The God Of Power

Chapter 11 - 11

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Noboru and Shin stared at each other before Shin let out an arrogant smirk and turned off his Gensōgan. "Using such power against a child will be a waste, no matter how powerful you are. Using the Gensōgan against some like you is unfair," Shin said condescendingly, making Noboru mad.

"Are you mocking me Shin? I am not just any child," Noboru said as the red and black-colored omni-energy flared, glowing brighter and brighter reflecting his anger of being mocked.

"Mocking you? Of course, I am, child. You may have a special power, but I... I too am at the same level as you. No, I am even more experienced and powerful than you. So, boy, come at me. I will show you the difference in experience," Shin said in his condescending tone. Noboru charged at him with speeds that would surpass the concepts of time itself, only for Shin to block Noboru's punch with a finger. The shockwave would have wiped out the entire hierarchy of dimensions in existence, but Shin managed to negate the strength of the shockwaves, making it so that only the building and the land of the nearby kingdom were blown away. Showing off his control over Omni Energy.

"It seems like our fears were for nothing. Shin-Sama will defeat the disgrace," Amaya said watching Shin block Noboru's punch with a single finger showing how weak Noboru truly was in their eyes justifying their decision to disown and neglect Noboru.

"Was there ever any doubt? We know only Meiyo and Kouki have the potential to surpass Lord Shin. It seems that even he sees Noboru for what he is, a nuisance," Hiroshi said mockingly.

"Hahaha, it seems our failure of a brother will be killed, sister. That's what he gets for that show at our party," said Kouki to his sister Meiyo.

"I know, Kouki. I can see it, but I have to say it feels good to see the disgrace put in his place. I can't believe he destroyed Takeshi Tanaka, the leader of Cronus. I feel sorry for Hakashi-Kun," Meiyo said.

Noboru was angry. He had never felt so humiliated before, to have his punch blocked by a single finger. No wonder Grandpa feared the kingdom founder. Thinking about his grandpa and that he is dead made Noboru mad. He rushed at Shin, pretending to punch before teleporting behind him and punching. It connected, but nothing happened. Noboru was shocked; he had withstood his punch.

"It's like I told you, child. The power you possess is vast, even more powerful than both Takeshi, my grandson and the rest of the family line as well anyone from the kingdom, but compared to my brothers and me, you are woefully underpowered and inexperienced," Shin said, and with a single punch, he sent Noboru flying back.

Noboru could feel his body, his bones tingling from that single punch. Noboru knew from that single punch that he had all his bones broken. Noboru struggled to steady himself; that punch was like getting hit by an unstoppable force.

"A single punch is all it takes to put you in such a condition. You see, this is why you and everyone in this kingdom are children to me. All your powers don't compare to me and the people from the blessed age," he said, coming towards Noboru, who backed up and flew up.

"Let's see how you take this Shin," Noboru said, putting his hand down and began to charge an energy blast with enough power to destroy realms that transcended concepts where space, time, and all known concepts were nothing. "GOD FLASH!" Noboru yelled, letting out a full-power energy blast at Shin, who just walked through it as if it was nothing. Shin simply waved his hand, and the blast was turned to nothing.

"To be able to transcend the concepts of space, time, and literally everything at such a young age. You are amazing, my Great Great Grandson. However, your treachery against the kingdom cannot go unpunished," Shin said, as he, with pure speed alone, instantly appeared in front of Noboru, punching him in the face, making him fall over backward.

"You should have accepted your role in the prophecy," Shin said, kicking him in the stomach, making Noboru scream out and blood gush out of his mouth.

"You shouldn't have used that relic, even if my grandson gave it to you," Shin said, stomping on Noboru's head.

"But, most importantly, you shouldn't have raised a hand against me," Shin said as he fire formed in front of him and took the form of a phoenix.

"Get rid of the trash, Shin-Sama," Amaya said.

"Grandfather Shin-Sama, please end our mistake," Hiroshi said. To his left, both Meiyo, Kouki, and their friends cheered.

Noboru closed his eyes. "Is this how I am going to go? Well then, grandpa, I guess... I guess I will be joining you now." Noboru thought as the phoenix flame came towards him. "At least I avenged you, Grandpa. I killed Takeshi. I am sorry you wasted your life and happiness for me. I hope you're happy with Grandma Aiko in the afterlife," Noboru said, remembering his dead grandpa and the dead grandma his grandfather used to tell him about.

The fire phoenix got closer and closer before cracks appeared in the sky and in dimensions above, from a place that infinitely transcended realms that transcended dimensionality, red and black omni-energy leaked through the crack and descended in front of Noboru. The energy died down to reveal a red-haired girl with demon wings.

"YOU!" Shin shouted in fear.

"Now, now, Shinny shin-shin, Noboru-Kun is mine, and I don't like losing what's mine after all. I waited so long for him to return," the woman said, as with a single look at the blast she dispelled it. Shin then fell to the ground. Shin felt a punch in his gut before she even punched him; she was so fast he felt her punch land before she even tried to punch him. Shin fell to the ground, blood coming out of his mouth.

She then looked at everyone in the kingdom who started screaming and running.

"The beast summoned the demon."

"Run, the beast's lover, whatever is gonna kill us."

"She beat Shin-Sama."

That's what the civilians were saying as they ran around like headless, shocked. The woman smirked as she turned towards the clan heads and Chikara family, the royals and nobles of this kingdom.

"Wh-who are you?" Amaya stuttered out.

"Who I am is none of your business. What I will do to you because of how you treated Noboru-Kun is what you should be concerned about, you lowly mortal," she answered.

"How dare you speak to my wife like that! Do you know who I am? I am Hiroshi, the king of the strongest nation in all of the dimensions, no existence, father to the child of destiny," Hiroshi yelled.

"Hmph, he's not wrong about being the father of the destiny child, but it's not those two brats he trained. It's my Noboru," she thought. "The strongest nation in every dimension. Of course, a mortal will think so low as to think dimensions are the limits. But don't worry, you stupid lower lifeform, about that. What I want to know is, how dare you treat my Noboru as a scapegoat," she said, her aura flaring up. As she put her hand up, "Raining hellfire," she said, and with that, beams of red-hot fire rained down upon the kingdom, burning civilians and magic knights alike.

"Stop it, first that disgrace Noboru, and then Takashi, and the Hiroshi, and then Grandpa Shin, and now you. I have had enough of you all acting like you're stronger than me," Kouki yelled as he was surrounded by an aura that looked like lava.

"He's done it! Kouki has accessed the power of the 12th dimension's Lava Dire Wolf within him," Hiroshi said, proud.

"That's my boy! Make mama proud and take that demon whore down," Amaya yelled as Kouki rushed at the demon woman and gave thousands upon thousands of hits, which the woman just stood there taking, and it didn't even rip or burn her clothes.

"Lava Bomb!" Kouki yelled as he put his hands over his head and formed a giant bomb made of lava and threw it at the woman, with Noboru in range. The woman just blew some air, and it went flying back at Kouki and exploded. When the dust cleared, it showed Kouki with his clothes blown off and his body burnt.

"Damn you, demon," he yelled as he fell to the ground, defeated.

"Anyone else want to try something stupid?" The woman asked as everyone just grabbed Kouki and ran. The woman couldn't care less; this kingdom was Noboru's to exact revenge, and she wouldn't take that away from him. She walked up to the beaten and battered body of Noboru. She put her hand on him, and he healed instantly without any incantation, hand seals, or energy charge-up. She picked up the sleeping boy and teleported away into a forest as she held out her hand in a clearing in the forest with a lake nearby and a small wooden house formed. She then made his grandfather's stuff appear.

"Even restoring stuff erased from concepts isn't above me, and it shouldn't be above you, but it seems that you can't do what you could yet, My Noboru. In time, you will learn your true power. I have restored your grandpa's concept, but it will be up to you to learn how to bring him back," she said as she kissed him.

"Goodbye for now, Noboru-kun. Soon you will learn who you truly are," she said. As she disappeared, teleporting back to her place she came from.


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