chikara, the next Magic Knight and Prince. A small punch doesn't hurt you, does it, my boy?" Haruki said, petting Noboru's head.

"You're right, Grandpa," Noboru said.

"What's next?" Noboru asked.

"You're going to learn teleportation now. This one's hard. It's instantaneous movement, so you have to become one with space and will yourself to instantly travel to the location of your thought. What makes it hard is harmonizing with space while thinking of a location and willing yourself to move," Haruki said as he made a Spacial Veil behind him.

"Now then, attack me," he said. Noboru shut his eyes and hit Haruki, making Haruki get shocked before his expression changed.

"My boy, what was that?" he asked.

"What was what?" Noboru said, confused. "That is teleportation."

"No, my boy, that was you just moving. Your movement speed was faster than instantaneous," Haruki said, dumbfounded.

"Really, Grandpa? I'm so powerful, I'm faster than instant?" he said.

"Now, now, don't get ahead of yourself. You still haven't passed the teleportation. Even if you're faster than infinity or instantaneous, don't forget you still need to teleport to get to the next technique," Haruki said. Noboru pouted but this time Haruki did not give in.

The next few hours, Noboru tried and tried; it was hard. He always moved instead of traveling. When suddenly, Haruki sensed Noboru willing space and time to bend to his will and instantly transport himself in front of Haruki and punched him before the space that was expanding could push him away.

"Congratulations, Noboru, my boy, you did it," Haruki said with a proud smile.

"Now then, I will tell you the weaknesses to both techniques. Spacial Veil's weakness is teleportation, as I said before, but it also has the weakness that constantly increasing space uses a lot of your energy. Teleportation's weakness is people with fast reaction times or of higher dimensions, who can see you in slow motion, can counter or avoid you," Haruki said. Noboru nodded.

"Now then, that's it for the day. Let's see if Rose has unlocked her Omni energy yet," Haruki said, as Noboru nodded. Both he and his Grandpa made it to the grassy part of the Forbidden Regions, from the forest part, to where Rose was still trying to feel her energy. Haruki was about to pat her shoulder to tell her it's time to leave, but then he felt it, her energy coursing within her.

Her eyes opened up, happy. "I did it!" she yelled as the energy went back in. "Aw, man, my Omni energy went back in," Rose said.

"That's right, Rose. You need to focus on keeping it flowing and then let it expand out of you, coating around you," Haruki said.

"Lord Haruki, you and Lord Noboru are back. Well, I did it! I managed to unlock Omni energy," she said.

"Good, you just need to learn to make it flow and coat it around you now," Haruki said.

"Yes, Lord Haruki. I believe it's time to go home," she said as Haruki nodded.

Both Noboru and Rose followed Haruki home, unable to wait for tomorrow to be trained.


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