The God Of Power

Chapter 10 - 10

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Noboru stood there, shaking. He had just returned from training using the Relic Of Freedom to see his grandpa, Haruki, near death with Takeshi Tanaka in front of him. "Spear of Erasure," Takashi formed a spear of vital energy and brought it down.

"No, Grandpa!" Noboru yelled as the spear stopped.

"Noboru! It seems you have returned. You hurt my wife. You hurt my pride, and now your Grandfather commits treason against the kingdom. Now he will die," Takeshi said.

"Noboru, no matter what you do, what path you choose, know this: I will love you always," Haruki said as Takeshi brought down his spear made of vital energy. Noboru ran to stop it, only to be too late as he saw the spear go through his grandfather, destroying him completely.

"With that, Beast-Loving Filth is dead. Erased. My spear of erasure technique erases everything about the being it touches—his body, mind, soul, and even the very concept of him—erased, vanished like it was never there. That even means the inheritance he left for you is gone, erased just like the insect he was. But it seems somehow you remember him. The very idea of his existence should be gone. Interesting, just like Shin-sama..." Takeshi was cut off.

"Grandpa," Noboru said quietly, his eyes wide in disbelief.

"Grandpa, where are you?" Noboru yelled, catching the attention of everyone as they came rushing to the scene.

"Oh look, the monster thinks he has a grandpa."

"As if anyone could love filth like him."

"He's gone insane."

The citizens muttered as Takeshi laughed and cast a spell that put a soundproof barrier around them, one that could contain even the beasts that attacked long ago.

"Look at them, Noboru. They think you have gone insane. Which you haven't, but nobody remembers your grandpa existed," Takeshi yelled insanely with a vile smile on his face.

"Grandpa, this isn't funny. Please come home. I need you. You're the only one I have," Noboru said, falling to the floor crying. He looked for his grandpa's body but was unable to find it.

"Looking for dear old Haruki's body?" Takeshi said in a sadistic tone as Noboru looked around frantically.

"Grandpa, where are you? You were just there before the evil man stabbed you," Noboru said before he was slapped and sent flying into the barrier. Outside the barrier laughing was heard as Noboru was sent flying into the barrier and started bleeding from his head due to the force.

"Can't you hear me, you filthy beast? He's dead. I killed him in front of you for treason," said Takeshi in a sinister tone. "And now you're next." Takeshi started to beat on Noboru, punching and kicking him. Noboru was on the ground bleeding everywhere.

"Where's my grandpa? Please take me to my grandpa," Noboru said, broken, as Takeshi lifted up his face.

"I killed him, Noboru. I killed him," Takeshi said as he cast an illusion and started to make Noboru watch his grandpa die again and again.

"Grandpa, no!" Noboru said as he watched his grandpa be slaughtered by Takeshi on repeat.

"Stop it!" Noboru yelled, his eyes glowing red, and black lighting streaks appeared with a single golden circle outline of his pupil as Noboru broke out of the illusion. Takeshi looked at his face, which turned to one of horror when he saw Noboru's eyes.

"The Gensōgan. I have to stop him quick. I managed to beat Haruki because the poison did not allow him to use it, or it would have accelerated his death. But even a child with that kind of power can defeat the Cronus and most of the Suzuki clan. In fact, the reason they can't beat the Suzuki clan head is said to have access to the Shadow Over Realm, a realm that contains an infinite amount of shadow realms which contains infinite layers with each layer viewing the one below it as fiction. The only reason Shin-sama can beat him is because of Shin-sama's ability to turn all his attacks into illusions and defences too," Takeshi said worriedly as he rushed at Noboru, only for his punch to be an illusion.

"You killed my grandfather, Takeshi, and for that, you will pay," Noboru said as red and black omni-energy erupted from him. The barrier made to contain even 12th dimension beasts cracked as Noboru's omni-energy erupted. His power enveloped the kingdom, destroying it. Everyone choked and was vaporized by the power unleashed.

"Ahhh!" Noboru yelled, rage and pain evident as his power destroyed everything—the infinite ascending hierarchies of dimensions, the infinite realms that contained those, and even the infinite realms that contained those realms. He even destroyed the infinite layers beyond the infinite realms that held infinite realms that held countless infinite hierarchies of dimensions, where each layer saw the one below it as nothing but mere fictions.

Noboru looked at the realms he destroyed as if they were mere fiction. Everything was gone the concepts of Space and Time ceased to exist. But Noboru was not done. He wanted revenge. He wanted to torture Takeshi, to make the man feel powerless like his grandpa did before his death.

Far Away

The red haired demon stared in shock. "He destroyed everything my realm, the 7 gates of hell, Hell itself and everything below it. Interesting Noboru Kun you shouldn't have this power yet but... Perhaps i should pay you a visit" she said.

"I... I can easily bring everything back. I can feel it, like I have instinctual control over everything I can do. But let me try something. After all, Grandpa always said to try out stuff you don't know you can do to know your limits," Noboru said with a sad smile remembering his grandfather. He moved so fast he went back in time with sheer speed alone. He found himself in front of Takeshi. He looked for his grandpa and saw he wasn't there.

"Why isn't grandpa here?" Noboru said as Takeshi laughed.

"Have you gone insane, or did I take your intelligence with your dear old grandpa? I erased him," said Takeshi.

"No, you... It's your fault grandpa is dead," Noboru said, his anger changing from confusion about why his grandpa is not alive, even after going back in time from sheer speed alone, to a red-hot rage as he saw his grandpa's killers mocking.

Noboru let out a yell of rage and rushed at Takeshi, punching him in the gut, making him puke out blood. Noboru could kill him, but Takeshi did not deserve a quick death.

"You filthy beast, you dare touch me!" Takeshi yelled, opening his hands and trying to absorb Noboru's Life Force energy. Within seconds, he was full.

"How do you have so much power, even..." Noboru kicked Takeshi through the barrier cutting him off, and sending him flying through houses.

"Look it's the beast, he's hurting Lord Takeshi," a fat male civilian said pointing.

"Quick, someone get to the king," an ugly woman yelled.

Noboru, who was in a state of rage and hatred, aimed his hand at the civilians, launching a beam that vaporized an entire sector of the kingdom's capital city. Noboru laughed.

"You want a beast, a demon, someone to be the very being that haunts your nightmares. Fine, I accept. I accept my role of terrorizing you. Etch this face into the very core of your hearts, because every time you see it, it will be the source of your nightmares," Noboru said in a dark tone, his voice reverberating throughout the kingdom.

Noboru was then punched in the face as Takeshi let out a yell of rage. Noboru laughed darkly.

"Are you laughing at me, Takeshi, the leader of the Cronus, the one who killed Haruki?" Takeshi mockingly said. Noboru hearing Takeshi mock his grandpa Haruki got mad.

"Are you mocking grandpa?" Noboru yelled. "Do you have a death wish?" Noboru raised his hand and, with it, houses and ground with civilians on or in it rose. Noboru then made a throwing gesture towards Takeshi as the buildings and ground went flying towards Takeshi. Takashi shot a beam before it impacted with him, destroying the buildings and grounds, including the civilians on them.

"It's gonna take more than that, Noboru. Let's see if King Hiroshi and Queen Amaya's fears were warranted," yells Takeshi as he sends several beams of Noboru's stolen lifeforce energy at Noboru, who looks at them and turns them to nothing. Noboru seeing Takeshi gets angrier and angrier.

"Oh look those beams did nothing to you like your grandpa" Takeshi mocks. Noboru loses it he lets out a rage-filled roar as everything around him in 500 miles radius is destroyed

"How dare you mock my grandpa, You will pay!" Noboru yells, his voice deep and reverberating throughout the world. Takeshi smiles insanely and rushes and kicks Noboru, who blocks with his arms in an 'x' motion, creating an impact that blows back houses and mountains. Well, the impacts from Noboru, not from Takeshi, since he was still bound by the concepts of this world. The idea that the world regenerates and protects itself, mixed with humanity's will to survive, creates a force called the anti-damage force, which heals all non-man-made structures from being permanently destroyed.

"Wait a minute, even the destruction caused to natural parts of the world isn't healing. Just like Shin-sama..." Takeshi was knocked out of his thoughts as Noboru kicked him in the jaw, making him puke out blood and sending him flying. They were now at the center of the kingdom, near the clans and royal palace. Noboru landed with his fist to the ground, creating a giant earthquake.

The clans and Noboru's family came running out.

"It's the beast," Takeshi's wife said.

"Honey, Noboru's gone insane. How is he fighting against Takeshi?" Amaya said.

"I don't know. Belize, assemble the Cronus, kill Noboru. We gave him the maid Stella and Rose, and this is how he repays us, trying to outshine our children who are destined to bring forth a new age with the Phoenix Kingdom rules all," Haruki says as he forgets all about his father's existence, since the very idea of him existing was erased.

"No! Let Noboru finish Takeshi," a voice said as Hiroshi, Amaya, Belize, and all the Chikara, as well as the clan heads, kneeled.

"Shin-sama, why?" Amaya stuttered out.

"Because I said so. Is there any other reason I need?" Shin said as Amaya quickly nodded.

"Please, Grand Elder Shin-Sama, could you inform us why?" Hiroshi said.

"Because that man has done a great injustice to our country. He killed your father," said Shin in a hurt tone.

"What... what could you mean, Grand Elder Shin-sama? I have no father, or not one I can remember," said Hiroshi, as well as the others.

"That's because Takeshi erased him. He used the Spear of Erasure technique, an attack that targets the very idea of the victim's existence and memories of his existence too, otherwise known as the concept. Both Noboru and I remember," Shin explained.

"That traitor. I can see why you want to kill him now, but allowing such a holy task to filth like Noboru, rather than Meiyo or Kouki. Why would you approve that?" asked Hiroshi.

"Because I did. Now shut up. Plus, since the kingdom doesn't know Haruki—that's your father's name, for your information—exists, we can use this to banish him so we can calm the people down. Also, because Haruki would want Noboru to avenge him. He was the only one close to him, and while I don't like Noboru, I loved Haruki. He was the first of our family to be somewhat praise worthy, so I will allow his final wish to be fulfilled. After that, I will deal with Noboru myself," Shin said, as Hiroshi nodded, smiling at the chance to see Noboru, the waste of space, be killed.

"ARGH! I will kill you!" Noboru yelled as he punched Takeshi with six punches, switching hands with each one. The force of the punch going towards the six noble compounds destroyed them.

"Damn that beast, Lord Shin, It's destroying the noble districts" Hiroshi says as Shin glared at making Hiroshi drop the subject.

Noboru grabbed Takeshi and flew into the air and threw him. Takeshi gained stability and the two clashed fists, with Noboru easily overpowering him and kicking him in the groin. Noboru punched Takeshi towards the ground sending him crashing towards the ground.

"Now you die. Along with this piece of filth, you call a kingdom," Noboru yelled as he aimed a hand at the falling Takeshi. "GodSpark," Noboru yelled as a giant beam of electricity erupted from his hand. Each spark of electricity in the god flash contained enough energy to destroy an infinite hierarchy of dimensions. The attack enveloped Takeshi, who tried everything to break out, only for it to be unfruitful.

"Damn you, beast. I will be avenged," Takeshi said as Noboru gave a cold smile, seeing Takeshi be destroyed. He looked towards the beam as he made his way to the kingdom. He felt the fear people of the kingdom possessed.

"Finally, Grandpa. The people who hated us will die, I have avenged you," said Noboru just as the attack was about to make contact with the kingdom. It turned into an illusion and vanished. Noboru looked to see an old man with long gray hair and a beard coming out.

"Noboru Chikara, for killing Takeshi, I was going to banish you, but for trying to destroy the kingdom, that act can't go unpunished. I have decided you die today," the man said.

"And who are you?" Noboru asked, glaring at the man who took away his and his grandpa's revenge.

"I am Shin Chikara, your clan head, and the founder of this kingdom," Shin said, his red eyes with three golden rings in them revealed. He possessed a fully evolved Gensōgan.


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