The God Of Power

Chapter 32 - 32

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Noboru felt a sharp pain in his chest, and the next second, blood spilled out of his mouth, and he fell to the ground. He coughed up more blood, his vision blurred, and his body was covered in pain.

"No, no, no," Noboru repeated to himself as his head felt fuzzy. He tried to stabilize himself using his arms, but the moment he did, they gave in, and his head fell to the floor. Noboru looked up, his eyes widening, and a smile crept onto his face as he saw his grandpa.

"Grandpa," Noboru stuttered, tears falling down his cheeks. "I-I'm so sorry," Noboru said, attempting to lift himself but failing.

"Don't be sorry, my boy. You did well; your power surpassed the Maou who destroyed your kingdom and the three founding kings Shin Chikara, Yami Chikara, and Niju Chikara. They all destroyed your kingdom, the kingdom you made for peace where all races can come and live without any prejudice," Haruki said.

"I will destroy them. They took everything from me, and now they will suffer my wrath," Noboru growled.

"Yes, you are strong. You will have to avenge your people and me, but you will need the help of the one who saved you," Haruki replied as he vanished.

"Wait, Grandpa, wait. No, don't go," Noboru said, tears rolling down his cheeks. Slowly his vision came back to him, and he felt something soft on his face. He started to squish what was in front of him and heard a familiar moan. He quickly looked up to see Ayame.

"Oh, Noboru-kun. Please stop, please," she said moaning.

"Wait, what, Ayame? How are you here? I thought I was fighting Hikari, and then those angels showed up," he said.

"Noboru-kun, you passed out after your fight and were floating in the between realms, so I brought you here to my home. What you did was reckless; using that power could have killed you. Your body can't handle it," Ayame said. Noboru looked down.

"I couldn't hold back; they pissed me off. But hey, does that mean I am ready to be trained now?" Noboru asked as Ayame sighed.

"I thought you were going to kill Maou and the Three founding kings since all of them had a hand in the destruction of your kingdom," Ayame said. Noboru had a look of rage.

"You're right; I will be back, Ayame-chan," Noboru said as he tried to leave, but Ayame stopped him.

"Don't do something reckless. Also, that power you used, try not to use it. Your body isn't ready yet," Ayame said. Noboru nodded, and Ayame smiled and kissed him. Noboru was shocked but returned the kiss. She then backed up, and Noboru teleported back to the remains of the dragon kingdom to see the three Maous fighting for his land.

Noboru watched as the three fought and was about to intervene, but then he saw something that enraged him. He saw a demon from the Maou's army eating Old Man Fenrir's dead body.

Noboru lost his anger and was filled with rage. His aura flared, his hair turned white, and his eyes turned red, and a dark black and red aura started to flow around him.

"I WILL KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU! WITH NO MERCY!" Noboru yelled. He rushed at the demon, kicking him in the face and destroying him before appearing behind Maou-sama with his black star blade. "Hell Fire Slash," Noboru roared, sending a wave of his omni-energy at Maou-sama, the wave filled with the heat of a burning Hell and the coldness of death. The attack hit Maou-sama, destroying his arm and his left side.

"You think you can just kill us and take our land?" Noboru yelled, punching Shin Chikara in the nuts and sending him flying. "You will pay for all the crimes you three did to my kingdom and my people," Noboru said as he went into his dragon form.

"We did what we had to. You took the supply of dimensium from us and used it as leverage to control us. You disgrace," Shin said to his disowned great-great-grandson, making Noboru mad.

"Hellfire Wave," Noboru said, sending a wave of his hellfire that burned the skin of Shin Chikara.

"You will not defeat me," Shin growled as he used his power.

"Oh no, you Don't," Noboru said, rushing and kicking him in the gut, making him spew up blood. Yami and Niju, seeing their brother hurt, rushed in and attacked Noboru.

"Fool," Noboru roared, his body engulfed in a dark and hellish flame. He swung his leg, his aura forming the shape of a large claw. "Hell Fire Claw," he roared, striking the two in the face and chest. They were sent flying, crashing into the ground.

"You insolent brat, I'm the founder of Chakra. Shin, Yami, and even you, Maou, hold him off. I design a secret technique made to get rid of higher dimensionals who have omni energy. Make sure I am not disturbed while I perform it," Niju yelled as the three nodded.

"I'll make sure your head will be mounted on my wall," Noboru growled as he went to fight Maou-sama. Maou-sama dodged and blocked all the attacks that Noboru was throwing.

"It's clear to see why you are a Maou," Noboru said, blocking and dodging Maou's attack.

"I'm glad you understand," Maou said, punching Noboru. Noboru took on the fist and kicked Maou in the face. Only to see a Phoenix made of fire hit Noboru, sending him flying back. Noboru looked up to see Shin. Yami then appeared in front of Noboru, punching him a million times in a nanosecond and kicking him flying. Maou then aimed his hand at the flying Noboru. "Darkness Wave," Maou said, firing a wave of darkness and hitting Noboru.

"This is it," Maou thought, but then the darkness wave was cut in half. The smoke cleared, revealing an unharmed Noboru.

"That was pathetic," Noboru said only to feel he couldn't move his legs and arms. He slowly turned his head to see Niju. "What are you doing?" Noboru said, barely. His mouth was heavily restrained.

"Dark Chakra Art: Dimensium Force Full Reincarnation," Niju said as Noboru screamed, and his body disappeared. Niju fell to the ground as Shin and Yami came up to him.

"What was that?" Shin asked.

"A technique I developed. It will force him to complete the stories equivalent to the latent potential he has. So, in Noboru's case, he will only be able to escape being reincarnated until he becomes the same level as Ayame beyond everything, and he can't escape where he's been sent or come back here because if he does, he will keep on being reincarnated," Niju explained.

"I see. So he won't ever escape there; nowhere he can become a being in the Demon Goddess's realm," Shin said.

"Now let's kill this Maou and take the land of the Dragon kingdom," Yami said.

"Let's," Niju said, turning to face Maou-sama, who was still there.

"You think a trick like that will work on me? I am a Maou; you weaklings aren't strong enough," Maou-sama said as the three were shocked, and Maou-sama rushed at the three.


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