The God Of Power

Chapter 33 - 33

Chapter 33: Chapter 33

In the Demon Goddess Queen's Realm

Ayame Akatsuki sat on her throne, waiting for her Noboru-Kun to return. She knew the battle between the two groups was getting fierce and was worried about him. Then suddenly, she felt a powerful surge of dark chakra.

"No, that's the dark technique that was used by Niju," Ayame yelled as she frantically searched for him throughout the dimensions and realms, both higher and lower. "I... I can't find him," she said frantically, rushing around.

'Dark Techniques don't work the same way normal ones do. They sacrifice a user's Omni Energy, and by sacrifice, I mean the person will never be able to regenerate the Omni energy they sacrificed. It has limitations, like he can't kill them away. Niju made a pact with him, the creator, to send Noboru away, to think he would do that to his own... forget it. I have to find Noboru-Kun,' she thought to herself.

In an Unknown Place

The golden being smirked as he looked at his angels. "It seems like your intervention wasn't needed, and neither was Hikari's," The golden being looked at the downed form of Hikari. "That abomination's human granduncle performed a dark technique to send the abomination away. He used a technique that will forcefully reincarnate the abomination until he completely reaches the so-called Demon Goddess Queen Ayame," the being explained.

"So shall we sabotage him, father?" Azreal said, wanting to make sure the threat to their father was the abomination; contradiction could never escape.

"No, since my power was used. We can't break rules set by the techniques. If the abomination succeeds, he will become a being that transcends everything, including the Cardinal Architect. A being/object of my power that randomly creates and destroys universe realms and more," The Golden Being explained.

"But Father, what is this Cardinal Architect?" Raphael asked as the golden being sighed.

"The Cardinal Architect, an entity created by me to create, control, and erase new and existing worlds, dimensions, and realms. It is just a small portion of my power. It is an entity that operates beyond the limitations of dimensions, infinity, and the countless layers that compose the fabric of reality. It exists as an entity unbound by the shackles of conventional constraints, manipulating and influencing structures of existence that defy the cumulative totality of all conceivable hierarchies, dimensional layers, and infinities.

The sphere of influence wielded by the Cardinal Architect is beyond measure. With effortless grace, it crafts, alters, and erases constructs that dwarf the vastness and intricacy of any known or unknown dimension. These constructs, however, are not merely of higher magnitude; they transcend the very order of conceptual and existential magnitude, eluding enumeration or classification within the bounds of mathematical or metaphysical comprehension.

In the presence of the Cardinal Architect, the very notions of "size" and "level" lose their meaning. Its power extends beyond the realms of the infinite and uncountably infinite, shaping reality in a manner that defies conventional understanding. The structures it affects are not confined by the limitations of size or scope; they exist as fundamental aspects of reality, eclipsing all systems, even those that claim infinity as their own.

Picture, if you will, the layers of reality as a canvas upon which the Cardinal Architect paints with strokes of existence and non-existence. With absolute and unchallenged authority, it crafts and shapes the very fabric of the cosmos, unconstrained by prior constructs. In its realm, the Cardinal Architect is the sole arbiter of possibility, conceivability, and reality.

The object known as the Cardinal Architect defies comparison or understanding within any known tier of power. The Cardinal Architect is intrinsically incomparable, fundamentally distinct from all others. It is the embodiment of an authority that transcends the infinite, an architect of realities that lie beyond the outermost reaches of comprehension. Embrace the enigma, for in the presence of the Cardinal Architect, we witness the orchestration of existence itself." The Golden Being said dramatically, making the angels roll their eyes at their father's dramatics.

"So father, what should we do?" Gabriel asked, unworried even if the abomination reached that level of power that the Cardinal Architect was on; they still surpassed it, and even if they didn't, it was still just a small portion of their father's power, so the abomination wasn't a threat.

"Nothing. The abomination is no longer a threat. He is currently undergoing the reincarnation process. He can never escape the curse own great-great-granduncle placed on him. It will forcefully reincarnate him until he reaches the same level as his mate. He will have no chance to escape the process. No one can escape the Dark Arts Reincarnation Process, not even you, my children. It used a portion of my power to do so, and in return, all the power Niju Chikara used is given to me, and any of that power he would have naturally regenerated will be given to me too," The Golden Being said smiling.

"Yes, Father," the Angels said in unison.

In an unknown location

Noboru's eyes opened, and he stood up. "Where am I?" Noboru wondered. He had black hair and golden eyes. "Why do I feel weird?" he wondered as he began looking around and saw several large floating islands. Noboru then remembered how he was sent here when he was getting his revenge on Maou and the three founding kings who destroyed his kingdom and how he lost it when he saw the demon feasting on Old Man Fenrir's dead body. Noboru got mad and imagined Earth and tried teleporting there. He reached there only to feel a pull and was teleported back to this random place.

"What's going on here?" Noboru wondered as he walked around. "Why can't I return home? Maybe if I go to Ayame-Chan's home Realm," he thought as he focused on her location, but when he got to it, his head ached, and he fell to the ground as dark purple Omni energy spewed from his head, hurting him. "ARGH," Noboru screamed.

Noboru's body began glowing, and he felt himself being pulled, and soon after, his vision went blank, and he lost consciousness. Eventually, he woke up. "I can't leave this place, and considering I can't teleport to Ayame-Chan, that has got to be the endgame. If I get there, I completed the combat trial; this must be the result of Niju Chikara's technique," Noboru said to himself. "So if I want to complete this combat trial, I need to increase my power and become as powerful as Ayame-Chan. But how?" he said.

"Well then, I guess I will have to complete my goal of being Ayame-Chan's equal quicker," Noboru said to himself as he flew to the first floating kingdom, the one that looked like fire and lava.

In the Demon Goddess Queen's Realm

"Where is Noboru-kun?" Ayame yelled as she continued her frantic search.

"Hello, Ayame," Ayame heard as she turned around, annoyed that someone was interrupting her search, but when she saw who it was, she kneeled.

"My queen, Lady

Lucy Morningstar, what brings you here?" Ayame said as Lucy sighed.

"I have come to tell you he's okay. I'm watching over him after he may be your future husband when he regains his memories, but don't forget I am his.... Damn it, I need to leave. He's noticed I am here. I should go before he sends his devourers or worse, the angels' henchmen," Lucy said, leaving and giving her a note.

Ayame read the note. "Noboru Chikara has been hit by a dark art that forcefully reincarnates him until he reaches the power of his latent potential. He can not escape, and reaching the realm of yours and completing the stories of each realm is the goal, so he can't come there. Don't worry; he's okay and alive," Ayame read out and smiled.

"Thank You, My queen," Ayame said.


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